The release date is today!

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I saw in faq that the new version releases today and i havent seen it up yet! When are you planing to upload it to the download page??
Alright, were all gonna go wait outside Amargans house...
If we dont see an update in two days...
*gestures to large rope stockpile*
Kidding :smile:
Or am I?
Hmmm players are getting restless. Must buy myself some time...

OK folks. Here's the link to my favorite web-based game. It was made by a Turkish animator which makes it all the more interesting to me. :grin:
Heres another fun game thats in beta still:
Its a sort-of Liero/Worms game, very fun.
Unfourtunatly it hasnt been updated in months.
Very cool though :smile:
Mr 47 said:
Heres another fun game thats in beta still:
Its a sort-of Liero/Worms game, very fun.
Unfourtunatly it hasnt been updated in months.
Very cool though :smile:
That looks like a gory Gunbound with worms enginuity. D:
So when there will be a new version? By the way, the old character will be transferred to the new version or to begin all over again?
Bah, starting over is the fun part.
Anyway, dont you want to experience the new features to their fullest?
Exactly. Why would anyone want to be running around at the back-end of the game with a supercharged character? Where's the fun in that?

Best to start over - it forces you to give new things a go :grin:
True, sometimes I enjoy starting a new character, but it does suck when you loose the one you worked hard on, I think you should be able to keep your reguler one.
Easy to accomplish! Just don't install the new version. This is a beta and I would imagine it would be extremely difficult to maintain compatibility and add new features at the same time.
Install the new version in a differnt directory then, or move the old one to a differnt one. You would have to update your shortcut adresssess, but it would work and you could keep your old chars.
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