Things you Want to See in Pendor Version Three!

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Note: This topic is not in any way a guarantee that we will, at any time in the near or distant future, make a third version of PoP....

However, if we do, and if there's something you really want to see added, this is the topic to put it in.

Let me be very specific.
-Don't go to the Bug Report thread and say, "You should add in this thing from this other mod I played." Do that here instead.
-Don't go to the Al-Aziz Mines thread and say, "Why don't you have more blunt weapons with 50 damage, like a greataxe only for taking prisoners?" Do that here instead.

Examples may be added as necessity arises.

Posting here is not a guarantee that your idea will be included, or even considered. But it is a guarantee that you won't have Developers getting ornery at you for posting unhelpful ideas in places they aren't needed.

And who knows? Your idea may actually make it on the list of considerations.

SCGavin said:
I suggest that every new suggestion or idea posted here is titled with a descriptive, bold and short description. That way we can see, if it has already been suggested or not and skim the parts that already have been suggested while reading the new parts. (If we saw something like "Companions as vassals", we would know that we most likely don't have to read it).
Cool.  Speaking of blunt weapons, though. I was considering using blunt weapons, but with less reach and damage than some swords I thought maybe not a good idea for my companions on horseback. 

So, a longer 2h warhammer would be on my wish list.  Maybe if you "silver" a hammer it'll magically do more damage...  :razz:

Bad_dog said:
Cool.  Speaking of blunt weapons, though. I was considering using blunt weapons, but with less reach and damage than some swords I thought maybe not a good idea for my companions on horseback. 

So, a longer 2h warhammer would be on my wish list.  Maybe if you "silver" a hammer it'll magically do more damage...  :razz:


(psst! Try the Polehammer! Yes, it requires 14 strength... it's a whopping big [110+ reach] hammer!)
Good Topic Idea.

As much as I love the mod, and greatly appreciate the hard work you all put into it (I've played about 50 hours in the past 5 days). There needs to be a streamlining of the stewardships for next version.

Here's what I'm thinking:

1) Get rid of the stewards, unless of course you need one in a village to skill check for building types available. Would be easier to check you and your companions for prerequisites.

2) Having buildings get damaged when a village is looted is great. But there needs to be auto repair. The current system repairs 10% at a time, and takes the same amount of gold and time each step. If I  was a villager I wouldn't wait around for some Lord to tell me to fix my house or my workplace.

3) Allow use of your Lords' Stewards, or even better, add an additional Stewards that you can interact with for Knighthood orders.

Thank you again for your work guys!

- Companion garrisonning
- In-castle training (with proper facilities AND companions)
- Possibly more interaction with the Mystmountains and the Snake Cult. Those two SHOULD try to take cities. Having the Jatu and the Noldor do this wouldn't make sense, though.
- Give the Vanskerries the same status than Jatu, Mystmountain...
- Lords equipped with special items. Lootable.
Maeglin Dubh said:
Bad_dog said:
Cool.  Speaking of blunt weapons, though. I was considering using blunt weapons, but with less reach and damage than some swords I thought maybe not a good idea for my companions on horseback. 

So, a longer 2h warhammer would be on my wish list.  Maybe if you "silver" a hammer it'll magically do more damage...  :razz:


(psst! Try the Polehammer! Yes, it requires 14 strength... it's a whopping big [110+ reach] hammer!)

I must have overlooked that one, but I think that if it's what I'm thinking it is, companions will use it like a lance and not swing it.  I'll keep an eye out for it just in case I'm mistaken.
For 3.0?  For starters I would like to see a few of the textures redone.  There are a handful out there that don't look up to the standard of the rest.  I don't mind it much, but as long as we're wishing...

Also, how about some new ways to earn rep with people?  Most of the current ways are pretty repetitive.
Some of the voice acting could be better, as well as the quality of the audio. I can barely listen to that chick who gave voice to the NPC's, and sometimes barely understand the other guy, again, more in the way of quality than the acting per se, although I recall listening to the Red Brotherhood dialog when he says a long speech about:

"It is my destiny to bla bla bla. It is your destiny to end up in shackles bla bla".

This is a thief, he's ready to kill you and take all your belongings and he's talking like an innocent poet. More strength in your voice man.
- An expensive book class item that gave +1 to inventory management (a cart? saddlebags?) as long as it was in inventory like the training, surgery, and wound treatment books do.  You'd only net out 5 new slots instead of 6, so it'd still be worth a skill point.  Doable, I think, just swap out 1 of the three sets of practice arrows or the arena weapons
- Crowns and/or crowned helms given during the sovereignty ceremony that give +1 to leadership and tactics.  Dunno if one item can give 2 skill boni
- Inventory management as a party skill, not an individual skill, so hiring a quartermaster isn't about just their fighting skills.  As long as we're wishing :smile:
- NickAltman's siege pack for multiple entry points into each castle/town during fights.  Should be compatible, hasn't blown up on me so far after many attempts at two castles
- Minor factions that take and hold centers (or just raid them if that's more their style)
- AI given the same chance as player to recruit lords away from one faction into another.  Especially for the religious minors.
- A chance to strip your captive lords of their gear without it rendering them permanently naked.  Failing that, strip uniques before killing them or sending them into retirement.  Last part is doable in dialog only, first part needs a new is_naked? script
My wish list, off the top of my head:

