Master Knight

Download The Magnificent Seven v.31
Mag-7 for M&B v.704 is out but it still doesnt have any new textures, only vanilla ones as hugemod isnt finished. When hugemod v3 is out Ill update Mag-7 and fix any bugs.
*UPDATED* v.31. Put all three folders (steppe, knight, berseker) into your mount&blade/modules directory, then select which one to play on the first menu screen. Either start a new game or try to load a save from v.20 or v.21 Bugfix update. All reported bugs fixed (hopefully). To play a save game from an earlier version of Mag-7 copy the new files into your old directories (v.21, v.20 or v.30). This will let you read from the same save game files
*UPDATED* v.30. Translated for M&B v.704. A few bug fixes as well but no new content otherwise.. This will be the last update for a bit as I have to learn the new mod tools format and work on some other stuff when I get the chance.
*UPDATED* v.21. Small bugfix update. Fixed quest issues and hero re-recruitment issue. Minor tweaks to units. Compatible with v.20 saves in theory but the games module system may not let you access the saves as the folder name will have changed to v.21. There should be a way to work around it by renaming.
*UPDATED* v.20. Translated to Mount and Blade .703. Currently just using standard textures until hugemod v3 is out. Adds manhunter recruitment from slaver at zendar. New noble recruitment tree. Now you recruit young nobles from the kings or counts and they eventually develop into knights, veteran knights and royal knights. WIth high enough faction rank you can recruit knights and veteran knights directly, thus getting around the level up cap. Helmets removed from Khan, Dark General and War Captains to make it easier to spot them. Bandits can buy/sell from any merchant at the moment as the bandit merchant is disabled until I find the right trigger. "Rescue the 7th hero" quest currently disabled as I want to place it somewhere else.
*UPDATED* v.17. Small bug fix update. Fixed bandit promotion bug. Removed peasant massacre quest as peasants dont spawn often in the late game. Added an option to pay Baron Rolf to end a mission without finishing it. There are a few other small fixes as well and I altered brigand reward items. You now get a full set of bandit armor and a bandit shield as the first reward and later on you get slayer weapons. The final bandit reward is now a champion sleipnir (fast armored black horse) No need to install hugemod v2 again if you already have it installed.
*UPDATED* v.16. I added 3 triggers so you cant load old save games. New game required. 2 new armies (brigand_raiders, brigand_scouts) on the worldmap. Fixed bandit weekly pay bug so you get paid now. Doubled weekly pay for Vaegir/Swadia, tripled for bandits. Reduced price of khergit mercenaries. Replaced rune_mace with rune_hammer and about a dozen other minor tweaks and fixes. No need to install hugemod v2 again if you already have it installed. For fun, take an army of horsearchers against the brigand_raiders, lots of javelins and arrows.
*UPDATED* v.15. Thanks to Compfreak for the new installer, Noo8 for Hugemod v2 and Lost-Lamb for the new textures. Theres a new merchant at the bandit stronghold who will deal with bandits. Also a new black khergit recruiter where you can hire very expensive black khergit mercenaries (they have a full upgrade tree). This is primarily a graphics update using Lost Lambs bandit and khergit armors. The intention of Hugemod v2 is to use these two armors, the helms and shield to give the recruitable bandits and elite khergit a more distinct look. A few old bugs were fixed as well. There are also two unused textures in hugemod v2. A black leather cap and a gold mail coif. If you want to use them or see them you'll need to enable them to be sold in stores using the editor. Also, the bandit classes now use the full range of hugemod hair colors seeing as they are probably from diverse backgrounds. To see the new merchant, recruiter and graphics you'll need to start a new game.
*UPDATED* v.14. New Bandit faction, Bandit missions, 6 new bandit troop upgrades. To join the bandit faction go to Dhorak Keep. Bandits cant use merchants unless they are finishing old quests, it costs more to sleep at vaegir/swadia inns for bandits and they can only recruit troops at Zendar or Dhorak Keep. Maybe a couple other small things I cant remember. All known bugs fixed with the exception of the arena bug that I couldnt duplicate.. well see if people still have it. Also, if you are high rank in the bandit faction you can recruit higher level units from the Baron. Enemy leaders tactics scores have been slightly reduced (will only show in new games). There is now a "rearguard" option that lets friendly heroes follow you around on the worldmap. Hugemod provides new textures. If updating from a v.12 or earlier you should still finish your merchant and river pirate quests before applying the update. Thanks to all the texture artists, especially Eagle for his great cataphract and Noo8 for hugemod v1.
