The PoP Appreciation Thread

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The Zue


As I feel the need to.  There should be a single source appreciation thread for all the hard and dedicated work that was/is put into PoP and its community.


As a retired modder for several different games (not M&B), I know through experience that sometimes if not most appreciation for the hard work and networking of like minds goes un-noticed or un-commented on.  The sheer amount of time, commitment, dedication and passion for quality projects like PoP 1.2 and now PoP 2.0 deserves acknowledgment for just exactly how epic a project this becomes for the simple pleasure of watching a community grow because of it.  Modding is an animal that rarely gets the credit it deserves, so allow me the honor.

To all those involved with the PoP project 1.2 to 2.0 (current),65017.0.html CREDITS

Thank you.

For all the Alpha/Beta testers of the project and the hard work, diligence and gameplay bug squashing.

Thank you

For all the Players of PoP and the PoP community as a whole, with its wit, charm and affection for Pendor.

Thank you

Prophecy of Pendor is quite simply the Best (definately top 3) mod available for M&B, not only for its unique feel, world and culture.  But in its simplicity to expand on an already awsome vanilla build.  There is unique dialog, quests, items, models, and most importantly vision (story).  This takes a dedicated front man, a dedicated team, a dedicated modding community and most importantly an awsome community of like minds to come together to participate in the passion we call Mount and Blade.

Thank you


ps.  DS, I dont recall seeing a "donate" option on your wiki nor anywhere around here.  maybe a thought?  at the very least you deserve a six pack and a twisty.  :cool:

pps.  If this is a duplicate or has been type posted previous or already a dedicated.  DELETE it.
pps.  If this is a duplicate or has been type posted previous or already a dedicated.  DELETE it.

Praise and thanks is something that is always welcome. I've said this before and will say it again: Prophesy of Pendor is a work of art => Saxondragon is an artist => both are great => a copy of PoP (all versions+stories) should be inside a 20 cm explosive-proof glass wall next to Mona Lisa.

This thread is just one more proof how good this has become => DON?T DELETE IT!
The Zue said:

As I feel the need to.  There should be a single source appreciation thread for all the hard and dedicated work that was/is put into PoP and its community.


As a retired modder for several different games (not M&B), I know through experience that sometimes if not most appreciation for the hard work and networking of like minds goes un-noticed or un-commented on.  The sheer amount of time, commitment, dedication and passion for quality projects like PoP 1.2 and now PoP 2.0 deserves acknowledgment for just exactly how epic a project this becomes for the simple pleasure of watching a community grow because of it.  Modding is an animal that rarely gets the credit it deserves, so allow me the honor.

To all those involved with the PoP project 1.2 to 2.0 (current),65017.0.html CREDITS

Thank you.

For all the Alpha/Beta testers of the project and the hard work, diligence and gameplay bug squashing.

Thank you

For all the Players of PoP and the PoP community as a whole, with its wit, charm and affection for Pendor.

Thank you

Prophecy of Pendor is quite simply the Best (definately top 3) mod available for M&B, not only for its unique feel, world and culture.  But in its simplicity to expand on an already awsome vanilla build.  There is unique dialog, quests, items, models, and most importantly vision (story).  This takes a dedicated front man, a dedicated team, a dedicated modding community and most importantly an awsome community of like minds to come together to participate in the passion we call Mount and Blade.

Thank you


ps.  DS, I dont recall seeing a "donate" option on your wiki nor anywhere around here.  maybe a thought?  at the very least you deserve a six pack and a twisty.  :cool:

pps.  If this is a duplicate or has been type posted previous or already a dedicated.  DELETE it.

SXIII said:
pps.  If this is a duplicate or has been type posted previous or already a dedicated.  DELETE it.

Praise and thanks is something that is always welcome. I've said this before and will say it again: Prophesy of Pendor is a work of art => Saxondragon is an artist => both are great => a copy of PoP (all versions+stories) should be inside a 20 cm explosive-proof glass wall next to Mona Lisa.

This thread is just one more proof how good this has become => DON?T DELETE IT!

The Zue,

Sir, thank you most kindly for your words. 

While the vision may have been mine, it was the enthusiasm of the community and the commitment and dedication of those who stepped up to help, that made this effort what it has become.  Truly this has been a project that has succeeded because of the synergy of the community members.  I feel that I have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to breathe life into this concept and idea.


Thanks mate for your encouraging words. I know that you are a strong supporter of the story surrounding this effort and I wanted to take this opportunity to return the favor and say "Thank you".  Your words of encouragement over the last months have made a distinctive difference in the game and story you see today. 

Kindest regards,

Saxondragon and Team..
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