This is just rediculous

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Timon Nanda, ai****eru Your own personal jesus zegt:
who're you
The meaning in makeup zegt:
Nobody, I was wondering, if you would be willing to trade me for a mountandblade serial?
The meaning in makeup zegt:
I have cdkeys
The meaning in makeup zegt:
if not, sorry
Timon Nanda, ai****eru Your own personal jesus zegt:
Unless you haven't noticed, I'm one of the leaders of a major mod, I've got a serial too
Timon Nanda, ai****eru Your own personal jesus zegt:
Making mods for demos is rather unconventional
The meaning in makeup zegt:
Timon Nanda, ai****eru Your own personal jesus zegt:
What's the point of this converstation
The meaning in makeup zegt:
the point is; me getting a serial from you, in exchange for something of mine, hopefully, if not, that's okay
Timon Nanda, ai****eru Your own personal jesus zegt:
Get a debit card if you can't have a credit card yet
Timon Nanda, ai****eru Your own personal jesus zegt:
Begging on msn is in my oppionion rather rude
The meaning in makeup zegt:
begging, no.
The meaning in makeup zegt:
willing to trade, yes
The meaning in makeup zegt:

The meaning in makeup zegt:
I see your point
Timon Nanda, ai****eru Your own personal jesus zegt:
It's begging since you aren't willing to try out other options, and this whole situation make clear to me your lack of maturity
The meaning in makeup zegt:
Timon Nanda, ai****eru Your own personal jesus zegt:
You could've send me an email, or anyone else for that mather
The meaning in makeup zegt:
see, getting a serial myself is rather difficult, so, alas, I must trade for one, being that is my only option.
Timon Nanda, ai****eru Your own personal jesus zegt:
I'm 17 and I got a serial, so whether you're 17 too or younger, you can get one too, not too hard
Timon Nanda, ai****eru Your own personal jesus zegt:
good luck on your tremendous journey
The meaning in makeup zegt:
haha, thanks
The meaning in makeup zegt:
but, asking for one via email is different than talking to you straightforward on msn?
Timon Nanda, ai****eru Your own personal jesus zegt:
It actually magnifies the fact that you aren't willing to solve your problem getting a serial on your own
Timon Nanda, ai****eru Your own personal jesus zegt:
rather adding totally untrustable people to your msn list asking to give you a serial by doing something
Timon Nanda, ai****eru Your own personal jesus zegt:
things don't work that way
Timon Nanda, ai****eru Your own personal jesus zegt:
what's your nick on the forums?
The meaning in makeup zegt:
The meaning in makeup zegt:
I don't have one
Timon Nanda, ai****eru Your own personal jesus zegt:
You don't, really
The meaning in makeup zegt:
really, I don't
The meaning in makeup zegt:
oh well, thanks for your time, I see your point, but, honestly, I don't see how I can get one besides, the obvious.

As you can read, the person begs for a serial, clearly not asking for anything in return. Rather strange don't you think? (And rude, for that mather)
Rip his guts out and paint your walls with his blood I say. :smile:

On another note, if people really are that deperate to get a copy of a game, there's only one thing they can do: lower the dosis a little. :razz:
ITS SARCASM!!! what points do i get?? :grin::grin::grin::grin: but seriously.... thats very low :???: iv never been asked for one and lol just incase any n00bs read this im not gonna give out one heh :lol:
This whole matter is so much interesting. Thanks for sharing it with us, now I feel... more attuned to my Karma.
tbh i dont understand these people who say they cant buy it and there excuse is they are teenagers.... *NEWSFLASH* im only 15!! and i got the game.... go to your local bank and apply for a debit card.... it seriously is THAT easy.... and paypal is no excuse either, its as simple as ABC!!! thats my rant and rave over.... now lets party with my avatar :cool:
If you get really desperate, try e-mailing Armagan and see if he can accept an international money order. You can get them from post offices (I think) :smile:
Point is, asking people on msn for serials while doing "something in return" is imho just way too rude and childish >.>
it would be ok if they could specify that something. and that something is actually worth $12 . (though that kind of service exchange is easier with people who live close to you since they can actually come over and clean your house etc :grin:)
Lol ^

What if he lives in the Sahara desert or something on a laptop? with no banks and stuff around :razz:

Ok i admit that's a tad unlikely , but really i don't think its that bad having someone ask you for a cd key , you can simply say no and block them , no need to post it on the forum when we know it happens.

I had someone do the same thing , but i think they were just to lazy to buy it since they didn't make any worthy excuses.
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