*UPDATED* v.13. Six new faction missions, 3 new rare army groups: Khergit_Horde, Dark_Army and Sea_Raider_War_Party, a few new leaders and npc units. Tactics increased for npc leaders. A few new rewards for finishing certain missions.(for previous Mag-7 users, clear your merchant quests before updating, theyve been reordered in v.13 and you might not be able to finish them if you dont. Same goes for the river pirate quest. Old faction missions will be fine though.)
*UPDATED* v.12. bunch of stuff added, details below
*UPDATED* v.11. fixed lohengrins position to avoid potential crash.
These are three seperate NPC/Gameplay mods for M&B. Depending on the version you plug in, there are six low-level knights, berserkers or steppe_raiders in Zendar tavern and a seventh very high level NPC waiting to be rescued elsewhere. All 3 version also include new recruitable combat units, a new bandit faction, npc army changes on the world map, new armies, new npc army leaders and a few new weapons and horses as rewards for performing faction quests.
Common to all versions
--Seven recruitable heroes. Six of them start in Zendar tavern.
--A new Bandit faction, missions, recruitable units, etc.
--7 new faction missions for Vaegir/Swadia.
--6 new rare armies on worldmap.
--9 new recruitable Vaegir/Swadian units.
--Powerful leaders (combat and tactics wise) to lead some armies.
--Some armies have been tweaked or altered.
--There are now unique faction rewards for each faction (vaegir, swadia, bandits).
Specific to each version (steppe, berserker, knight)
--Newly minted face settings, skill-ranks and stats for 7 the npcs in each version (21 total).
--Each of the 6 has a specialty in one of the 6 combat skills, the 7th is a master of all.
--The seven knight heroes focus on riding and weaponmaster and have mid grade armor and low grade weapons.
--The seven berserker heroes focus on ironskin and athletics and have low grade armor and mid grade weapons.
--The seven steppe raider heroes focus on horse-archer and riding, have low grade armor/weapons and a horse.
--Also, the steppe raiders only have one combat specialty for all 6, archery.
Unit details (spoilers for those who dont want to know)
--V/S Noble Youth have simple shirts and swords but decent weapon skill.
--V/S Squires wear leathers and have improved skills
--V/S Mounted Squires wear leathers, have horses and improved skills.
--V/S Knights are the same as vanilla.
--V/S Veteran Knights have improved skills.
--V/S Royal Knights have improved skills and always wear plate and ride chargers.
--Vaegir Horse-archer is just what it sounds like.
--Vaegir Berserker has very powerful close combat ability but no armor
--Swadian Lancer has excellent riding skills, a lance and a fast horse. They can also dismount and double as standard crossbowmen though they are not as good as sharpshooters. Their drawback is lighter riding boots and no helm. They have the skills of knights but lack their staying power in close combat.
--Swadian Raiders wear light armor and use throwing jarids. They are also very fast and always carry shields.
--The bandit forces in general are lightly armored and fast. They are slightly more skilled than similarly experienced units but can take less damage due to their limited armor. Brigand_leather bits are considered reinforced and some of the bandit helms get an extra armor point.
--Brigand veteran and horseman are irregular in gear with brigand leather.
--Brigand skirmisher is a mounted javelin thrower also armed with a melee weapon and wearing brigand leather.
--Brigand cavalry is a melee cavalry wearing brigand leather.
--Brigand slayer is a fast light infantry wearing brigand leather. Some have throwing knives.
--Brigand marksman is a fast archer unit wearing brigand leather.
--Black Khergit upgrade as follows: rider, horseman, horsemaster, cataphract OR bodyguard. You can hire riders or horsemasters at Dhorak. At the highest levels the khergit have the best riding skills of any recruitable unit. Their armor is quite weak in places but their heavy horse and high riding make them pretty good units. Khergit ceremonial armor is rated as thick.
--B.K. riders have lighter armor than the standard B.K. horseman
--B.K. horsemen are the standard khergit trooper you are used to seeing.
--B.K. horsemasters have the same gear as horsemen with better stats.
--B.K. cataphracts have a cataphract horse, ceremonial armor and lance.
--B.K. bodyguard have a cataphract horse, ceremonial armor and bow and sword.
Reward details (spoilers for those who dont want to know)
--Rewards upon reaching knight/slayer rank and for each level above as well.
--Vaegir get (in order) a Champion courser, rune_short_lance, rune_blade, rune_bow, rune_great_axe and a champion_charger.
--Swadians get a champion_courser, rune_great_lance, rune_spiked_mace, rune_axe, rune_war_blade and a champion charger at the highest level.
