OSP Code SP The World Map to show the exact realm of factions

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Hi,all. As the title suggests, I made this World Map to show the exact realm of factions.

Updated on 18/12/2012
Add borderlines for the territory of every tow or castle, totally optional.



Source code:

Add this line of code to the top of module_presentations.py.
from header_terrain_types import *

Paste this into module_presentations.py.
  ("world_map", 0, mesh_load_window, [
## initialization part begin
        # presentation obj: begin from top left corner
(assign, ":init_pos_x", 20), # init x
(assign, ":init_pos_y", 720), # init y
        # world map, X: -180 t0 180  Y: -145 t0 145
(assign, ":min_map_x", -180*1000),
":max_map_x", 180*1000),
":min_map_y", -145*1000),
":max_map_y", 145*1000),
# also begin from top left corner
(assign, ":init_map_x", ":min_map_x"), # init map_x
(assign, ":init_map_y", ":max_map_y"), # init map_y
        # move length of p_temp_party, total_cols and total_rows
(assign, ":party_move_length", 2*1000),
":total_cols", ":max_map_x", ":min_map_x"),
":total_rows", ":max_map_y", ":min_map_y"),
":total_cols", ":party_move_length"),
":total_rows", ":party_move_length"),
# color_block_length
(assign, ":color_block_length", 4),
":color_block_size", ":color_block_length", 50),
        (position_set_x, pos2,
        (position_set_y, pos2,
## initialization part end
(assign, ":pos_x", ":init_pos_x"), # assign to cur pos_x
(assign, ":pos_y", ":init_pos_y"), # assign to cur pos_y
(assign, ":map_x", ":init_map_x"), # assign to cur map_x
(assign, ":map_y", ":init_map_y"), # assign to cur map_y
        ## draw whole map
(try_for_range, ":unused_rows", 0, ":total_rows"),
":unused_cols", 0, ":total_cols"),
":dest_color", 0xFFFFFF), # default
(position_set_x, pos3, ":map_x"),
            (position_set_y, pos3,
"p_temp_party", pos3),
":current_terrain", "p_temp_party"),
":current_terrain", rt_water),
":dest_color", 0xFFFFFF), # default
"script_get_closest_center", "p_temp_party"),
":nearest_center", reg0),
":nearest_center", -1),
":center_faction", ":nearest_center"),
":center_faction", kingdoms_begin, kingdoms_end),
":dest_color", ":center_faction"),
            (create_mesh_overlay, reg0,
            (overlay_set_color, reg0,
            (position_set_x, pos1,
            (position_set_y, pos1,
            (overlay_set_position, reg0, pos1),
            (overlay_set_size, reg0, pos2),
# color block size
            ## draw borderlines begin [optional]
            # borderlines length and whidth
(store_add, ":line_length", ":color_block_size", 1*50),
":line_whidth", 1*50),
# find bound_center
":nearest_center", slot_party_type, spt_town),
":nearest_center", slot_party_type, spt_castle),
":bound_center", ":nearest_center"), # itself
":nearest_center", slot_party_type, spt_village),
":bound_center", ":nearest_center", slot_village_bound_center),
# compare with the left side color block
":map_x_2", ":map_x", ":party_move_length"),
":map_y_2", ":map_y"),
              (position_set_x, pos4,
              (position_set_y, pos4,
"p_temp_party", pos4),
":current_terrain_2", "p_temp_party"),
":continue", 0),
":current_terrain", rt_water),
":current_terrain_2", rt_water),
"script_get_closest_center", "p_temp_party"),
":nearest_center_2", reg0),
":nearest_center_2", -1),
":nearest_center_2", slot_party_type, spt_town),
":nearest_center_2", slot_party_type, spt_castle),
":bound_center_2", ":nearest_center_2"), # itself
":nearest_center_2", slot_party_type, spt_village),
":bound_center_2", ":nearest_center_2", slot_village_bound_center),
":bound_center_2", ":bound_center"),
":continue", 1),
":current_terrain", ":current_terrain_2"),
":current_terrain", rt_water),
":current_terrain_2", rt_water),
":continue", 1),
":continue", 1),
                (create_mesh_overlay, reg0,
                (overlay_set_color, reg0,
                (position_set_x, pos1,
                (position_set_y, pos1,
                (overlay_set_position, reg0, pos1),
                (position_set_x, pos1,
                (position_set_y, pos1,
                (overlay_set_size, reg0, pos1),
# compare with the under color block
":map_x_2", ":map_x"),
":map_y_2", ":map_y", ":party_move_length"),
              (position_set_x, pos4,
              (position_set_y, pos4,
"p_temp_party", pos4),
":current_terrain_2", "p_temp_party"),
":continue", 0),
":current_terrain", rt_water),
":current_terrain_2", rt_water),
"script_get_closest_center", "p_temp_party"),
":nearest_center_2", reg0),
":nearest_center_2", -1),
":nearest_center_2", slot_party_type, spt_town),
":nearest_center_2", slot_party_type, spt_castle),
":bound_center_2", ":nearest_center_2"),
":nearest_center_2", slot_party_type, spt_village),
":bound_center_2", ":nearest_center_2", slot_village_bound_center),
":bound_center_2", ":bound_center"),
":continue", 1),
":current_terrain", ":current_terrain_2"),
":current_terrain", rt_water),
":current_terrain_2", rt_water),
":continue", 1),
":continue", 1),
                (create_mesh_overlay, reg0,
                (overlay_set_color, reg0,
                (position_set_x, pos1,
                (position_set_y, pos1,
                (overlay_set_position, reg0, pos1),
                (position_set_x, pos1,
                (position_set_y, pos1,
                (overlay_set_size, reg0, pos1),
## draw borderlines end [optional]
            # offset
(val_add, ":pos_x", ":color_block_length"),
":map_x", ":party_move_length"),
# offset
(assign, ":pos_x", ":init_pos_x"),
":pos_y", ":color_block_length"),
":map_x", ":init_map_x"),
":map_y", ":party_move_length"),
## blocks of centers
(assign, ":slot_no", 0),
":center_no", centers_begin, centers_end),
          (party_get_position, pos4,
":center_x", pos4),
":center_y", pos4),
