Things I have noticed...

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Knowing that this game is an ongoing quest to become better and reading all of the interesting things that people post as suggestions and bugs etc, I have been paying close attention to the game here and have noticed a few things on my version 0.632 and I wonder what everyone else sees and thinks too. So here is a small list of things that have caught my attention:

1. Is it just me or does the spirited charger never go lame or die.
2. I can understand why we can't eat the salt, but we can eat the grain and not the flour. It can be made into a pancake type thing just by adding water. Not that flavorfull, but edible.
3. Does it seem like it is faster to jump than walk?
4. If you take your sword out and talk to someone, you can make it look like the sword is going through his stomach.
5. If you buy a dress, it will give you boobs, even if you have a beard.
6. I really like this game just because it has that realistic mid-evil touch to it, Good Going Guys.

Well, I can't think of anymore, or have not yet noticed other stuff, but I find this stuff more interesting than not. For when damsels are in distress, the kings are fat.
1. I wouldn't know. I've never actually ridden a spirited charger at any point in the game. Although it seems to happen to other people. It's just luck of the draw, really.

2. I agree that things like flour, wine and ale should be edible. It's been suggested many times before, though.

3. I don't think this game allows bunnyhopping. If there is any speed increase, i haven't noticed it.

4. stuff noclips though everything in this game. It's a difficult and widespread problem to fix, so we'll just have to live with it.

5. Already known about, but it hasn't been pointed out nearly as often as you'd think.

6. no.
1) Chargers very seldom get lamed because they need to lose all of their HP for that to happen, and since this horse has such a high armor stat, it rarely occurs. And horses can only die if they have already been lamed. It is possible for them to get lamed though (try riding your horse off a cliff a few times) That said, since the Spirited Charger is probably the rarest and most valuable horse in the game, that mighn't be such a good idea. I got one cut out from under my character once, and it took me 3 weeks of game time to find another.

2) Stuff like Salt, Ale and Wine may be edible, but they do not provide much in the way of sustenance (Eating copious quantities of salt and nothing else for a week is probably not a good idea) Good idea about Grain, though.

6) I heartily agree. :smile:

You will die when you eat to much salt, ~30-40grams per day are already dangerous for and adult.

In Germany a lawsuit just started were a woman is supposed to have killed the four year old daughter of her partner with about 30-40grams of salt...
In my opinion feasting on ale or wine should increase morale and combat skills for a while, and decrease them if used excessively.
increase moral, for the night, in the morning bring hell, and whenever it would slow the party...all sides to the ale added to the game.
Perhaps if your men not only had to eat, but they had to drink as well. That way sustaining them in ale would make more sense, as well as it giving bonuses. Perhaps if we were also able to set rations. Anyway, i'd like to see feeding your men much more complex than it is now, just as it was realistically in the dark ages.
Ale is for celebration. If you don't have ale, then you arn't a good leader.

But I kid, Ale is a magical liquid. Allowing simple folk and warriors alike to follow under your banner of leadership. My vaegir knights require a constant amounts of Ale, despite the fact that the only thing they do is get themselves killed and act as decoys for archers.
Malleus said:
In my opinion feasting on ale or wine should increase morale and combat skills for a while, and decrease them if used excessively.

Feasting on ale and wine should cause your character to start talking alot, yell out crude and offensive jokes, black out, then wake up at the Four Ways Inn in bed with Marnid and Borcha - the entire night is a blur but you vaguely remember having a good time.

Then the next time you see each other you will eye each other nervously and secretly vow never to bring up that night again - blaming your foolish actions on the alcohol.
mid-evil like a fox: best line ever :lol: .I think u should be able to drink ale and wine before battle just for some fun like the screen should be all wobbly and make it hard to walk straight and when u swing yer weapon your most likely to hit yerself and u would always fall of your horse and when youd go to jump youd most likely fall on a rock or something it would be hilarious :grin: :grin: :grin: [/quote]
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