I told you I'm a novelist. This entire game is based on one of my novels (none of which have been published). Poltridia: from "Poly", or "Many", and "Tri", or "three". Basically the idea of "E Plurubus Unum (out of many, one)". The storyline to this particular story is as follows: "Poltridia is a usually peaceful land (excepting some minor conflicts with the ever troublesome bandits of the region) whose name was made for the fact that it's first rulers were a group of triplets. For the first 92 years of its existence, Poltridia had never seen war. Ironically, however, thge first nation that would attack them was themselves. After the death of King Roderick IV, who, through his reign of 15 years, had not been able to have children, and who had outlived all other members of his family, the nation was divided over who should be the new ruler. Some said it should be Sir Phillip, a loyal member of the Poltridian royal bodyguards, while others said that it should be Count Yrioudes, a war mongering foreigner who had work his way up in standing by fighting with the bandits and selling what they had for whatever he needed. The result was that the kingdom split into two factions, Phillip's followers who kept the original name, while Yrioudes took the name Regulon (his language for "of the king") for his faction. A bloody war has lessened the strength of both sides, and those who are neutral towards the war are becoming increasingly anxious about what would happen if one of the neighboring civilizations attacked them now. It has become evident that, if this war does not end soon, Poltridia will be too weak to continue." This is where you come in. So far I have modified the map, some conversations, and most town names.