The mod topic(Till the mod forum gos up)

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Hey I see alot of mods here or mentions there of but I have to dig deep to find them so I thought I would lend a hand and make a topic for you guys to place your mods into till the mod forum gos up(This way they are all easy to find and such). So get posting! You may already have a topic for your mod but please post it here for easy finding!
If you really want to help then you should just independently go through the mod topics and edit your first post continuously to update each additional mod in an easy to find place.
Hey Lost_Lamb, i get an error when i try to use the recruit mod. Is anybody else having this problem? How can i fix it?

The game wont load for me if I use that mod.... :sad:
Could you pleese use another site rapidshare has virius crap. :evil: Use savefile or something please. :wink:
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