(the real) statement regarding plans for mp

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In case you don't have the time to read 70 comments deep in one day before finding out whats actually changing.
AVRC said:
I don't have an exact change log because it keeps getting adjusted and play tested, but I can say that block, swing, feint, movement speeds are being adjusted among other changes.

No plans to put them on the beta YET, but we might do it later on when we are happy with the changes. We will have another test tonight and see how it goes.
Duh_TaleWorlds said:
We have held off on publishing it, because we are not just working on content but also investing a fair bit of time into refactoring some of the code base. Generally speaking, this tends to be a bit painful when it happens but is a necessity in software development that improves the long term health of a project. At the moment we are testing these changes and are trying to resolve any bugs that came with them (an unavoidable consequence of refactoring a program with this level of complexity).
In case you don't have the time to read 70 comments deep in one day before finding out whats actually changing.

Can “refactoring the code” be itself code for “whoever wrote the mp class system made it impossible to easily find and change a few numbers”?
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