The Terrain.

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These new battlegrounds, are they randomly generated or pre-made? I just ask because i've seen one that i swear is identical a couple times... Are they randomised, but always the same in a certain grid of space? or are there a set of maps that the game chooses from?
They are randomized. In theory, the terrain in the battle should be based on your location in the travelmap(lots of trees when in forest, more heights when near mountains) but the battlemap is still pretty unpredictable.

I once got a superload of trees, when I was quite far away from even an individual tree in the travelmap. Same goes for mountains, you sometimes get to fight in grand canyon, when you're as far away from the mountains as you can get in the travelmap
If you don't move after a battle (and wait to be attacked), you fight in the same terrain.
It's easier to test with river pirates.. stay still near their spawn point (beside that tree near the river just south of Zendar) and wait to be attacked. Win the battle, and stay still on the map, waiting for another group to spawn. You'll notice that the scenario is just the same...
Well, that's true, but I think I've come back to the same map (i.e. I killed some pirates, went to Zendar, came back, and fought in (what seemed to be) the same spot) multiple times.
I love the map--has a nice big river right in the middle, with only one way around it, and...well other stuff too--it's cool.
if you stay in the same spot and get attacked twice without moving you will play on the same terrain, nice touch :smile:
If the map with the river you are fighting at is on the laft near where you start, not all the maps are random. I've had that same map many times after leaving and going back to the same area to fight river pirates. It wasn't excactly at the battlefield marker (tracking skill), but near it.
So we've either got battlemap zones, or we've got a psuedo randomly generated battlemaps where the seed is taken from your position coordinates, or possibly some combination.

I like the idea of having some sort of consistancy with battlemaps within areas.
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