The Middle-Earth Roleplaying mod for Oblivion

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What is the Middle-Earth Roleplaying Project?

Welcome to the Middle-Earth Roleplaying Project - There and Back Again (MERP) mod. This is a Total Conversion modification for The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, based on the magnificent world of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord Of The Rings. MERP was being created for The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, and we have released Beta 0.2.6 for Oblivion (see below).

Who are we?

The MERP team is making an addition to Skyrim. That is, the world of Middle Earth! We are adding all of Middle-Earth in it's entirety, obviously including such places as: The Shire, Eriador, Gondor, Rohan, The Rhovanion, Moria, Mordor, and many other locations!

We have a very large, dedicated, and talented team working to create the world of Middle Earth!

Our Goal

Our goal as a team is to realize the world of J.R.R. Tolkien as closely as we can to his vision. We hold the lore to a very high standard and will not compromise the lore as often as we can. We do use the visual appearance of the films, but if there is a conflict then we always take the books over the movies. We work very hard to bring a quality product even better than the original Oblivion game. We want to make our work look as though professional game developers have created this, an open-world Middle-Earth RPG like no other!

Currently, we have a completed heightmap of Middle Earth (over 10 times the size of Skyrim!) that we will be populating once the Creation Kit is released for Skyrim. Our goal is to create detailed landscapes, towns, interiors, new playable races, weapons and armor, and more!


With the release of v0.2.6, we are planning to create a trailer for it. In the meantime, June 10 trailer is our old trailer for Beta 0.2.4. You can also find some older trailers of our work on our MiddleEarthRP channel. Check out our Autumn 09 trailer, and this older Beta trailer.

Here is an image of our new heightmap for MERP Skyrim:

Also check out this video showcasing MERP & Blade, a per-conceptual sub-mod for Oblivion that is planned to be created for MERP Skyrim. It's goal is to give MERP more Mount&Blade-esque combat!

Here are also some screenshots of our work for MERP Oblivion:

I would also advise that you check out our Moddb page for more videos, screenshots, music, the latest news, and more!

Download the MERP Beta

MERP Beta version 0.2.6: Download it HERE!

This is our final release of MERP for Oblivion (with a possible mini-patch or two to fix any bugs). From here on, we will be working on developing MERP for Skyrim!

More Information

To contact us, or see more of the MERP mod, you can go to:
Our developer's forum
Our Moddb page
Our most recent Bethesda forum thread

We are always looking for more help.  If you'd like to join the MERP team, please feel free to make an account on our developer forum and check out our Application section HERE!

Any questions, comments, suggestions, etc. are appreciated.
CaptinGarro said:
I thought this mod died years ago???
Nope, the mod is still alive.  New heightmap and a (almost) completely new team since GreyWizard was in charge.  This mod has been in the works for over 4 years now I believe.
CaptinGarro said:
hmm, I might to grab a copy of of oblivion and try this out.
Be aware that the Beta is only the heightmap and SOME landscaped locations on it.  It is not populated with NPCs, Quests, etc. just yet.  Trust me when I say that landscaping this HUGE heightmap is a lot of work :lol:

However, I can tell you that what is landscaped is quite beautiful to behold! :smile:
I remember I played a version of MERP years ago, in 2006 I believe. It only had Weathertop and the Shire. :razz:
hey, those screenshots look really good. I'll be looking forward to playing the final version. :smile:
Archonsod said:
Hmm, replace a generic Tolkienesque fantasy world with the generic Tolkienesque fantasy world ....

A generic Tolkienesque fantasy world being anything that combines medieval era with fantasy genre?
The original Tolkien fantasy world was in no way generic. It's the original, it set the standard for other Tolkienesque fantasy worlds. And so far I think it's the only one so far where elves are supposedly the most powerful race ever, yet they lost every war they took part in. Going over the history again, but between Morgoth and Melkor (same guy?? could never tell) and Sauron, they got their asses kicked through the ages.
CJ1145 said:
The original Tolkien fantasy world was in no way generic.
Providing we ignore the blatant plagiarism of just about every Germanic folk tale known to man?

McFudge said:
A generic Tolkienesque fantasy world being anything that combines medieval era with fantasy genre?
No, Tolkien necessitates certain traits - Dwarves and Elves hate each other, Short, fat people make excellent thieves, Orcs are evil and morality is black and white. Ideally, everyone should live in some sort of cod feudalistic medieval society despite the existence of magic wielding types. There's also the Moorcock riff, where the elves tend to be emo types who don't hate dwarves any more than they hate everyone else, morality is all greyscale rather than black & white and in general everyone is pissed off, cynical and prone to spontaneous cruelty or violence for no other reason than to get across just how cynical and pissed off everyone is. Oh, and if at all possible all heroic types should have some kind of horrendous disability which somehow never gets in the way of them being heroic types unless convenient for plot purposes, but grants the basis for much emo angst. Then you have the Robert E Howard generica where the focus is on humans with the mythic types being in shadows, unless it's some kind of beastie to beat around the head, and a technological level which drifts between stone and medieval ages at whim or plot convenience. Morality tends to be a little less to the fore, but since everyone tends to fit specific stereotypes of shifty lithe bugger, muscle bound dimwit, evil priest or fat capitalist there's not really much call for it.

I mean really, these things are getting so over-used it's almost an oxymoron to call them fantasy.
How did he get to be an admin in the first place?

PS: No one claimed the Brothers Grimm were generic when they wrote down all those old folktales and put their names on them.
Yes now that we all know that Archonsod isn't a big fan of fantasy ... how about everyone talks about the actual mod? :lol:

Oh and btw, also wanted to mention that a new version of the Beta is in the works, which will include even more landscaped areas on the heightmap :smile:
I don't think that he doesn't like fantasy, just that every kind of fantasy has already been done, and so many few kinds are re-used 24/7, that it gets everyone pissed off. Well, me too at least. However, I like the screenies, though I don't haev Obliv on the PC. Good luck basically, get to populating that world now !
Hmm. Am I the only one who thinks it's a bit weird that they chose an already established abbreviation for their mod? I mean no one played MERP (or heard of it before)?
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