The Watchman's Misplaced Arm

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Yes. The problem is the padded cloth, it's a funny bug if you take some 15 watchmen into battle they like a grasshopper raid :lol:
Confirmed. It reminds me the movie called "The thing" :smile:


I now know why Marnid insists on padded cloth - it transforms his hand into a potent slingshot!
Another bug of this sort: Pelagn, the merchant of Veluca, seems to have quite a handicap.


And that's not only when he has his arms crossed or only in conversations either.
I just did a seperate install of 0.700, went to buy a padded cloth and no spider arms - can anyone confirm this ?
svart said:
I just did a seperate install of 0.700, went to buy a padded cloth and no spider arms - can anyone confirm this ?

I had it installed seperately from in the beginning, but I have the same problem.
Kamamura said:
Confirmed. It reminds me the movie called "The thing" :smile:
It is just a part of the mysterious storyline. A plague that spreads only among the padded cloth bearers.
beware of aliens they enter our bodies in the form of padded cloths and trun us into them never letting go never changing!!! Then we become them all green a slimy! Why on earthj did you think the cloth was padded its the poison in gthe cloth that makes it all squashy and it seeps into your skin! This bug works on your own character too btw not just NPCs
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