Themida error. Please help!

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Now I have been trying to download  the game from every link on your website, the one on Steam and the one on Gamer's Gate.
But every time I run it it gives me this error:

File is corrupted!. This program has been manipulated and maybe it's infected by a Virus or cracked. This file won't work anymore.

I have uninstalled my MnB every time and deleted every MnB-named file I could find. Still says the same.
Any of you that recognize this problem and are willing to help?  :sad:

This was on patch 1.011 if it helps

Thanks in advance! :oops:


Microsoft Windows XP
Media Center Edition
Version 2002
Service Pack 3
Packard Bell
Packard Bell Computer
Intel (R)
Pentium (R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz
2.99 GHz, 1,00 GB RAM
- i am getting this problem too

- i did have a tempory work around, that was to delete the downloaded install files from my computer as well as the game itself. however now this has ceased to work.

- now i'm only playing the downloaded demo version at the moment, with the intention of buying tommorrow. however, with the current state of the .exe file .. i'm not sure i should

- even if i get a work around, like uninstalling then reinstalling ..being asked the serial key with each install, if the game can only be activated twice every 60 days, that limits my play, to what ? once every 30 days ?

- i've read through alot, if not all the threads on this site and others concerning this problem, there has been no real solution put forward nor has the problem really been addressed. what i stated above is one question i haven't seen an answer for.

- this problem really needs to be adressed by the developers or Themida.
Kolba said:
Try to turn off anti-virus and then run M&B.

- i've got none running, i only use ZoneAlarm as a firewall, anything more than that .. i do when needed (i will have a look what Microsoft has running, there could be a conflict there somewhere)

- was reading a thread on another forum, it answers my question as to the serial; in that its logged in Windows registery. so installs/uninstalls shouldn't be a problem.

- so far, it seems that Themida has locked the .exe file .. or there is a current virus on my computer that is attacking mount&blade.exe with each restart, thus rendering it .. manipulated. just did a virus/ad scan.. couple of things found, but nothing drastic. however the file is still in a non working state.

- i'm still looking around for any work around, because i'm using Vista, some work around won't work for me
Turn off ZoneAlarm or add the exe to the exception list. It's happening because of your firewall or anti-virus.
Lord Shields said:
Turn off ZoneAlarm or add the exe to the exception list. It's happening because of your firewall or anti-virus.

- i tried this already, completely turning Zone Alarm off .. restarting without it starting it up ect

- now i've bought my seriel key .. but i cannot access the activation splash of the game because of this problem

- still going to try a couple of things .. i have downloaded the installer 3 times already, once off this site; which was real slow.

- i'll post my progress and hopeful success with this problem
You should only be downloading through this site (the links they provided). Where else are you downloading from?
Lord Shields said:
You should only be downloading through this site (the links they provided). Where else are you downloading from?

- i downloaded from the links in this site. the installer is fine.

- i have fixed the game and am playing at the moment. i will come back in the next day or so and add to this thread what i changed to my system to get the game up and running. before i fixed Mount & Blade, i sent an email to Oreans, so when i get the reply to that. (just so any information they have to add i can put with this thread too.)
- firstly, i'm using Windows Vista not XP like the original poster

- for me to get this to work i had to stop (i even disabled) Windows Defender - Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services (naming is different for XP i think). once you find Windows Defender in the list, right click and Stop, to disable right click and properties, where it says Automatic, change that to Disable.

- for XP this problem is probably something to do with the Window Fire Wall (AVG i think its called).

- in addition after i got the game working i had constant crashes, after 1-2 hours of play the game would freeze up and i had to do a hard reboot, i adjusted Windows Page Filing System (virtual RAM within Windows) this was only a tempory wrok around, i could play for longer, but in the end the game locked again.

- if you have Duel GFX Cards (like me) disable SLi .. so you computer only uses 1 GFX card .. i dont have any hard lock ups now, and the game runs smooth as. To disable SLi, i had to go into my GFXs' own manager thing and disable it there.

- note -

- while playing this game i also have Zone Alarm running and there is no conflicts at all (so you can have a fire wall and virus scanner up while playing)

- i hope this helps, but bare in mind, this worked for me .. it may not work for you


Windows Defender detects and removes spyware
Windows Defender is software that helps protect your computer against pop-ups, slow performance, and security threats caused by spyware and other unwanted software by detecting and removing known spyware from your computer. Windows Defender features Real-Time Protection, a monitoring system that recommends actions against spyware when it's detected, minimizes interruptions, and helps you stay productive.

- i added that so you if you try this yourself, you have an understanding of what you're Stopping or Disabling
romanius24 said:
thats not working for me  :neutral:

- what operating system are you using ? Vista or XP. other ?

- any virus scanning / fire wall program you will probably have to turn off. i think there is only one that has updated its flagging list to add Themida on the O.K list. Kapertsky?

- i empathize. this problem drove me insane for about 3 days & there isn't that much on the net that is of any help.
-i'm using XP
-i dont have any virus scanning only the windows firewall
-i have this problem for more than 2 months,and i have been searching for a solution almost every day  :sad:
romanius24 said:
-i'm using XP
-i dont have any virus scanning only the windows firewall
-i have this problem for more than 2 months,and i have been searching for a solution almost every day  :sad:

- turn windows firewall off if ya haven't already

- go through services and have a look for any virus scanning operations that are running (read up on anything you may turn off or disable prior to doing anything, some of the stuff in there is needed by windows)

- because i'm not using XP i can't really be much help, Vista is alot different.

- try a virus scan or two, could have an actual virus messing with .exe files
everyone,who uses xp:go to Control Panel/Administrative tools/Services,then click on Standart and stop the Windows Firewall  :smile:
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