Sergeant at Arms

hi just wantred to post and say this mod is fab, and has made me reinstall m+b after a long break since i rediscovered OOO mod for oblivion. i have been playing as peasent revolutionary for quite some time now, and having a ball doing it, but i must say its not as hard as peasant as u make it out to be - its actually a refreshing change that i can take out any caravan from any faction i want without worrying about relations and plus caravans seems to be a integral part to make money in the game as their loot sells for huge amounts. i have gotten myself fairly decent armour and my 3 companions i had were also decent around level 10 i think with all the hand me downs from my main char. i only had 20k in the bank when i decided field warfare was a thing of the past and hit my first castle, wiping out the fearful swadians in a nerve wracking battle which i clearly came top in thanks to about 80 swadian royal swordsman and a few others most notably swadian cannon guys. a few hours later i took another castle and dhirim town which was in the hands of the khergits at the time (another lovely thing about peasent is its refreshing to face different types of enemy instead of focusing on one type) which i am right now defendgin quite well against about i think a army of 1000 khergits combined against my (ironically) 300 or so mostly swadian troops.
but neway good mod keep the updates flowing and Jesus i love the cannons and the fine runic sword! i would love to see more of those types of weapons addedand new armours and troop types added too. thanks for all the good work and out of 10 this mod is a clear 9 only missing the one point coz to make me pleased with a 10 is quite impossible since id need a ****load of content added!
by the way does horse archery modify using a gun on a horse as well as bows?
grats on the new release cant wait to try out the companions after the thing d/loads!
but neway good mod keep the updates flowing and Jesus i love the cannons and the fine runic sword! i would love to see more of those types of weapons addedand new armours and troop types added too. thanks for all the good work and out of 10 this mod is a clear 9 only missing the one point coz to make me pleased with a 10 is quite impossible since id need a ****load of content added!
by the way does horse archery modify using a gun on a horse as well as bows?
grats on the new release cant wait to try out the companions after the thing d/loads!