- I wouldn't make minor factions siege castles, that would suck and NPC-led sieges are a cluster****. But I would like to see more options than just stamping them out. I mean suppose you want an evil empire, and want to conspire with the Snake Cult for their military support in exchange for providing them a few human sacrifices. Or sell Noldor slaves to the Jatu, or vice-versa. Or spread the good Heratical word at the end of your sword. So each faction needs a base, where you can go to strike a deal and buy faction-specific gear.

- Stat-giving items like Pode suggested with the crown. Both clothes and inventory items. Would encourage more tactical and case-specific dressing up than merely wearing the best armor you can find.

- Similarly, the chance to make weapons and armor, to introduce a way to get cool unique stuff beyond just buying and looting. Suppose you want some spiffy helmet with a magical Qualis cabbage laid into it - bring the ingredients to a master craftsman and there you go!
I really want to see a quest overhall in PoP 3, Ideally I would like to see each companion having a unique quest, and I'm really bored of only having three quests to choose from to raise rep with villages, more interesting and unique quests would be awesome.
Full customizable map. look at how sword of domiciles are capable to redirect there lords to do certain things in an map icon, fire arrow is also very revolutionary in this regard.
There was this mod can't remember it's name but it is capable of redirecting it's forces just by aiming your mouse somewhere. That makes combat far better then it is now. That way you don first have to run on horse somewhere and tell like archer stay here. just aim your mouse to the hill and the archers will automatically goes there.
I would prefer the Al-Aziz mines to be a dungeon rather than a quest zone, where after beating many monsters I get a random runed weapon in a chest. The quest is repeatable under the pretense that whenever I pay the quest-giver another Qualis gem, he tells me about a supposed similar but other tunnel in the mine (which is the same dungeon outfitted with new enemies and a new chest).

I would like a "gauntlet" mode in the arena, where I fight foes of increasing strenght on foot. The further I get, the bigger the reward. If I manage to beat some seemingly unbeatable foes in the gauntlet, I may receive items of greater value.

I would love to 'earn' my party hero companions (named NPC's) rather then finding them in the tavern. Quests of increasing difficulty could reward the player a new companion.

I would like to be able to go all 'dark sidish' by recruiting one of the four hostile factions (demon, serpent, Jatu, Mystmountain). To do this the player would have to defeat the other three factions and reach a friendly status with the remaining faction. They would then be able to raise an order which can train these NPC's.

I would absolutely love a Noldor questline, which would be doable once you get friendly with the Noldor. Completing this quest would then be a "MUST DO" objective to complete the game, instead of just having to be friendly with the Noldor.
See, I like that there are victory conditions, but it would be even cooler if there were two ways things could go - good and evil. Either make peace with the Noldor, or wipe them out sort of thing.
Sara said:
I would like to be able to go all 'dark sidish' by recruiting one of the four hostile factions (demon, serpent, Jatu, Mystmountain). To do this the player would have to defeat the other three factions and reach a friendly status with the remaining faction. They would then be able to raise an order which can train these NPC's.

How about in order to increase your relations with one of these 4 hostile factions you can build a shrine -essentially an order- in one of your castles?  Building a shrine would decrease your relations with everyone else (and possibly morale and your knight companions' opinions).

dzorro said:
Full customizable map. look at how sword of domiciles are capable to redirect there lords to do certain things in an map icon, fire arrow is also very revolutionary in this regard.
There was this mod can't remember it's name but it is capable of redirecting it's forces just by aiming your mouse somewhere. That makes combat far better then it is now. That way you don first have to run on horse somewhere and tell like archer stay here. just aim your mouse to the hill and the archers will automatically goes there.
Press backspace and choose troop type and click where you want them to go.(it's in native too)
I believe he means the tactical map of the world map. It was created by the Reign of the sword (that's looking interesting) guys and also features in Sword of damocles.

While I'm here I'll repost from my suggestions thread. Some of it's been declined already, but I'll keep it in context. I was also sleep deprived when I posted it, so forgive me for being a little waffly.

I've been playing for a couple of days now and I have some suggestions to make, mostly to do with kingdom management but a couple of other things too.

Firstly, great work here. This is one of the great mods out there, both in scope and more importantly in flavour. I don't think there is a more fleshed out world in any other M&B mod. I didn't get much time to contribute during beta testing (which I'm hoping to make up for now I finally have a few days off), but I did get to see it all come together and the amount of work and thought that went in to it is just phenomenal.

That said, there's always room for improvement in anything, so on with the suggestions.