--Rune weapons *all* have the shield breaking ability. To compensate the rune axes, they have +5 speed. In addition all rune weapons do one more point of damage than the best possible weapon modifier than it could get at the merchants (either heavy or balanced). Lances and Bows have no positive prefixes so their damage is just increased by one from vanilla. The three reward horses have +2 to all horse attributes including the riding requirments. The "champion" prefix is part of the name and not a true prefix so it isnt lost if the animal is wounded.
--Bandits get a full suit of bandit armor and a bandit shield as the first reward. Then they get slayer_throwing_daggers, slayer_scimitar, slayer_bow and a slayer_axe. Slayer weapons are slightly better than rune weapons. At the highest level (grandmaster slayer) you get a champion sleipnir (fast, armored black horse).
--The rune weapons, slayer weapons and special horses are reward only and cant be bought in stores.
--Check out the readme.txt for installation info. Just place all 3 folders into the mount&blade/modules folder. Then select which version to play on the first menu screen from the pull down menu.
Currently known issues with v.31:
--When recruiting from a dialogue you must have one more open slot than you would normally need. Dialogue based recruitment occurs in Dhorak with the Baron and Bogra, in Zendar with the slaver and with the various counts and kings of vaegir/swadia.
--For.15 thanks to Compfreak for the new installer, Noo8 for the new version of hugemod and Lost-lamb for coming up with some nice armors and the bandit shield.
--For .14, thanks to Noo8 for use of his hugemod v1 and all the texture artists who contributed to that great mod. Also thanks to Effidian for his great editor which makes it much easier to mod Mount and Blade now. Also, thanks to Armagan for releasing the full operations list even though I havent had a chance to really get into it yet.
--In general I did figure a few things out for myself but wouldnt have gotten far (not that I did get far) without the groundwork laid in the peasant modding thread. Thanks to Vinz Klortho, Effidian, B and everyone else who contributed to that thread. They basically cracked the mod door open for the rest of us and peaked my interest. And of course thanks to Armagan and Ipek for making this fun game.
Mag-7: Ancientwanker
Hugemod v2: n00854180t
Textures: Lost-lamb, Vaerraent, Eagle114th, MaDpRoGrAmMeR, Boris, amman4ny, n00854180t, Nairagorn
I guess I should also say that this is an unsupported mod so its not Taleworlds fault if it introduces any bugs. If you havent seen a bug before installing the mod and then it appears after installation, bring the problem to this thread first.
Mag-7 for M&B v.704 is out but it still doesnt have any new textures, only vanilla ones as hugemod isnt finished. When hugemod v3 is out Ill update Mag-7 and fix any bugs.
*UPDATED* v.31. Put all three folders (steppe, knight, berseker) into your mount&blade/modules directory, then select which one to play on the first menu screen. Either start a new game or try to load a save from v.20 or v.21 Bugfix update. All reported bugs fixed (hopefully). To play a save game from an earlier version of Mag-7 copy the new files into your old directories (v.21, v.20 or v.30). This will let you read from the same save game files
*UPDATED* v.30. Translated for M&B v.704. A few bug fixes as well but no new content otherwise.. This will be the last update for a bit as I have to learn the new mod tools format and work on some other stuff when I get the chance.
*UPDATED* v.21. Small bugfix update. Fixed quest issues and hero re-recruitment issue. Minor tweaks to units. Compatible with v.20 saves in theory but the games module system may not let you access the saves as the folder name will have changed to v.21. There should be a way to work around it by renaming.
*UPDATED* v.20. Translated to Mount and Blade .703. Currently just using standard textures until hugemod v3 is out. Adds manhunter recruitment from slaver at zendar. New noble recruitment tree. Now you recruit young nobles from the kings or counts and they eventually develop into knights, veteran knights and royal knights. WIth high enough faction rank you can recruit knights and veteran knights directly, thus getting around the level up cap. Helmets removed from Khan, Dark General and War Captains to make it easier to spot them. Bandits can buy/sell from any merchant at the moment as the bandit merchant is disabled until I find the right trigger. "Rescue the 7th hero" quest currently disabled as I want to place it somewhere else.
*UPDATED* v.17. Small bug fix update. Fixed bandit promotion bug. Removed peasant massacre quest as peasants dont spawn often in the late game. Added an option to pay Baron Rolf to end a mission without finishing it. There are a few other small fixes as well and I altered brigand reward items. You now get a full set of bandit armor and a bandit shield as the first reward and later on you get slayer weapons. The final bandit reward is now a champion sleipnir (fast armored black horse) No need to install hugemod v2 again if you already have it installed.
