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Sergeant Knight at Arms
If you have any honor or dignity, do not post in threads of trolls. Let the damn threads die. You are only doing the troll a favor by noticing and responding to their posts.

[ copy + pasted from a locked post ]
is it possible for admins to just delete several of the really uber-useless topics on this forum? it would make searching for something so much more easier.
The problem with that, Pzler ... is who decides what is garbage and who doesn't? The people that created the threads felt it was worthwhile (at least at the time) .... to delete threads that are useless would require hours of sifting and deciding on what is worth keeping and what isn't. I'd also like to add that as long as the spam threads are still allowed ... deleting smaller threads that are useless would just lower the post-count of more meaningful members.

I would love to remove a few threads from the forum where there is no point what-so-ever. :twisted:

Um... Who cares about post count anyways? I personally don't care if one's postcount if 1, 1000 or 1 000 000 as long as he/she writes understandable and not totally useless posts. (≠me)

Nor do I care about my post count, my only purpose of existance is to fill the boards with crap.

Yeah you don't. But since you have mere <1000 posts your words don't count. :grin:
No, just kidding. Post count is indeed an useless addon.
But you must not delete ALL the "useless" threads, for they have a great purpose: They are places where spammers can unleash their spamming urge (and thus won't spam in any useful threads).
Instag0 said:
If you have any honor or dignity, do not post in threads of trolls. Let the damn threads die. You are only doing the troll a favor by noticing and responding to their posts.

[ copy + pasted from a locked post ]

I say we make it an official rule. The first person to see a thread like that, states that it is utter crap, and that no one is to post in it.

Wait, no, that doesn't work.

Yeah it's best to ignore them, just like bullies, just ignore them, eventualy they will (unless they are impossiable stupid idiots) realize they are thwoing themselves against an uncaring granite cliff. Thoguh they will see you as a wimp eho they will occaisonaly remember and make lame comments about when drunk/stoned who got boring.

I speak from first hand experiance.
There is really no full-proof way of stopping useless threads , its simply a problem with forums which has no ready solution , though i think i agree with the first person who sees a useless topic should say so and no one else posts in it.

I have to admit some people just amaze me with idiocy at times (most of the locked threads) where i probably would of replied with something vicious (i cant help it) , but i think people should just get IP banned or something so they cant make a new email adress and register again.

There have been a few spammers recently who are probably all banned by now , which has been anoying , though i dont actually care really.

I think some people do need a little more tolerance of spammers , don't go berserko on them since its useless , and they are generally dim witted idiots who don't know how to speak there own language.
WipperSnipper said:
but i think people should just get IP banned or something so they cant make a new email adress and register again.

There has only been one incident (that I'm aware of) ... of someone getting banned and re-creating an account to cause problems again.

Thanks to great teamwork (this is an inside joke btw, :wink: ) ... that problem was solved.

I don't think an outright i.p. ban for spammers is needed. Ban their account and if they create a new one (but are minding their manners) ... no need to even let anyone know who they are. If they get out of hand again though ... thats when the i.p. is needed, in my opinion.

Another thing, sometimes people do not go on forums very much or ever, and make a couple of bad msitakes, tohugh we have decreased our flaming.
As long as this forum's clean of jackasses, insults and trolling, I'm happy with having seemingly semi-pointless posts.

That's about all I've got to say.
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