The MY WISHLIST - Thread

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Hail to all my swordbrethren and swordmaids!

For a short introduction, I'm a 23yo from Cologne, Germany and I've played video and computer games for more or less my whole life now. I was always fond of role playing games or games like Pirates! and Visions of Aftermath: The BOOMTOWN. Mount&Blade has fascinated me from the first moment I created my character and later on I became more and more addicted to the brilliant medieval battles.

Nevertheless there are still a lot of things to improve, which all of you might agree to, since this is just the beta. Therefore I want to start this thread in order to give armagan a quick overview of the wishes the community has for his game, which will help him get a picture of what to do next.

I know, I'm a newbie to this BBS, but I think of myself as a very experienced gamer, since I have been playing games for nearly my whole life. Thus I have begun to develop a very critical stance to games and why I like them or not. Considering this, it might be a great compliment for Mount&Blade, that I consider it as a potential revolution of RolePlaying and Action games, but I myself wouldn't take my experience for THAT much. :lol:

Nevertheless, in order to make this thread as much a help for armagan as possible, there are some necessary rules:

1st: Let's try to keep our wishlists SHORT but INFORMATIVE
2nd: I think it could help to give our wishes a headline that summarizes it properly
3rd: Also we could mention important things FIRST!
4th: Let's not discuss inside THIS thread - we can open another thread where we put out the pros and cons.
5th: If you have the same wish someone else already has, feel free to shout it out loud! :wink: Perhaps everyone could include a short message about how many ppl that had that wish. If EVERYONE includes the amount of wishes for that feature, it would just take to look at the last thread that wished it to have the complete count.

We have time to structure our threads, so let's try to write it in a way so that armagan can easily get the important information. Remember this saves him time that he can then invest in implementing the features that we all hope are going to make it into the game!

All my regards to everyone who likes this game!

Skipe's Wishlist (experience from games such as Morrowind & Baldur Gate's. 13 yo finnish boy)

1 - First of all, finish the main game in all peace and with no hurry, it will be seen in the game if you rush and make impossible deadlines.

2 - Make the game as easily modable as you can, try to create very good modding tools too (like TESTool in Morrowind, smaller of course).

3 - Then just let the fans create numerous LOTR and Conan mods, and the playable stuff will never end.
1. Damage to weapons.
Currently once you have a good weapon you basically keep it for the whole game. What if edged weapons lost their sharpness and had to be re-egded by the smithy, or if polearms and lances had a chance to be broken in combat so you are forced to change to secondary weapons.

2. Knocked or dragged from your mount.
If you are hit hard enough you are knocked from your horse or if you ride into a group of footmen you stand a chance of being dragged off your horse. You are forced to fight on foot or fight your way back to your horse and remount. This could also be modified by "upgrades" to your mount (better saddles, etc.) and improved riding skills.

That Mount & Blade be an open-ended free-form game in which a character can play with his own goals in mind: fame, acquiring land, home, titles, statistics, marriage, political office, etc.

To save work - and I'm assuming it would - these would be represented by other menu screens with personal info and stats: a picture of current home, drawings of the medals, painting of wife, engraving of "mayor" status.

Right now, as amusing/fascinating as combat is, I would like more "payoff"
My current wish would be to have complex troop commanding abilities. I've said this before, I'll say it again, because I think its important. Something along the lines of you press Enter on the keypad, it brings up a list of all the troops in your army, like:

1. Borcha (84%)
2. Swadian Crossbowmen (6)
3. Swadian Men-At-Arms (4)
4. Swadian Knights (2)
5. Swadian Militia (12)

Then you press 1 through 5, on the keypad, and it'd 'select' that unit. Then another list comes up, something like:

1. Hold position!
2. Charge!
3. Retreat!
4. Follow me!
5. Switch to melee!
6. Switch to blunt weapons!
7. Switch to ranged!
8. Dismount!
9. Mount!

Stuff like that. Would be awesome.
1. powerful modding tools
2. very basic multiplayer. Two player direct IP for instance. (not full battles or campaigns but just enough to allow one on one duels/tilting matches)
3. expanded AI troop control, formations, battle cries, heraldry (uniformity of your troops appearance on the battlefield) etc.
4. late-game rewards like owning a castle and other ways to help you spend your big fat piles of money like raising a knight and betting on his tournaments, raising a personal guard for your castle, decorating the castle with tons of useless gold statues etc :razz:
If the engine allows it, seiges and other dynamic content would really make this game a gem. I want to have an impact on the world, not just go around killing an endless stream of Swadians and bandits.
Voldy said:
I want to have an impact on the world, not just go around killing an endless stream of Swadians and bandits.

Thats exactly what I am doing, Killing endless streams in groups of 50-75!

I would like to be able to...

1) Get a Tabard/surcoat for myself and/or my troops bearing my Kingdom's heraldry or my own personal texture, same thing to me.

2) Get horse armor/upgrades which affects the game big time.

3) More equiptment slots, for maybe a backup knife in my boot, Tabard, Quiver or cape!

