The most annoying enemy

The most annoying enemy

  • Sea Raiders! Damn their throwing axes to hell!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Swadain Crossbowmen! They never miss!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Black Khergits! I ****ing hate chasing horse archers!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other! I HATE <insert name here>s!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Black Khergits for me... everything else, including Dark Hunters, can be avoided in a pinch, but Black Khergits are just so fast on the overland map. And they're so hard to catch in combat that it takes a long time to kill them all; while I'm chasing down this one or that one, his friends are busy killing off my troops.
Swadian crossbowmen for me. They are more evil with the new ranged AI in 0.711. My favorute tactic of approaching shield raised is not working anymore. Because only a few of them switch to melee, rest is still trying to aim at me.
I'll take on Sea Raiders and KherGITs before Swadian Crossbowmen ANY day.

Other than that, those three groups are indeed the Top 3 most hated enemies I know of. I'm glad you didn't put Dark Knights on the list - they're not on mine either :smile:
yeah I have to say swadian crossbowmen are a nightmare.. especially if you are a ranged warrior or you fight them on hilly terrain.. they always seem to be very lucky and on top of a very high hill so they just snipe your troops (and you) to oblivion
Sea Raiders. Perhaps the only more annoying ranged unit would have been the first Version of Last day LOTR's Umbars (A cohort of crossbowmen keeping you from letting your shield down for a SECOND).

It's easy to outmanuver the horse archers, albeit keeping you from really easily lancing them. But Sea raiders seem to hone right in on you, and just..ugh. :grin:
Crossbowmen. They kill four or five guys each battle, regardless of numbers or quality. I run a mile when I see the buggers.
I'd actually give my vote to something else: Mountain Bandits

They're not as bad as Dark Hunters or Khergits, Sea Raiders or Crossbowmen, but I have found them so easy to underestimate.

You learn to be careful with Sea Raiders. You learn to avoid Crossbowmen unless you have a lot of heavy lancers or something. But Mountain Bandits have caused me more problems then all of the former put together, particularly with lower-level characters. It's mainly the fact that they come in such large numbers, but also their equipment is just about good enough to cause problems. Maybe I'm just unlucky with them, but it's disturbing the number of times I'll be fighting them and one of their horses will colide with me or a javelin will hit my horse or something and I'll go down right in the middle of a mob of them. Grr.

Lancer said:
particularly with lower-level characters
Oh sure, but in that case you might as well nominate River Pirates :grin: Any enemy is hard for a low level character ("Arrrgh! He's throwing pebbles! Retreat!")

When you gain sufficient level (like >20), you can easily eradicate 50+ Bandits (Mountain/Steppe/Forest) solo.

I think the reason Swad Crossbowmen are so exceptionally dangerous, is that they rarely switch to melee weapon, unlike Sea Raiders (maybe because they have more ammo?) and far longer weapon range than the raiders too. Add to this their excellent aim and you got a killer combo.
Definitely crossbowmen.

If nothing else, simply for the fact that they always appear in large groups. You get a party of Swadian deserters, mouse over and see the composition is 40 Swadian Crossbowmen. Nearly everything else has a decent mix of range and melee. Even in Swadian caravans, you can virtually guarantee that the Crossbowmen will be in the majority.
Black Khergits are annoying while on foot (only). Though, when on foot crossbow men and sea raiders aren't much of a problem.

While mounted the situation is the opposite however.

So, no vote cast.
Ohh damn i hate those Crossbowmen, after you killed most of them, more spawn at the end of the hill where noone can catch them, many of my knights getting pinned down because noone can reach them. I would like to see better spawn points :???:

I have to agree with Ilex and cannot rightfully vote. On foot, the Khergits win hands down, but if you are riding a horse, the Crossbowmen and Sea Raiders will punish you horribly. Additionally, Khergits are often too fast to avoid if you have a party with an average speed and Sea Raiders and Crossbowmen almost inevitably kill members of your party, no matter what you do.
There can only be one... Ehh... several but still! :roll: :grin:

Swadian Crossbowmen! Those deserters are just too evil.
Sure Sea Raiders and perhaps Black Khergits are stronger, but the cost/benefit analysis is just too lousy when we are talking Swadian Crossbowmen.

I stay clear of them even if I outnumber them, I will gladly beat up Black Khergits and Sea Raiders, but not those Crossbowmen.
I find all enemys easy no matter if i'm on horse or on foot useing meel or range. but crossbow men are the most annoying just because u can rarly get a good hit in with out a bolt stuck into your backside.
I really wish I knew what the big deal with Sea Raiders was, lol. I usually go straigh from river pirites to fighting them. I find them easier that any of the others. I voted for black khergits, but that mainly because I usually play foot, so, that for an obvious reason.

As for Sea Raiders though, I find that they raely ever hit you if you simple sidestep.

Actually I was 2 shot by river pirites once, foggy night map, was finalling off the last of the 3 that rushed me. Two of them hit me in the head with rocks for 20+ each. Should have bought a
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