Kingdom management still needs work, although it's mostly the already reported bugfixes.

1. On the "assign castle etc." page would it be possible to add who owns the fief on the list, like (Marleon's - Lord Montewar)? Also to have it link back to the list rather than the great hall? Also, the ability to assign a fief from its management page would fit nicely with one of my later suggestions.

2. Getting lords is tough. Very tough. Could this be toned down a bit or (and this is my preference),

3. Titling of companions. In PoP I've developed a real attachment to some of my buddies and would like nothing more than to give Leslie Sarleon and have her run the kingdom's treasury, or give Sara the Fox that chance to outshine me that she keeps banging on about. It'd particularly suit the knightly types, giving them a chance to reestablish their orders.

This would aid the player in a few ways, and still leave enough room for limitation to avoid it nerfing the game too much.

Firstly it would give the player a lord or two early on in kingdom development. It'd also give you something to do with those quarreling companions (a nice touch there would be them refusing to aid each other on the world map if they have a poor relation to each other), and free up one of those pesky 31 slots, which given the diversity of troops in PoP is not to be sneezed at.

To limit them, you have them require certain cities (an ancestral knighthood seat, designated capital, close to their homeland etc.) or buildings (Market/treasury or other financial building for Leslie, training ground for Donovan, knighthood orders etc.) which gives you yet another incentive to plan your builds and conquests and goes one step further towards making Pendor the living, breathing land it's destined to be.

My favourite part of this idea is the whole immersive part of it. Sure I'm riding to battle with Lord Montewar, but who is he, really? Is he an *******? Is he nice to small, furry animals? Was he making it up about Lady Eloise being a slapper or am I in with a chance? I don't know. And because I don't know, I don't really care about helping him out against which ever pileup of Fierdsvein caught him this time.

But riding to save Kaverra from certain sacrifice at the hands of the three seers or relieving Sir Rayne before the besieging might of Ravenstern extinguishes the Order of the Falcon forever?
That, my friends, that I can fight for.

Crap, now I forgot what was next.

Oh yeah,
4. Improved lord dialogue so poor Lord Montewar gets to explain why Lady Eloise just slapped me, and so he doesn't get more prison love off the Fierdsvein. Just flavour really, something that would be nice, but is by no means essential. Actually, it could be a handy way to get better relations with lords. Find their jokes about squirrels and goose fat in poor taste? Tell them so. It'd also add some depth to the almost pointless castle Ladies. A few more companion interactions would be nice too.

5. More uses for buildings. A the moment, I'm not even sure what purpose most of them serve. I know they improve the economy, but from what I can figure, that's it.

I was thinking along the lines of having training grounds in castles allow you to recruit troops from the steward there, like in taverns in old M&B and occasionally adding a couple to your garrison from time to time (self interest there, it's been murder trying to keep up a stock of pendor recruits). Or maybe having craftsmen give the enigmatic increase in tradeable goods to goods markets as well as just a boost to the economy, or ports in seaside towns adding more opportunity to hire Barclay or Singalian mercenaries.

If we add the ability to choose a capital, add capital only buildings like a treasury (collects all taxes from your fiefs) or a chancellery (management of all fiefs). There's pretty much no end to what you can do with this.

Ok, non kingdom stuff. Not so much of this...yet.

1. Quests. The native quests, though much improved from dayes of yore ("No. Get your own damn 30 pitchforks.") are still somewhat lacking, and in some cases ("No. Post your own damn letters.") just irritating.

They could use some work, from "Who will rid me of these turbulent renegade knights?! 10 parties please." to rescuing Leslie's old business partner from a Jatu camp, to just getting rid of that damn letter quest, any improvement here will do.

Anyone who played the old Calradia at War will know what I mean. Fairly simply implemented (usually just "go kill these guys") but they did add quite a lot to gameplay for me. Or even Storymod style, though I hear that wasn't quite so simple to implement.

Umm, that's pretty much it so far, I'll probably sneak some more in with an edit when nobody's looking.

In closing, Prophesy of Pendor has got the one thing right that most mods don't; the setting is truly magnificent and that alone gives it the potential to be the best M&B mod of all time. Mod system limitations and human frailty not withstanding (you can only whip SD so much before he starts crying or gets over excited), the sky is pretty much the limit.

2. Airships.....
Please keep in mind that all of this is pie-in-the-sky stuff here.  SD will NOT have the kind of time going forward that he has already spent putting out 2.xx.

However, there are some really FUN suggestions here.  Some are easy, some only sound easy but would be a cast-iron bi7c4 to code.  Some are so far out they don't have a chance.  But they're still fun ideas. :smile:

Someday we'll be done bug hunting and actually have some attention to give to new content. 




EDIT:  I want an airship.
I can see it now... new battle maps with higher skyboxes and more terrain for a further horizon... graphics cards going ape**** as they try and process ragdoll animations for troops falling from 2000 feet up....

Suddenly I have "Its Raining Men" going through my mind....


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