The tenth level of weapons mastery?

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The zero level of weapons mastery is 60 points. And there are 9 more every 40 points up to 420 points. Is thei means the if you put 10 points in weapons master you will have no limits?
theres really no reason to raise it above lvl 3, maybe even lvl 2 so why would you even bother with lvl 10 ??
theres really no reason to raise it above lvl 3, maybe even lvl 2 so why would you even bother with lvl 10 ??
Where did you get that idea? Back in previous versions there really wasn't, because you could still get to 300+ weapon proficiency with ease. But now its VERY hard to exceed the skill limitation on proficiency through use, so it would now be practical to raise it to high levels.
Wepaons master, goes 60, 100, 140, 180, 220 etc doesn't it? Now I'm really confues to if we are thinknig of the same thing, of course there is reason to move it up! maybe not to 10 nesecaraly, but I find I need to move it upto 3 or 4 for my lev 35 char.
The cap is only about how far you can pour weapons points into it. It also helps gain proficiency through battle a bit faster.

The point is that with 200+ proficiency, pouring weapons points into it makes little difference and you are better off with gaining in battle. The weapon master of 3 or 4 is good on earlier levels for rapidly gaining proficiency but any higher and the skill points are better used elsewhere. Athletics and riding are biggies. Super speed means they cannot hit you at all much of the time.
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