The To-Do List

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I am new to the game and the forum, and the game I really like but the forum is a bit messy. Especially this suggestions forum where everyone is just posting his suggestions, while a lot of suggestions have already been made several times. Therefore I see that you have made topics where some suggestions are already being discussed, but they are endless. I would very much like to know what features are already in development for te next version, but searching through the lists of topics for an answer from a Dev takes ages, so I suggest hereby that the Devs make a global To-Do List, so everyone knows what idea's are already being developed.

There are a few threads with replies from armagan in the frequent suggestion thread, maybe I should mark them. But yeah, an official list of things that...

A: are finished and are going to be in the next version

B: are currently being worked on

C: will soon have work started on them

...would be handy. It shouldn't take much time and it'd probably subtract from the general confusion. How about it, armagan?
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