":center_x", ":init_map_x"),
":center_y", ":init_map_y"),
":center_x", ":color_block_length"),
":center_y", ":color_block_length"),
":center_x", ":party_move_length"),
":center_y", ":party_move_length"),
":center_x", ":init_pos_x"),
":center_y", ":init_pos_y"),
# offset and size
":center_no", slot_party_type, spt_town),
":block_size", 8),
":center_type", spt_town),
":center_no", slot_party_type, spt_castle),
":block_size", 4),
":center_type", spt_castle),
":center_no", slot_party_type, spt_village),
":block_size", 2),
":center_type", spt_village),
":half_block_size", ":block_size", 2),
":center_x", ":half_block_size"),
":center_y", ":half_block_size"),
":block_size", 50),
# block
(create_mesh_overlay, reg0, "mesh_white_plane"),
          (overlay_set_color, reg0,
          (position_set_x, pos1,
          (position_set_y, pos1,
          (overlay_set_position, reg0, pos1),
          (position_set_x, pos1,
          (position_set_y, pos1,
          (overlay_set_size, reg0, pos1),
# name
(str_store_party_name, s1, ":center_no"),
          (create_text_overlay, reg1, s1, tf_center_justify),
":text_x", ":center_x", 0),
":text_y", ":center_y", 10),
          (position_set_x, pos1,
          (position_set_y, pos1,
          (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos1),
          (overlay_set_display, reg1,
# slots
(troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_a", ":slot_no", reg0), # overlay id
(troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_b", ":slot_no", ":center_type"), # center type
(troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_c", ":slot_no", reg1), # center name
(val_add, ":slot_no", 1),
"$temp", ":slot_no"), # record num of slots
        ## blocks of kingdoms
(create_text_overlay, reg0, "@Factions", tf_vertical_align_center),
        (position_set_x, pos1,
        (position_set_y, pos1,
        (overlay_set_position, reg0, pos1),
":pos_x", 750),
":pos_y", 650),
":cur_kingdom", kingdoms_begin, kingdoms_end),
":cur_kingdom", slot_faction_state, sfs_active),
# color block
(create_mesh_overlay, reg0, "mesh_white_plane"),
":dest_color", ":cur_kingdom"),
          (overlay_set_color, reg0,
          (position_set_x, pos1,
          (position_set_y, pos1,
          (overlay_set_position, reg0, pos1),
# size: 35*25
(position_set_x, pos1, 35*50),
          (position_set_y, pos1,
          (overlay_set_size, reg0, pos1),
# kingdom name
(store_add, ":text_x", ":pos_x", 40),
":text_y", ":pos_y", 12),
          (str_store_faction_name, s1,
          (create_text_overlay, reg0, s1, tf_vertical_align_center),
          (position_set_x, pos1,
          (position_set_y, pos1,
          (overlay_set_position, reg0, pos1),
          (position_set_x, pos1,
          (position_set_y, pos1,
          (overlay_set_size, reg0, pos1),
":pos_y", 40),
## show centers or not
        # towns
(create_check_box_overlay, "$g_presentation_obj_1", "mesh_checkbox_off", "mesh_checkbox_on"),
        (position_set_x, pos1,
        (position_set_y, pos1,
"$g_presentation_obj_1", pos1),
"$g_presentation_obj_1", 1),
        (create_text_overlay, reg0,
"@Show towns", tf_vertical_align_center),
        (position_set_x, pos1,
        (position_set_y, pos1,
        (overlay_set_position, reg0, pos1),
# castles
(create_check_box_overlay, "$g_presentation_obj_2", "mesh_checkbox_off", "mesh_checkbox_on"),
        (position_set_x, pos1,
        (position_set_y, pos1,
"$g_presentation_obj_2", pos1),
"$g_presentation_obj_2", 1),
        (create_text_overlay, reg0,
"@Show castles", tf_vertical_align_center),
        (position_set_x, pos1,
        (position_set_y, pos1,
        (overlay_set_position, reg0, pos1),
# villages
(create_check_box_overlay, "$g_presentation_obj_3", "mesh_checkbox_off", "mesh_checkbox_on"),
        (position_set_x, pos1,
        (position_set_y, pos1,
"$g_presentation_obj_3", pos1),
"$g_presentation_obj_3", 1),
        (create_text_overlay, reg0,
"@Show villages", tf_vertical_align_center),
        (position_set_x, pos1,
        (position_set_y, pos1,
        (overlay_set_position, reg0, pos1),
        (create_text_overlay, reg0,
"@Tip: move the mouse onto the black blocks to show their names.", tf_vertical_align_center),
        (position_set_x, pos1,
        (position_set_y, pos1,
        (overlay_set_position, reg0, pos1),
        (position_set_x, pos1,
        (position_set_y, pos1,
        (overlay_set_size, reg0, pos1),
        (create_text_overlay, reg0,
"@The World Map", tf_double_space|tf_center_justify),
        (position_set_x, pos1,
        (position_set_y, pos1,
        (overlay_set_position, reg0, pos1),
        (position_set_x, pos1,
        (position_set_y, pos1,
        (overlay_set_size, reg0, pos1),
# Done
(create_game_button_overlay, "$g_presentation_obj_5", "@Done"),
        (position_set_x, pos1,
        (position_set_y, pos1,
"$g_presentation_obj_5", pos1),
# show center name when mouse on it
(try_for_range, ":slot_no", 0, "$temp"),
"trp_temp_array_a", ":slot_no", ":eek:bject"),
":display_overlay", 1, ":enter_leave"),
":cur_overlay", "trp_temp_array_c", ":slot_no"),
":cur_overlay", ":display_overlay"),
":eek:bject", "$g_presentation_obj_1"), # show towns
(try_for_range, ":slot_no", 0, "$temp"),
"trp_temp_array_b", ":slot_no", spt_town),
":cur_overlay", "trp_temp_array_a", ":slot_no"),
":cur_overlay", ":value"),
":eek:bject", "$g_presentation_obj_2"), # show castles
(try_for_range, ":slot_no", 0, "$temp"),
"trp_temp_array_b", ":slot_no", spt_castle),
":cur_overlay", "trp_temp_array_a", ":slot_no"),
":cur_overlay", ":value"),
":eek:bject", "$g_presentation_obj_3"), # show villages
(try_for_range, ":slot_no", 0, "$temp"),
"trp_temp_array_b", ":slot_no", spt_village),
":cur_overlay", "trp_temp_array_a", ":slot_no"),
":cur_overlay", ":value"),
":eek:bject", "$g_presentation_obj_5"),

