The Your Type of Girl Test

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I got:

The Girl Next Door

60% Sexy-Cute, 59% Dark-Light, 56% Artsy-Stylish
Cute, neither Dark nor Light, and neither Artsy nor Stylish. This sounds like a blah category, right? Oh, my, no. The Girl Next Door has been the subject of more dirty fantasies than you could possibly count. She's so sweet, and innocent, and infinitely corruptible. Every morning you glance out your window hoping she'll have forgotten to draw the blinds. You may feel bad about it, but you know you'll be doing it again tomorrow.
The Art Student
69% Sexy-Cute, 40% Dark-Light, 34% Artsy-Stylish

Cute, neither Dark nor Light, and Artsy, the Art student doesn't have the inherent darkness of the Suicide Girl, but she's not bright and shiny like the New Age Girl either. You've probably seen her wandering around town in her unique outfits with her portfolio under her arm, and found yourself wondering if she's ever posed in the nude.

Enough knowledge about our dirty minds already Temu? :razz:
The Favorite Friend
64% Sexy-Cute, 72% Dark-Light, 54% Artsy-Stylish

Cute, Light, and neither Artsy nor Stylish, she's that friend we've all had. The great girl. The one we've been friends with since the third grade. The one who laughs at our jokes and sends funny text messages. The one with whom we secretly, desperately want to crawl under the covers and spend the next eighteen hours naked.

A man can dream.. :razz:
The Mistress
20% Sexy-Cute, 29% Dark-Light, 68% Artsy-Stylish

Sexy. Dark. Stylish. The Mistress. With her wicked smile and tempting, low-cut business ensembles, she's been breaking the hearts of housewives -- not to mention the desks, chairs, and other office furniture she ends up spread out on -- for decades.

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 2% on Sexy-Cute

You scored higher than 4% on Dark-Light

You scored higher than 89% on Artsy-Stylish

Apparently my tastes are very clearly defined.
The Girl Next Door
75% Sexy-Cute, 57% Dark-Light, 44% Artsy-Stylish

Cute, neither Dark nor Light, and neither Artsy nor Stylish. This sounds like a blah category, right? Oh, my, no. The Girl Next Door has been the subject of more dirty fantasies than you could possibly count. She's so sweet, and innocent, and infinitely corruptible. Every morning you glance out your window hoping she'll have forgotten to draw the blinds. You may feel bad about it, but you know you'll be doing it again tomorrow.
It comes and goes.
The Hot Friend
41% Sexy-Cute, 53% Dark-Light, 56% Artsy-Stylish

Sexy, neither Dark nor Light, and neither Artsy nor Stylish, she's just the Hot Friend. You know you've got one of these. Great face, great uh... assets. This is the type of girl who is fawned on by guys constantly, never realizes it, and finally marries some jackass who's just like you... but damn it, it's not you!
The Suicide Girl
77% Sexy-Cute, 31% Dark-Light, 34% Artsy-Stylish
Cute, Dark, and Artsy, it's the Suicide Girl. A cousin of the Goth Girl, she's a little more on the cute side than the sexy side. Her interesting hair and impish smile make a certain kind of person wonder how her unique outfits would look lying crumpled beside the bed. By the way, if you don't get this category name, you don't know your Palahniuk... or your internet porn.
The Debutante
62% Sexy-Cute, 57% Dark-Light, 66% Artsy-Stylish
Cute, neither Dark nor Light, and Stylish, you'll find the Debutante at high-class New York parties, making the rounds. She'll have a glass of champagne in one gloved hand, her hair perfectly coifed, her makeup exactingly applied. Her slinky, perfect little black dress keeps many an eye firmly on her, wondering what lies beneath.
My guess would be either Venutians or Venusians.

And indeed, Llandy is particular to no specific species or gender. She is, however, extremely picky. I find it unlikely that a being that satisfies her screening criteria even exists. I know this because I have been spying on her on a daily basis for some months now.
The girl next door? WTF! There is no girl next door! This test is a fraud! I DEMAND MY MONEY BACK!

IRT Llandy:

Martians? What have you been doing to that poor poor man?!??

IRT Okin:

Llandy? Picky? More like stabby you mean.
And ran into any crazy sheep-obsessed welshmen yet by any chance while doing your daily spying? If so, HE ONLY WANTS TO BE YOUR FRIEND! ^_^
Morbo said:
IRT Okin:

Llandy? Picky? More like stabby you mean.
And ran into any crazy sheep-obsessed welshmen yet by any chance while doing your daily spying? If so, HE ONLY WANTS TO BE YOUR FRIEND! ^_^

I saw him and Linky fighting over an empty cat-food tin out in the yard the other day. So sad. :sad:
Morbo said:
The girl next door? WTF! There is no girl next door! This test is a fraud! I DEMAND MY MONEY BACK!

Be that as it may, if there were, you would totally want her. Teh test does not lie.

Morbo said:
Llandy? Picky? More like stabby you mean.
And ran into any crazy sheep-obsessed welshmen yet by any chance while doing your daily spying? If so, HE ONLY WANTS TO BE YOUR FRIEND! ^_^

She's definitely picky, but it's true that the stabbiness overshadows it somewhat. And yeh, I saw that feller. He gave me a nasty vibe, so I'm now trying to simultaneously stalk Llandy and hide from that guy. It's turning out to be something of a challenge, he's very persistent. Dogged, even.
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