*UPDATED* v.16. I added 3 triggers so you cant load old save games. New game required. 2 new armies (brigand_raiders, brigand_scouts) on the worldmap. Fixed bandit weekly pay bug so you get paid now. Doubled weekly pay for Vaegir/Swadia, tripled for bandits. Reduced price of khergit mercenaries. Replaced rune_mace with rune_hammer and about a dozen other minor tweaks and fixes. No need to install hugemod v2 again if you already have it installed. For fun, take an army of horsearchers against the brigand_raiders, lots of javelins and arrows.
*UPDATED* v.15. Thanks to Compfreak for the new installer, Noo8 for Hugemod v2 and Lost-Lamb for the new textures. Theres a new merchant at the bandit stronghold who will deal with bandits. Also a new black khergit recruiter where you can hire very expensive black khergit mercenaries (they have a full upgrade tree). This is primarily a graphics update using Lost Lambs bandit and khergit armors. The intention of Hugemod v2 is to use these two armors, the helms and shield to give the recruitable bandits and elite khergit a more distinct look. A few old bugs were fixed as well. There are also two unused textures in hugemod v2. A black leather cap and a gold mail coif. If you want to use them or see them you'll need to enable them to be sold in stores using the editor. Also, the bandit classes now use the full range of hugemod hair colors seeing as they are probably from diverse backgrounds. To see the new merchant, recruiter and graphics you'll need to start a new game.
*UPDATED* v.14. New Bandit faction, Bandit missions, 6 new bandit troop upgrades. To join the bandit faction go to Dhorak Keep. Bandits cant use merchants unless they are finishing old quests, it costs more to sleep at vaegir/swadia inns for bandits and they can only recruit troops at Zendar or Dhorak Keep. Maybe a couple other small things I cant remember. All known bugs fixed with the exception of the arena bug that I couldnt duplicate.. well see if people still have it. Also, if you are high rank in the bandit faction you can recruit higher level units from the Baron. Enemy leaders tactics scores have been slightly reduced (will only show in new games). There is now a "rearguard" option that lets friendly heroes follow you around on the worldmap. Hugemod provides new textures. If updating from a v.12 or earlier you should still finish your merchant and river pirate quests before applying the update. Thanks to all the texture artists, especially Eagle for his great cataphract and Noo8 for hugemod v1.
*UPDATED* v.13. Six new faction missions, 3 new rare army groups: Khergit_Horde, Dark_Army and Sea_Raider_War_Party, a few new leaders and npc units. Tactics increased for npc leaders. A few new rewards for finishing certain missions.(for previous Mag-7 users, clear your merchant quests before updating, theyve been reordered in v.13 and you might not be able to finish them if you dont. Same goes for the river pirate quest. Old faction missions will be fine though.)
*UPDATED* v.12. bunch of stuff added, details below
*UPDATED* v.11. fixed lohengrins position to avoid potential crash.
These are three seperate NPC/Gameplay mods for M&B. Depending on the version you plug in, there are six low-level knights, berserkers or steppe_raiders in Zendar tavern and a seventh very high level NPC waiting to be rescued elsewhere. All 3 version also include new recruitable combat units, a new bandit faction, npc army changes on the world map, new armies, new npc army leaders and a few new weapons and horses as rewards for performing faction quests.
Common to all versions
--Seven recruitable heroes. Six of them start in Zendar tavern.
--A new Bandit faction, missions, recruitable units, etc.
--7 new faction missions for Vaegir/Swadia.
--6 new rare armies on worldmap.
--9 new recruitable Vaegir/Swadian units.
--Powerful leaders (combat and tactics wise) to lead some armies.
--Some armies have been tweaked or altered.
--There are now unique faction rewards for each faction (vaegir, swadia, bandits).
Specific to each version (steppe, berserker, knight)
--Newly minted face settings, skill-ranks and stats for 7 the npcs in each version (21 total).
--Each of the 6 has a specialty in one of the 6 combat skills, the 7th is a master of all.
--The seven knight heroes focus on riding and weaponmaster and have mid grade armor and low grade weapons.
--The seven berserker heroes focus on ironskin and athletics and have low grade armor and mid grade weapons.
--The seven steppe raider heroes focus on horse-archer and riding, have low grade armor/weapons and a horse.
--Also, the steppe raiders only have one combat specialty for all 6, archery.
Unit details (spoilers for those who dont want to know)
--V/S Noble Youth have simple shirts and swords but decent weapon skill.
--V/S Squires wear leathers and have improved skills
--V/S Mounted Squires wear leathers, have horses and improved skills.
--V/S Knights are the same as vanilla.
--V/S Veteran Knights have improved skills.
--V/S Royal Knights have improved skills and always wear plate and ride chargers.
