The newbie thread.

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With all 'help, I'm new' threads popping up soo damn often, /me decided to make this. Ask all your newbie questions here, and if you're nice, you'll get a cookie... um an answer I mean.
Honestly i dont think that most of the newbies will.

A. read this or
B. use it.

But we will see. :wink:
Actually I played M&B quite a while, well they look like newbie questions so I place them here
1, Polearms and Bows I encountered usually carry negative modifiers. Is there anyway to fix this?
2, Is there anyway to change the slo-mo key? (default as F9)
3, Why there is so much ****tards asking for free serial keys? How can we eradicate them without being accused for murder, to make the world a better place?
Thanks in advance.
1. Nothing, just seek some without such modifiers :wink:
2. Dont think so, maybe if you hex edit the exe, but i´m not sure where that is saved at all.
3. They are greedy and dont want to pay, also paying for something is unusual for such dudes. Dont let any proof behind that you murdered them! Or simple let the mods take care of such people.
If you get a PM asking for a key, inform a Mod.
Or find a bald guy with a red tie who has a bar code in his neck...

As for the F9 thing, a couple of 1 or 2 euro coins will do.
Thanks guy, your answers bring me warmth in such a cold winter night
And I love sarcasm
This is newbie question of course but, why cheats dont work on 7.11 trial? :oops: money cheat dont work. all i want to work is it
pink said:
This is newbie question of course but, why cheats dont work on 7.11 trial? :oops: money cheat dont work. all i want to work is it

I suggest buying the full version! :wink:
fak said:
1, Polearms and Bows I encountered usually carry negative modifiers. Is there anyway to fix this?

Bows and polearms are not provided in improved versions, only standard and substandard ones. Changing this would require tampering with the files. Maybe some mods has it done ?
open the options menu ('esc' then pick 'options') and look what's the relevant key,change it if you don't like it.
oh, and a reply to your first question fak,
you CAN change the negative modifiers problem - open the unofficial editor and just uncheck all of the rusty/cracked/leperous boxes
Another question.
What would happen if you pay The lord of Rivacheg for Borcha, then take Borcha to Sargoth? Will he be executed and gone forever. I guess it wont happen coz the game is still in beta. I am not sure as everytime he offer me to join my army, I just cant resist :oops:
n00b question, is there another heros than Mandrid? in trial mode..

btw if yea, tell where i can found it too
hey, i was wondering, how do you get horse archers? do you have to capture them from a party that has them prisoner?

what is the plot in the normal game..? (no mods added)

if i download a mod, will i still be able to play the normal version?

or if i download 2 different mods would i be able to switch play between one or the other?

are there any new skins, or such to download, so my character doesn't look like a disgruntled drunk guy every time i play?
I. Neither the Vaegirs or the Swadians have horse archers so freeing captured ones is the only option. Captured Black Khergits and Steppe Bandits are your best bet to get them, as Mountain and Forest Bandits only have them occassionally.

II. At the moment the game is in beta stage and has no real plot.

III. Yes, just choose the Native folder up at the top when the startup screen comes up.

IV. Yes, simply drag one or the other at the top of the startup screen. This happens to be one of my favorite features of Mount and Blade. You can run a number of mods at the same time without any of them causing problems for others.

V. To the best of my knowledge none exist yet, but there are mods that might delve into that or already have. I know The Last Days plans on making orc faces possible(I know it probably is not what you had in mind) and I believe the Onin no Ran mod is also changing faces. You might want to do a search in the Mods section of the forum and if that fails post the question there, possibly even make a request for it, there are many modders out there looking for a challenge.

Though this was not your first post, welcome to the forums.
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