Mr 47

No offence or anything, but the dialoug needs a bit of work...
I mean, what self respecting bandit rides up to somebody and says "Hey! You have gold and we have nothing! Not fair! Give us your gold!"?
I would suggest something along the lines of "Your money or your life!" which is a good all-round bandit line.
Most of the people in Zendar have fairly good lines, but most other towns and NPC's are a bit...odd. The lines seem stilted and off-key, as with the bandit line.
I mean, what self respecting bandit rides up to somebody and says "Hey! You have gold and we have nothing! Not fair! Give us your gold!"?
I would suggest something along the lines of "Your money or your life!" which is a good all-round bandit line.
Most of the people in Zendar have fairly good lines, but most other towns and NPC's are a bit...odd. The lines seem stilted and off-key, as with the bandit line.