4) For combat, make it possible to hit targets WHILE they have their shield up, as it is now you can fire directly at thei feet and it will be blocked!

5) Give archers a parry abilitiy, even if it breaks the bow in a few hits, also allow them to drag aroubnd a tower shield to use for cover! Please!

6) Make hit-targeting exist for melee, for example Slashing someone'f face with my sword should hurt more then scratching their arm, and hitting a Horse's legs should do alot of damage since they have no armor there.

7) Indoor/Citybound combat, against enemy towns and keeps. With Siege weapons and fire and all that neat stuff.

For ideas/information on castles and keeps, weapons and armor. Historically id reccommend checking out and buying these two books!

Weapons and Armor

Ranged and Castles

I highly reccomend both of them books for any medieval combat fanatic to get and study! They are great with alot of pictures and facts!
Cleitan said:
4) For combat, make it possible to hit targets WHILE they have their shield up, as it is now you can fire directly at thei feet and it will be blocked!

Yes. Good suggestion.

Cleitan said:
6) Make hit-targeting exist for melee, for example Slashing someone'f face with my sword should hurt more then scratching their arm, and hitting a Horse's legs should do alot of damage since they have no armor there.

Maybe I'm just imagining things but when I slash people in the face it does seem like it deals more damage. Or it could be simply because they have less armor there.

I like your suggestion to have some indoor/city combat and to add to that how bout some variation in the wilderness combat like flat fields with farms and peasant huts.

I was a bit busy lately, going to school and work and stuff, so excuse the delay. There are only two big wishes that I have and that were not already mentioned here.

1st - A more complex travel map:
I like the way how the character is already connected to the overworld map. But I think some tweaks to the travel map could make a much more interesting experience out of it. I'd really like to have more different terrain types, more forests or mountain passes and adequate sight ranges for example. It'd also be nice to have some kind of fog of war on the main map and that it would be random generated. Battlefield terrain could be derived from the terrain the char is standing on giving the player much more tactical decisions to make.

2nd - More NPC/PC parties on the travel map
My second wish is that there would be much more NPC parties on the map. Even if Armagan would just raise the number of the existing party types, it would IMO make more fun.

3rd - More complex eco in general
[I count 3 people who have this wish (including me)].

JonathanStrange, Voldy, Wastelander

More factions, more trade goods, titles/ranks, diplomacy, building and defending (or enlarging) your own faction from a citizen to a count (or king of your own country, if you can achieve liberty?).

I can imagine though that all of this would be a whole lot of work, so I just can pray that some wishes will come true someday.

All my regards
Another wish from wastelander:

Group Command System
I think the following alterations would make sense and add fun to the game:

- Taking out the leadership based stack limit
- Replacing it with a leadership based group limit
- Groups can be formed on party screen
- Group commands on the battlefield (as in commandable units thread)
- Named NPC party members in a seperate 'hero'-group (limited by leadership)
View my original thread here

not much time now- but I will edit this information to be more descriptive later.

My Wishes

1. Jousting

2. Archery

3. Dynamic Weather Systems & Effects

4. Group Command System

5. Housing & Dwellings

6. Upgradeable Equipment for Party Members
redcoat said:
Different styles for each "class" of armor. i.e. Plate armor should have ten different styles so the variation would be much higher.

I completely agree with that, and I think it would be relatively easy to do by having extra texture files with diferent kinds of details that would randomized on the armor upon creation. Would require a lot less space but as I'm not a game-maker I cannot say how much system resources that would eat up.

then the wishes.

1 A working economy everything affects everything style.

2 A home

3 Stop the inflation. I hate paying 323000 for anything because it just feels like money wouldn't be worth anything. All money divided by ~10 should be quite easy to do. Some things should still stay at the current amounts like salaries, for both the player and his troops
Plate variations...chuckle.

You DO realize that plate had to be custom made to each knight right? Even today to make someone plate the armorer has to take measurements and make it by hand to fit each customer right.

Beyond that-I agree wholeheartedly with the more complex orders function. I hate that the knights will hang around and the archers will as well, when the archers "should" be forming up to send a volley down range and the knights "should" be forming up to charge.

And the footmen should be guarding the archers and preparing dragdown teams(polearm footmen with two sword/shield footmen beside him).

Also I would rather like to see more customization of the troops, like being able to have X many footmen carrying hammers/crossbows and X many footman carrying Swords and bows.

Beyond that-my one pet peeve is the npcs can switch from range to melee but i haveta go back to the starting chest to switch out. Really annoys me.

What does the suit of armour having to be custom made matter? You DO realise that even with the one style currently in the game it would still have to be custom made right?

What they are asking for is different styles of plate, both visually and functionally.
"Plate variations...chuckle.

You DO realize that plate had to be custom made to each knight right? Even today to make someone plate the armorer has to take measurements and make it by hand to fit each customer right. "

What are you talking about? All I meant were different styles of the same class... Are you suggesting the "mass produced" identical plate in the game is more historical then?....chuckle
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