
The Second Crusade Mod
The Second Crusade Mod, ironically, concentrates on the time between the second and the third crusades, before Saladin captured Jerusalem in 1287. It is no fancy total conversion like for example The Last Days, but gives you the choice of selecting between crusaders and muslims instead of swadians and vaegirs. And instead of having to deliver a message from Rivacheg to Reyvadin, you can now deliver a message from Nazareth to Damascus. There is a difference, eh?
Two main factions, muslims and crusaders, mapped over vaegirs and swadians
New unit trees, from peasants to templar knights and mamelukes
Some new textures for the units, including templar tabbards, mail hauberks and more
Minor factions mapped over the outlaws, including the hashashin, beduin raiders and janissaries
A new map covering the kingdom of Jerusalem
Imageshack has stopped being a ***** for today, so here are the unit trees for crusaders and muslims:
I can't be bothered writing long texts no one would read anyway, so I'll skip that part. The mod will sent to the repository ASAP, but if you really want to play it, here's a link to everyone's favourite host, rapidshare:
Download #1 at Rapidshare.de
Download #2 at Mount&Blade Unofficial File Repository
The Second Crusade Mod, ironically, concentrates on the time between the second and the third crusades, before Saladin captured Jerusalem in 1287. It is no fancy total conversion like for example The Last Days, but gives you the choice of selecting between crusaders and muslims instead of swadians and vaegirs. And instead of having to deliver a message from Rivacheg to Reyvadin, you can now deliver a message from Nazareth to Damascus. There is a difference, eh?
Imageshack has stopped being a ***** for today, so here are the unit trees for crusaders and muslims:

I can't be bothered writing long texts no one would read anyway, so I'll skip that part. The mod will sent to the repository ASAP, but if you really want to play it, here's a link to everyone's favourite host, rapidshare:
Download #1 at Rapidshare.de
Download #2 at Mount&Blade Unofficial File Repository