The Mount&Blade Kitchen - how to keep your troops happy.

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Master Knight
Hello, boys and girls. Apart from sex and violence, food is the greatest joy in life. Now, I hear a lot of voices shouting "drink!" as well, but you may find drink in all of the aforementioned categories anyway.

Now: What do you feed your men?

We have several options, of course, including (and limited to):
Dried meat
Smoked fish

These have different costs, and have different nutritional qualities. I try to keep the diet as varied as possible, and here's how my list goes:

Grain - oatmeal and milk
Flour - bread/toast w/strawberry jam, bacon and eggs, milk or orange juice, and a pot of tea. The most popular breakfast option.
Dried meat - Entrecote with pommes noisettes and sprouts in a bernaise sauce, and ale to wash it down
Smoked fish - I prefer it grilled, actually. Grilled salmon with potatoe salad, lemon and sour cream. They say white wine with fish, but I can't stand wine. Beer.
Toronado the Horse - Haven't tried this option yet, actually. We'll have to make the best of it. Hot dogs, anyone?

("My, that's a big sausage."
"Yeah yeah, just eat up and stfu.")

A good soldier is a happy soldier. Feed them well and they are happy. It is therefore paramount that you keep a good and varied diet - meat for proteine and vitamin A, grain for carbs and fiber, fish for amino acids, vitamin B and iodine. Just wish there was fowl in the game as well.

Of course, my motley crew of binaries might not give a damn what I feed them, but I still try to keep my diet varied. Yeah, like you don't have any weird habits. :roll:

So how about it, guys? What do you do for food?
Oh, and by the way: What are the in-game consequences of not eating? I recently arrived at a city and noticed my food slot was empty. God knows for how long. Yet all my men seemed fine, and I certainly seemed none the worse for it. What, exactly, does food do?
I feed them grain. Not oatmeal, porridge or what have you, just grain. Same as the horses get.

They know their place in my army.

And no-one ever lives long enough to think about deserting :grin:
A 'starving' event with a percentage comes up after the second or so 'party has no food' message. It appears to effect morale, travelling speed and I think recovery rate.
Roach said:
I feed them grain. Not oatmeal, porridge or what have you, just grain. Same as the horses get.

They know their place in my army.

And no-one ever lives long enough to think about deserting :grin:
Heheh, I used to feed my men dry grain too, but I guess I'm just an old softy so I started giving them dead horses to round out their diet, they don't live long enough to get scurvy or rickets either.
Dried meat is the best food (Meat for the win, you ***** vegetarians), and gives the most morale. And yes, the food does affect your speed - I had a priest who was feeding on smoked fish, and put some dried meat in the slot, then he went 0.2 speed units faster. Morale doesn't do anything currently, though, but the food probably affects recovery rate too.
Roach said:
I feed them grain. Not oatmeal, porridge or what have you, just grain. Same as the horses get.

They know their place in my army.

And no-one ever lives long enough to think about deserting :grin:

Running a tight ship, I see :grin: Just don't let them see you munching on those brownies :wink:
Kissaki said:
Running a tight ship, I see :grin: Just don't let them see you munching on those brownies :wink:

Nah, I just figure it's easier having one feeding trough at meal times :wink:

And I always snack over the other side of the battlefield, it's just common courtesy..
Kissaki said:
Oh, and by the way: What are the in-game consequences of not eating? I recently arrived at a city and noticed my food slot was empty. God knows for how long. Yet all my men seemed fine, and I certainly seemed none the worse for it. What, exactly, does food do?

When you have out of food, after a while - several hours at least, they start to starve. It takes a lot of time to starve to 100% (more then 24 hours). When they starve at 100% I guess your party dies. Don't know what happens with you and the other heroes although.
CrazyEyes said:
Dried meat is the best food (Meat for the win, you ***** vegetarians), and gives the most morale. And yes, the food does affect your speed - I had a priest who was feeding on smoked fish, and put some dried meat in the slot, then he went 0.2 speed units faster. Morale doesn't do anything currently, though, but the food probably affects recovery rate too.
Interesting... Could someone verify this?

Me, I just use fishes... They weigh less and thus have a smaller impact on the mapspeed... HEY! Could that be it Crazy? Did your Pries march alone or in a small party? Then the meat could have a fairly big impact on his speed while in the inventory (now that begs the question is food that is being eaten is not counted as weighing in on marching).
We eat whatever we get. If that means nothing, well, today we'll eat nothing. If we are lucky enough to find a caravan after a week of only 'nothing' in the menu, we'll get horses, caravan guards etc. to eat.

Of course, rank means a lot in my army. Farmers get whatever they can find, regular soldiers usually get some grain or flour to make their food tastier, horsemen get fish, officers are allowed to eat meat in my tent. And what a big tent it is.

And NEVER forget about ale!
I only eat the finest meat.
And my troops? They get whatever Marnid & Borcha feed em, cuz i like fighting solo.
(although, i didn't leave any food for them, and they've been standing around for about 32 days....)
I pity anyone who has to live off of Marnid and Borcha. *shudders*. I give my guys meat, I can afford it, I use cheats. :lol: This is another great and funny thread. Maybe I should make a Prince's Links Thread at another time? Adios, dinner time!
I feed em bits of my character... always a little less than 24% of his body so that he uses "first aid" to grow back arms and legs and... ahem... other bits... strangely enough when my men discovered that I was feeding them body parts they all became allergic to sausages... funny huh?

"rice?" "NO you fool I said rectum!"
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