The Senate of Rome - DONE

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Yeah it looks great but, to be honest If the only thing I saw of it were the interiors I would never have guessed it to be the roman senate, it just doesnt seem right. Altough that may be because this version is an earlier one than what I am used to.
Just wondering, did you model the senate building on a historical painting/sculpture/book/description or did you take it from a movie (like Spartacus or something) or did you just make the layout up yourself?

Jadow said:
Just wondering, did you model the senate building on a historical painting/sculpture/book/description or did you take it from a movie (like Spartacus or something) or did you just make the layout up yourself?

well. It s a mixture of all ... And I tried to get the best out of everything. The main ipression was from a RTW video. Then I had to choose between several versions the existing objects would fit best and create a certain atmosphere. The idea of the park in front was some kind of image in my mind.
Well, you did a great job in all respects. At first I thought it was a bit odd, since there were no seats, but since the real senate had none, it makes sense. (Curia Hostilia)
The garden makes it very aethetically pleasing btw.
:shock: What in Gods Name have you done to my Roman Senate !

This is so incredible  :mrgreen: I thank you for *not* using the countless wronged Versions in the Hollywod Movies with round shape or Seats all over... . This is a great interpretation of the Senat of Rome thank you Phoen!x

Now only replace the bear banners with an Eagle and...just one real gripe...the Walkway to the Senate House...looks too stretched. It looks more like Woodplanks that way than Cobble Stone or such.

Nice, nice...was the Circus Maximus around that time already ? I wanna see one made too :razz:
ealabor said:
Lord_Kosmos said:
Now only replace the bear banners with an Eagle and

Actually it just shows up as a native banner in the edit mode.

Once you visit the scene normally, the proper SPQR banner is displayed.

I know ^^ I just wanted to nag about something in these Pictures  :razz:
  :mrgreen: did some changes
including the bricks ^^

quality work!
is it possible to put some quards here and there if that's historical of course? just looks too devoid of ppl.. maybe insert some toga clud walkers lookin' important  as well?
phoen!x said:
  :mrgreen: did some changes
including the bricks ^^

Just one thing that piqued my curiosity...

In the top left hand corner near the leftmost door to the building, is that black thing a... BARBEQUE OVEN? I mean like... wtf.
Theres a flame and cover and everything XD... or it could just be my imagination.  :lol:
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