They should really be hosting the old version as well.

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0.700 has been bug testet plenty, it will take ages to fix that, so no reason to keep 0.700 out there.
Having 0.700 as the official version is not really good for the game.
If i had been just 1 week later on getting in touch with the game i would have gotten 0.700 and would NOT have liked it, cause 0.700 is just horrible.

The old version should be hosted somewhere, recommeded for newcommers to try.

Broken in 0.700:
xp system,
monetary system,
weapon skill increase too slow to reach weapon master cap, IE: no reason to ever raise this skill.
crashes ALOT more,
char movement speed vs npc movement speed, (just a personal observasion), even with light armor at athletics 8 i got outran by river pirates in combat mode... wtf?
The whole piercing stops horse, dunno if it stops chargers and warhorses too tho, if they do: thats horrible.
No mods yet, meaning newcommers wont get to play with all the awesome mods for old version.
Piercing stops horses... you mean spears? Well yeah, you do realize spearmen were the only counter to a cavalry charge right? Nothing wants to run headlong into an extended speartip. Also, you complain too much. Armagan is working on it.
It's really only been a few days. Major changes have been made to the whole game. The bugs will be fixed. The mods will hit the game like a storm once the tools are released. You can still make ultimate characters, it just won't be over the course of two gaming hours like in the last version.

Relax. Chill. Everything's cool :cool:
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