The Phantom Wimple

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So I spent like several game weeks working on gaining vassalage with King Graveth and increasing relations with Count Raichs so I could pay suit to Lady Meraced of the Rhodoks because I felt she'd make a good NPC wife for my latest character and plans in the latest game of Warband I've been playing.

Anyways I finally get permission to court her, and I go to meet her and OMG shes wearing a WIMPLE. What the heck! She doesn't have a wimple on in her character information picture!

So I'm like okay let me find out why shes wearing a Wimple, so I fire up Morgh's Troop Editor and look at the entry for her in the troops.txt file and heres what I see.


So as we can see shes only assigned a Ruby Lady Dress and hide boots. No WIMPLE.

But in game shes got a wimple on, and a lady dress and hide boots(I think I haven't attempted to look under her dress so I'm just assuming the boots are there).

I'm definitely not marrying a woman with a wimple on! Thats totally not my style! But I can't figure out why shes being randomly assigned one either. It makes no sense.

So now I have to throw like 100 days of game time out the window because the woman I've spent all this time trying to get into position to court is wearing a wimple. Totally lame.
She's given the wimple via a code operation.  You can't change that with the troop editor.  Sorry, I guess you'll have to find a wimple-less lass.
OMG I'm totally going to annihilate the entire Kingdom of Rhodoks for this code induced travesty.

Taleworlds the blood is on your hands!
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