The next step...what to do?

Who should I attack in this overly peaceful world?

  • Nords

    Votes: 16 40.0%
  • Kergits

    Votes: 16 40.0%
  • Sarranids

    Votes: 12 30.0%
  • Vaegirs

    Votes: 11 27.5%
  • Rhodoks

    Votes: 6 15.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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OK this is odd, I've taken over Swadia entirely, the faction is defeated, the Counts and King Haralus are trying to escape from their own dungeons, because I thought it would be funny (it is). I'm a complete tyrant (not an evil ruler, but just the method of how I came to power). I'm not really worried about raising my Right to Rule because, well, I just don't care about becoming King of anything (legitimate or otherwise). Nobody seems interested in killing me off or taking my land, it's been a few months since I removed Swadia with my own kingdom (Fiefdom?).

Anyway, I'm confused with what I should do next. I don't want to attack the Rhodoks, because I like the crossbows and their ladies, but I've no serious relations (good/bad) with any of the other races. So I'm getting a little bloodthirsty and can't decide on who to attack. My save game seems to be a very peaceful place all-round, nobody is at war with anyone else, and all anyone does is mess with their respective bandits, which is scarcely satisfying to me.

I want to unleash a can of fury on someone, any suggestions?
I would expand into Khergit territory.  They stink at castle/city defense, but are decent on the open plains.  Beat them up with your knights.  :wink:
don't attack the kerghits or especially the vaegirs. their archers will rape you face off earth. go after the nords
Attack the Nords. Or the Rhodoks, if you change your mind. You'll have an ally right next to you and some amazing troops to go with them. Huscarls and sharpshooters, anyone? You've already got knights. Both of them would mean the ultimate force for conquering Calradia. Fierce huscarls in the frontlines, Swadian knights with chargers and morning stars covering their offense, and masterful sharpshooters killing everything from afar.
you have the greatest advantage in the field against nords and rhodoks, which is what you should do before you try to siege a castle, lure out and defeat the defenders (pure cavalry army, small in number, rapes them)

i voted nords and vaegirs though, vaegirs would be good to get out of your way, and their land is pretty flat, great for cavalry, and their marksmen would be good additions to your army, same with nord huscarls.
If you already have one savegame in your module, you can find it in your documents/mount&blade warband folder. Copy the savegames from native to diplomacy. It does NOT work with most mods though.
Now I no longer have to be sad when I changed my module from time to time,and killer why are you watched:smile:
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