And this into "reports" menu as an option in module_game_menus.py.

      ("action_view_world_map",[],"View the world map.",
Rubik mate, you are so smart. It's extraordinarily simple but really complex at the same time.
The best adjective I can give you is out-of-the-box thinker. Really, a work of art made of pure hackery.

How you used the the temp party as a moving probe, cycling all over the terrain, checking the closest settlement, its faction and vertex coloring, tinting boxed presentation overlays depending if there's water or not with the actual faction color. Like tiles of a virtual mosaic.

There's only a question left... Works fast enough?
Anyway, consider me impressed.

*bows before the master scripter himself*

EDIT: Also, you probably have edited the syntax highlighting manually. We should make a tool for that. :smile:
Somebody said:
bisthebis25 said:
What defines the "range" of a town ?
(try_for_range, ":center_no", centers_begin, centers_end),
I think he means the minimum distance a spot from a town so the spot 's included as the faction own the town's territory.
If it is, then it's none. As long as the town is the closest center from the spot, then it's the town's territory.
dunde said:
Somebody said:
bisthebis25 said:
What defines the "range" of a town ?
(try_for_range, ":center_no", centers_begin, centers_end),
I think he means the minimum distance a spot from a town so the spot 's included as the faction own the town's territory.
If it is, then it's none. As long as the town is the closest center from the spot, then it's the town's territory.
Yes, it's that. Thanks
Awesome work!

Would it be alright if I used your code and expanded upon the idea for my mod? You'd be fully credited, of course. It's not in the OSP subforum, so I'm not quite sure what the etiquette here is!
Mekelan said:
Awesome work!

Would it be alright if I used your code and expanded upon the idea for my mod? You'd be fully credited, of course. It's not in the OSP subforum, so I'm not quite sure what the etiquette here is!
It's OK, it seems that I can't post a topic in the OSP subforum.
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