To wit:
- There's no way to do a side by side comparison between different types of weapons in the same class. Is that sword better than my mace? Hang on a sec. I can't get them to pop up side by side so I'm gonna have to write down all the stats then mouse over to the mace so I can compare...
- If I want to remember a crafting recipe I have to write it down, since there's no way to save it in-game.
- I can keep companion parties in my army for 0 influence cost, but I have to periodically disband and reform it or it'll lose cohesion. What's the point? What does it add to my experience?
- I can't add a companion's party to my army if they have less than 40% of their total troop capacity. Again, what's the point? If I just tell the companion to form a party they'll wander off and get ganked and then I'll have to track them down and stop what I'm doing to personally collect them from some bar somewhere, so instead I put all my troops in their party, add them to my army, and then take my troops back. Why make me jump through that hoop? What does it add to my experience?
- Speaking of searching for missing companions, why do I have to go everywhere personally? Why can't I just send a messenger? Sure, as a peon I don't have a staff, but for Pete's sake, I'm the Kahn of the Khuzait! Rulers don't wander the country looking for their vassals, they summon them.
- Speaking of being Kahn, I keep getting popups that lock my screen until I make a decision, thereby preventing me from accessing the menus that I want to look at before I decide. For example:
- The Aserai want to make peace. Yes or no? I don't know! What are their terms???
- Your vassals want to implement this new kingdom policy. Yes or no? Huh? What is it? I don't have the policies memorized. Damn it, hang on while I look it up...
- If I want to keep my party happy and level Steward I have to keep a wide variety of food in stock, but there's no Food tab in the trade menu...?
- You need to manage your total number of horses relative to your total number of foot troops and your desired carrying capacity while also using horses to upgrade your cavalry. Ok, fine. And there are 107 different types of horses, as well as several different classes of horses, and they're not necessarily interchangeable. Uh-huh. And if you have the wrong kind of horses to upgrade your cavalry we just won't show that they're ready to upgrade. Umm, ok. And the total number of horses needed ends up being in the hundreds and fluctuates constantly. Huh. And the only way to know how many horses you have from each of the classes is to scroll down the list and add them up. Seriously? Yup. And if you have too many or not enough it'll slow your party to a crawl, and the only way to know it's happening is to mouse over your movement speed and look through 47 different speed factors to see if Mounted Footmen, Over Capacity, or Herd is there. Are you effing kidding me. LOL, no. We hate you. Yeah, I can tell... Your personal horse can go lame but we won't tell you if it happens. Don't worry, you'll notice during the next battle when the enemy cav leaves you in the dust. What the hell? Screw you guys! Hehehehe!!!
- Why are all the troops under the Party tab just glopped together? By midgame I have 47 different kinds of troops and it's a pain to try to keep track of how many archers, infantry, and so forth I have. Can I get a way to sort them by class, or even just a tally bar at the top of the screen?
- Can I get an easier way to give troops to my companions? Maybe a shortcut?
- And why can't I reassign troops while I'm in a town? Seems like the perfect place to sit down and hammer that stuff out, no? They have desks in towns.
- Why must everything be so inefficient and cumbersome...???
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