Resolved This arena is so entertaining...

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No, I didn't use any mods.
Summary: This arena is a waiting game
How to Reproduce: Stand still at the short side, so no opponents spawn there. Then kill of any that try to come at you.
Have you used cheats and if so which: No
Scene Name: Arena

This particular arena is not entertaining.
I just always wait a while at the short side. Until i can cash in 250 gold.

If somehow it didn't work, i just restart and try again. 2 out of 4 this works.
So in 15 minutes i have over 1000 gold.

1. Why is the gold a fixed amount?
2. Why is the spawn place always the same?
3. Why for player vs ai arena battles is the arena soooo big? I understand it with horses, but on foot it brings a lot of problems.

1. Every AI killed is 5 gold. After 5 kills it becomes 10 gold. After 10 kills it becomes 20 gold. Last one is 100 gold.
2. Randomize the spawning point. Preferably also change the layout of the arenas per city. Maybe for skirmish put up some scaffolds. Make it interesting.
3. Maybe cut of the long parts for skirmish. (or on foot battles)
I understand that. But the arena is terribly flawed. Maybe it is not a bug, but this arena is dull as hell, in general. Kind regards,
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