
I really hope nobody forgot the fact that you have to charge up to reload a crossbow to fire again... You could just change the animation to a wave of the hands, longer waving and symbols for longer spells. The spells would have an item icon as scrolls or books which have charges instead of ammunition. Though none of the spells could do AOE (area of effect) damage, (may in the future) they could be charged to do more damage. The spells would raise skill levels such as athletics to make you run faster temporarily before returning back to normal either at the spells end or the end of battle. Have a new skill if possible or just have it be affected by power draw, but I suggest a new skill because power draw is based on strength and not intelligent.
-- Just a word of advice, if someone already tried, tell me politely, and if not and I am giving a good idea, tell me that too. If you are going to use it in a mod, yay. Gimme creds please too.
-- For that FF7 idea, you could find materia and make an npc that sells base materia and puts them in your weapons to change the weapon type to Fiery (if it were a fire materia) to be able to do fire damage as well as additional damage. Materia could be leveled by putting points in "Materia Handling" Which set what level materia you could use (1 level per 2 levels in the skill) and use trainer exp setup for AP, (all characters' Materia handling will affect everyone elses)
-- For any type of ROTK, it would have to be based off of that Japanese mod coming out 01/01/06, sorry but I forgot the name. A mass combat (multiple damaged targets per swing) system would have to be put in, or just the real ROTK with tons of soldiers and Wu, Wei, and Shu and all the provinces of china. Good luck with that.
-- For future mods, what I ask is for many more interactive NPC's like the Constable, where you have constant jobs and a good source of doable and senseful quests, unlike "Go find us 5 military forks." No offense, but that kinda bugged me.
-- For the producers, can you find more random ways of giving out XP so we have more options as professions. Give XP for successful trade routes, like selling salt to zendar which is in demand. Give XP for correctly deciphering tracks which are of the one you are currently hunting down. Give XP for slaying horses as well as men. Give some XP for headshots and shots with difficulty over 2.0, in which the more over 2.0, the more XP.
-- Thanks if you read all this, I think it would do this game a great favor, because of how much I was addicted to it... it soon lost that zing of real-time combat when I kept being able to kill only bandits, horsemen, and arenamen. Though I never got really high level. Well... thanks anyways and please give creds (on this thread so I know you actually did use one) to Kanon_Kross (me).
-- Just a word of advice, if someone already tried, tell me politely, and if not and I am giving a good idea, tell me that too. If you are going to use it in a mod, yay. Gimme creds please too.
-- For that FF7 idea, you could find materia and make an npc that sells base materia and puts them in your weapons to change the weapon type to Fiery (if it were a fire materia) to be able to do fire damage as well as additional damage. Materia could be leveled by putting points in "Materia Handling" Which set what level materia you could use (1 level per 2 levels in the skill) and use trainer exp setup for AP, (all characters' Materia handling will affect everyone elses)
-- For any type of ROTK, it would have to be based off of that Japanese mod coming out 01/01/06, sorry but I forgot the name. A mass combat (multiple damaged targets per swing) system would have to be put in, or just the real ROTK with tons of soldiers and Wu, Wei, and Shu and all the provinces of china. Good luck with that.
-- For future mods, what I ask is for many more interactive NPC's like the Constable, where you have constant jobs and a good source of doable and senseful quests, unlike "Go find us 5 military forks." No offense, but that kinda bugged me.
-- For the producers, can you find more random ways of giving out XP so we have more options as professions. Give XP for successful trade routes, like selling salt to zendar which is in demand. Give XP for correctly deciphering tracks which are of the one you are currently hunting down. Give XP for slaying horses as well as men. Give some XP for headshots and shots with difficulty over 2.0, in which the more over 2.0, the more XP.
-- Thanks if you read all this, I think it would do this game a great favor, because of how much I was addicted to it... it soon lost that zing of real-time combat when I kept being able to kill only bandits, horsemen, and arenamen. Though I never got really high level. Well... thanks anyways and please give creds (on this thread so I know you actually did use one) to Kanon_Kross (me).