--Vaegir Horse-archer is just what it sounds like.
--Vaegir Berserker has very powerful close combat ability but no armor
--Swadian Lancer has excellent riding skills, a lance and a fast horse. They can also dismount and double as standard crossbowmen though they are not as good as sharpshooters. Their drawback is lighter riding boots and no helm. They have the skills of knights but lack their staying power in close combat.
--Swadian Raiders wear light armor and use throwing jarids. They are also very fast and always carry shields.
--The bandit forces in general are lightly armored and fast. They are slightly more skilled than similarly experienced units but can take less damage due to their limited armor. Brigand_leather bits are considered reinforced and some of the bandit helms get an extra armor point.
--Brigand veteran and horseman are irregular in gear with brigand leather.
--Brigand skirmisher is a mounted javelin thrower also armed with a melee weapon and wearing brigand leather.
--Brigand cavalry is a melee cavalry wearing brigand leather.
--Brigand slayer is a fast light infantry wearing brigand leather. Some have throwing knives.
--Brigand marksman is a fast archer unit wearing brigand leather.
--Black Khergit upgrade as follows: rider, horseman, horsemaster, cataphract OR bodyguard. You can hire riders or horsemasters at Dhorak. At the highest levels the khergit have the best riding skills of any recruitable unit. Their armor is quite weak in places but their heavy horse and high riding make them pretty good units. Khergit ceremonial armor is rated as thick.
--B.K. riders have lighter armor than the standard B.K. horseman
--B.K. horsemen are the standard khergit trooper you are used to seeing.
--B.K. horsemasters have the same gear as horsemen with better stats.
--B.K. cataphracts have a cataphract horse, ceremonial armor and lance.
--B.K. bodyguard have a cataphract horse, ceremonial armor and bow and sword.
Reward details (spoilers for those who dont want to know)
--Rewards upon reaching knight/slayer rank and for each level above as well.
--Vaegir get (in order) a Champion courser, rune_short_lance, rune_blade, rune_bow, rune_great_axe and a champion_charger.
--Swadians get a champion_courser, rune_great_lance, rune_spiked_mace, rune_axe, rune_war_blade and a champion charger at the highest level.
--Rune weapons *all* have the shield breaking ability. To compensate the rune axes, they have +5 speed. In addition all rune weapons do one more point of damage than the best possible weapon modifier than it could get at the merchants (either heavy or balanced). Lances and Bows have no positive prefixes so their damage is just increased by one from vanilla. The three reward horses have +2 to all horse attributes including the riding requirments. The "champion" prefix is part of the name and not a true prefix so it isnt lost if the animal is wounded.
--Bandits get a full suit of bandit armor and a bandit shield as the first reward. Then they get slayer_throwing_daggers, slayer_scimitar, slayer_bow and a slayer_axe. Slayer weapons are slightly better than rune weapons. At the highest level (grandmaster slayer) you get a champion sleipnir (fast, armored black horse).
--The rune weapons, slayer weapons and special horses are reward only and cant be bought in stores.
--Check out the readme.txt for installation info. Just place all 3 folders into the mount&blade/modules folder. Then select which version to play on the first menu screen from the pull down menu.
Currently known issues with v.31:
--When recruiting from a dialogue you must have one more open slot than you would normally need. Dialogue based recruitment occurs in Dhorak with the Baron and Bogra, in Zendar with the slaver and with the various counts and kings of vaegir/swadia.
--For.15 thanks to Compfreak for the new installer, Noo8 for the new version of hugemod and Lost-lamb for coming up with some nice armors and the bandit shield.
--For .14, thanks to Noo8 for use of his hugemod v1 and all the texture artists who contributed to that great mod. Also thanks to Effidian for his great editor which makes it much easier to mod Mount and Blade now. Also, thanks to Armagan for releasing the full operations list even though I havent had a chance to really get into it yet.
--In general I did figure a few things out for myself but wouldnt have gotten far (not that I did get far) without the groundwork laid in the peasant modding thread. Thanks to Vinz Klortho, Effidian, B and everyone else who contributed to that thread. They basically cracked the mod door open for the rest of us and peaked my interest. And of course thanks to Armagan and Ipek for making this fun game.
Mag-7: Ancientwanker
Hugemod v2: n00854180t
Textures: Lost-lamb, Vaerraent, Eagle114th, MaDpRoGrAmMeR, Boris, amman4ny, n00854180t, Nairagorn
I guess I should also say that this is an unsupported mod so its not Taleworlds fault if it introduces any bugs. If you havent seen a bug before installing the mod and then it appears after installation, bring the problem to this thread first.