The Ridiculously Large Sword

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So, I'm playing the game, having a wee bit too much fun taking horses out from beneath people with two-handers, then I think, "The only thing that could make this better is if I had a zanbatou."

... And... Well... A few tutorial videos, and several hours later, and I've got this:

Now, my only problem is, I've been getting a headache trying to texture this thing.

Anybody have any good tutorials on texturing, or maybe even wanna give texturing that thing a shot?

The texture thats on there is sort of a place holder that I thought looked good. And this is my first ever attempt at anything like this. Any help at all is appreciated. >.>

*Edit: The program I used to make that was Blender.
to do what i do, i use a direct style of image with it (one that shows the material only) and then fiddle around with the imputs until i get what i want

also to texture using an image, click the circle on the left panel, then the 3'rd image on the right ( a piece of fur?). you need to click the make new button first though. on the "fur" toolbar (texturing) there is a panel, and you select image from there, and you should find a load image button on the right after that

an exaple of what i use for texturing:




And so on...

Edit: for edges, make a separete Shape and attach it
For some decent quality metal of any texture, pick two reasonably similar colours and apply a render>cloud filter. Then do artistic>sponge with settings 0,0,1 and finally a blur>motion blur 35. With the right original colours selected, you can get anything from gold to blued steel.
man... you should model for some of the HL/HL2 mods =/

If that's your first ever model, I only gotta say 2 words.

"Damn Good"

or, if you're one of the TS forumites...

"teh sex" (means same thing as really good)
Orion said:
man... you should model for some of the HL/HL2 mods =/

If that's your first ever model, I only gotta say 2 words.

"Damn Good"

or, if you're one of the TS forumites...

"teh sex" (means same thing as really good)

The Specialists?

it's Scope if thats you, from cheshires? i was banned
Orion said:
man... you should model for some of the HL/HL2 mods =/

If that's your first ever model, I only gotta say 2 words.

"Damn Good"

or, if you're one of the TS forumites...

"teh sex" (means same thing as really good)

*blushs* Thanks. ^_^;

Its not exactly my first, cause I made a pawn from a video tutorial I followed, but that is the first I made straight from my head.

And my computer can't run Half-life 2, unfortunately, and I'm one of the few people in the world that doesn't own the first one. o_<

I'd do stuff for mods though. I'm planning on doing some stuff for friends and myself for M&B here. Including a plunger for my stepdad. >_>;;
Model looks pretty cool for a first shot at the real thing, although in practice the weapon would be quite inpractical :roll:

The middel part where the grip touches the blade seems to be a bit shabby though :smile:
The blade is nicely done, wtih the proper shape.
If you are new, you should be careful for polygon counts too. A weapon I would say should be under 350 polygons (350 for a detailed blade that is and about 150 for a polearm)
Thorn said:
Model looks pretty cool for a first shot at the real thing, although in practice the weapon would be quite inpractical :roll:

The middel part where the grip touches the blade seems to be a bit shabby though :smile:

I know it'd be impractical. I made it for size and effect, not practicality. ^_^

Its not attached, thats why it looks shoddy. I just kinda pushed it in... I could probably go fix that, but eh. >.>

Sina said:
The blade is nicely done, wtih the proper shape.
If you are new, you should be careful for polygon counts too. A weapon I would say should be under 350 polygons (350 for a detailed blade that is and about 150 for a polearm)

Thanks. And I know about that. Wasn't sure exactly what to shoot for, so I made a conscious effort not to make it too detailed.

I think that one was something like 130 altogether.

Waylander918 said:
Sorry I cant help, but that is a really cool sword. Reminds me of Gatts from Berserk :smile:

Thats about what I was going for. ^_^

Best word I've beenable to find for that sort of sword was "zanbatou". This dude in Rurouni Kenshin (Samurai X), or whatever it is, has one of those, but its pretty silly even for that kind of weapon. It had much the same shape and it was called that though.

Theres a real sort of zanbatou too, but they look quite a bit different then that. Much smaller and looks more like a nodach or katana. They were made for cleaving through horses, hence the name: zan = "horse"; batou = "slayer/killer".

Though, don't take that as absolute fact. I could be completely wrong. I'm not historian or weapon expert. Or even japanese, for that matter. >_>;
It's quite funny seeing someone point out that something called "ridiculously large sword" is impractical. If it was practical, it wouldn't be ridiculous :p.
Zanbatou is not a proper name of a weapon. But it is more likely to be a nickname of a sword, or weapon which is so strong/big/sharp that it would even cut a horse.

Zan=cut/slash, Ba=horse, Tou=sword.

I recall main character in 'Lone Wolf and Cab' uses a fencing school called Suioh-ryu Zanbatou. His sword was (made by) Dotanuki.
Ryuta said:
Zanbatou is not a proper name of a weapon. But it is more likely to be a nickname of a sword, or weapon which is so strong/big/sharp that it would even cut a horse.

Zan=cut/slash, Ba=horse, Tou=sword.

I recall main character in 'Lone Wolf and Cab' uses a fencing school called Suioh-ryu Zanbatou. His sword was (made by) Dotanuki.

Well, I was close anyway. o.o;

I've mostly seen it in reference to nihontou, both straight and curved, that were shorter then a nodachi and bigger (heavier and longer) then a "normal" katana. And of course, once in a while I've seen it in reference to stuff like Gatsu's Dragonslayer.

Thats why I've been using it as name for those swords. Honestly, its a pretty accurate name for something that size, isn't it? >.>;
Berserk > Samurai X big time :smile: Gatts sword in the game would be pretty damn fun to play, then I could be the 100 Man Slayer :cool:

DrunkenMoron your avatar makes me laugh my ass off :lol:
Gattsu? what subs did you Get..The subs I got spelt it Guts And it wasnt a crappy sub either..bah I should ask my dad sometime to clerify this to me
Got my subs from Guts would be an americanized name, not a japanese name, Gatsu is more like that, and subs prolly got mixed up between dubbed Guts and japanese Gattsu and chose Gatts.
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