The Prussian Army

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Hello everyone, i am known as Jesus in Mount & Musket and in Teamspeak3(I know your all surprised) but for whoever is reading this, especially all members of a Prussian Regiment I have taken the liberty of creating a steam group for the Prussian Army. So for all Prussian regiments members, if you have steam join that group.

Here is the Link:

It is public so you dont need to ask me or any other officers of that group to join, but if you decide to leave the Prussian Army, then plz leave the group, if you wouldnt mind. I just hope everyone uses it because itll give this newly formed faction some support for maybe setting up practices between regiments and the army itself. All leaders of a Prussian Regiment will be given officer, and for 22nd Members they can join aswell. So please I hope you enjoy it, if it dosnt work out, then it dosnt work out, big deal. But if it does, perhaps Britain and France, and future factions will follow in the great Prussian example that we are!
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