The strangest bug story ever(At least to me).

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Ok, first things first. My name is Renan (yes, French people, you’ve read it right), I’m a 20 year old Brazilian geek/gamer, and I’d like to share a story. It’s a long story, so bear with me.

I’m new to this forum and I’m new to Mount & Blade itself – been playing for a month or so, now.

    I played the native for two weeks or so, and the 1257 for the 1.011 till yesterday when I found out – and immediately downloaded - the Native Expansion mod. I downloaded the 550 from some bit torrent laying somewhere in the internet.
    So I played it like crazy since yesterday until I found that nasty clone bug. No, I’m not asking for help, I downloaded the 580 patch to fix it, but the 580 is exactly the reason I’m writing all this. You see, after I downloaded and installed the patches from the “patches thread”, along with the cooler helmets design and the siege scenes pack, I went to play the game, and restored my save.
    Once in the world map, I highlighted Suno and to my surprise, that clone that freaked me out was still there. Upon entering the town and going to the castle, I look at my character, and realized that both he and his clone had no torso or arms: only head, legs and feet.
    Where his torso should be there was nothing. Just a lower body walking around with a floating head attached to its invisible shoulders. That both cracked me up and freaked me out.
    So I opened the inventory screen and saw the problem. My armor was gone, and in it’s place, in the armor slot, there was an awesome cleaver with huge damage that I suppose it belongs to some lord or Dark Knight. In my hand slot, there was a gun. In two of my weapon slots there were helmets.

    Once I took it off, everything went back to normal in my body, so I went out of the castle and opened the market place menu to buy some armor, now that my armor had gone.
    To my surprise, the ARMOR vendor was selling Lady Larktin’s sword (!!!). Also the other vendors were selling random stuff, along with their own products (i.e.: The horse vendor was selling swords and armor AND horses).
    Wondering if surprises would ever end, I went to the tavern(no reason, just to see if my character was back to normal). Guess what: the surprises didn’t end.

My character was ok. The people in the tavern were not. There was:

- Deshavi, with a great helmet, barefoot and in her underwear.
- A cross-dressing ransom broker with a pretty, pretty dress. (hahahahaha)

    Confused, since Deshavi was previously on my party, I went out of Suno and opened my party screen. Instead of Deshavi, there was Aragorn. But not only he had the same “no torso, just legs and head”problem my character had, he had a female head, with a sword though it(!!!).When I went to fix it in his equipment screen, the game crashed and closed alone.

So I realized that in my short absence from Calradia a lot of things happened:

- Deshavi left my party and, probably hooking up on drugs, sold her armor and went into prostitution to maintain her vice.
- Lady Larktin abandoned her obscure plots of world domination and sold her sword to buy her way to a life of peace and retirement.
- The ransom broker in Suno became a Drag-Queen.
- Aragorn became a transsexual with no torso and with a weird tiara.

Please note that I’m not asking for help or reporting a bug. I deleted the save and started another, and everything has been great so far. I just hadn’t lol’ed so much in the last weeks and though I should share it with you, for amusing purposes.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t take any prints before the game crashed.

Thank you for reading, and thank you, The Mercenary and the NE staff, for providing us with this awesome mod for this amazing game.
Well it was a good After Bug Report (ABR). I enjoyed it.
Plus the fact that your name is Renan. (After the French Philosopher? He's one of my 19th century heroes).

God I'm drunk.
Oh **** Paris is so beautiftiful in the sumlmer. It's almost unbearable. and all these american girls.

Anyway, thanks Renan.
Thanks. No, it's not after the french philosopher. It's a popular name here on Brazil, though many people are not aware it means "little seal"(which is very ironic, since I'm 6'4ft tall :mrgreen:) in french. Hence the "you've read it right, french people" comment. But now that you said this, the french philosopher just might be the reason for the popularization of the name Renan here in Brazil.

Anyway, pleased to meet you all, and thanks again.

Edit: And I forgot to mention that my first name is Renan, and not my surname.
According to all the sources I obtained anwers from, Renan is the french derivative of the Irish name Ronan, meaning little seal, or seal. Anyway it's what I found.
Renan is actually a very old Celtic name, mostly given in French Brittany and in Ireland. It comes from the Gaelic "Rónán". As it appears, "Ron" means "Seal" (yeah, the maritime creature).
So the actual signification would be "Young Seal", but definitely not in 'metropolitan' French. Indeed, "Young Seal" would translate into "Jeune Phoque".

Since you're brazilian, maybe there is another latin origin for your name. It could have derived from "René", "Renato", etc?...
MB threads always have the ability to go WAY off course... WTF? I man really? This is the worse Ive ever seen....4chan forums are more consistent in thread content... lol...
This isn't really off-topic, since it's about something* from the first post and two members of the team participate  :wink:

*a very little something, but whatever
Yes, yes the clubbable variety.

And the guy who complained about the off topic and all, chill, man.It's just a topic, not a capital offense.

Lord Samuel, It's possible, since both are also common names in here. But it would be a hell of a coincidence. It happens, though. I just found out there are two cities with this name. :grin:
Well, I don't know what's going on in this video but it appears to be a well known name in Latin America:

Which one is Ronan, do you reckon? Neither look Irish to me.  :smile:

I have a pal called Ronan, and texted him to ask if it meant baby seal. He confirmed it, and said, "Appropriate, don't u think?"

Whatever he meant by that  :???:

Josef_the_Pretender said:
Well, I don't know what's going on in this video but it appears to be a well known name in Latin America:

Which one is Ronan, do you reckon? Neither look Irish to me.  :smile:

I have a pal called Ronan, and texted him to ask if it meant baby seal. He confirmed it, and said, "Appropriate, don't u think?"

Whatever he meant by that  :???:

Bah, Latin Americans have incredible names.
Josef_the_Pretender said:
Well, I don't know what's going on in this video but it appears to be a well known name in Latin America:

Which one is Ronan, do you reckon? Neither look Irish to me.  :smile:

I have a pal called Ronan, and texted him to ask if it meant baby seal. He confirmed it, and said, "Appropriate, don't u think?"

Whatever he meant by that  :???:

About the video: THAT makes me feel ashamed of my name.
About your friend: I really don't know what he means by that.In my case, I find it Ironic since I am an almost two meters tall German/Portuguese descendant.

By the way, in the video: it's a "country"(emphasis on the quote marks) music contest, and she's introducing the winners. And using the oportunity to speak about valentine's day (since it was recorded then). Real piece of **** music, there.

Lord Samuel: You have no idea. We don't have ANY original names, except the rare indigenous ones. All of our names are either Arabic or European, or latinized versions of the same names. Some even try to name their children with English names and fail comically. The most sound example being "Maikou" which is the charming mispelling these people put on their sons while wanting to name them "Michael".

And I want to make it clear, just for the record: I DON'T listen to that kind of music(and I don't recommend it)! Only good old rock 'n roll for me. God, I wish I was European. or American. or whatever else.
Don't worry, it's just a bunch of Brazilian idiots copying American country music. but the music it's entirely ours. and it sucks. It's called sertanejo, and like all music genres this country invented, it's really f*cking horrible.

But I digress.
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