The importance of names

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(Neither this or the subject I wrote about earlier, interface, was covered in the Faq area as far as I could tell.).

Names tends to increase the sense of immersion, which is good. The name of one's character is very important, but there's two others that should be nameable: Your band of merry men, and your horse.

These are things that shouldn't be too hard to implement, but their inclusion would be welcome.

(Again, assuming they aren't allready in)
Ar, 'your band of merry men' means you hero? I don't think you can rename his name without his consent.

Marnid 'Yes?'
You 'Tell me about yourself'
Marnid 'Sure.'
-few minutes later-
Marnid 'No, you can't name me Aasden. I'm Marnid and I'm proud of it.'
You 'I'll pay you 500 Denar.'
Aasden 'Sure.'

But I support the idea of naming a horse.
I think he meant changing the name of your party, so instead of having Name's Party it would be Name's Band of Merry Marys.

I agree with this, except only implement the horse naming if it doesn't take time away from more importent things. Or make it so someone can mod it in.
I think this should definatly be inplemented. Maybe its my lust for customisation but I think you should definatly be able to rename Marnid and Borcha and your spirited courser :wink:

You could name M&B after your two best friends and your horse after your gf/wife/significant other. That obviously was just an example but it would make the adventure slightly more personal, if you get what I mean.
Darn yeah. Changing some names in the game (party, horse, favourite weapon) would be awesome. Or perhaps a chance to add some sort of nametag for horses and items? For example Sword of War 'Stormbringer' or Spirited Courser 'Bukefalos'.

Me: These are the rules. Everybody fights, nobody quits. If you don't do your job I'll tell Borcha to shoot you in your back myself. Welcome to the Roughnecks.
Borcha & Marnid: Corto's Roughnecks!

Ah, I now understand.

It's really nice to be able to name your party. Though I myself found no problem with current system.

Maybe computer can generate some special party names for specific parties.
ehhhhh naaaaa. y you ask? well........every horse i HAVE EVER HAD has *sob* been made laim and sold within like 3 battles ok i never keep a horse longer then AT THE most say 6 battles? :???:

Dont get me stared on partys!!! I lose a PARTY a day! rest, rehire the local rift-raft, grab a new horse, repaint my black armor, sharpen my throwing axes AND WERE OFF!!! OFF TO RAID THE PESANTS!!! :twisted: MOHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! :twisted:
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA*rides to doom at the hands of a war party*

I'm sorry to say this but ... huh? I think I deciphered the meaning of your post, but if I'm mistaken ... please correct me.

Translation of Spartan711 said:
No, I wouldn't care for this. The reason why is because every few battles .... I am forced to replace my horse.

Is that what you were saying? If I could, let me suggest that you slow down and take a little more care in writing your posts. Try not to use your caps-lock button so much ... as well as multiple exclamation points.

Well if you are allowed to cure your horse, or let it heal over time to its previous state (whether its heavy or spirited) it would solve everything.. Personally I haven't heard of horses loosing weight and becoming depressed after healing from an injury...
Volkier said:
Well if you are allowed to cure your horse, or let it heal over time to its previous state (whether its heavy or spirited) it would solve everything.. Personally I haven't heard of horses loosing weight and becoming depressed after healing from an injury...

I'll play devil's advocate here. Even if your horse heals after injury, it doesn't mean that it healed all the way... Maybe I can explain it better this way:

I used to be able to run 6 minute miles... like 3 miles in 18 or less. I went to airborne school, messed up my knee a bit (but still got my wings, yay). I healed over time and got back to running. I could get to 7 minute miles but no longer 6. So maybe before airborne school I was "spirited" and after I was "lame" and after healing I was normal. Ten years later, I get tired just thinking about running, so I guess I'm now "swaybacked." hehe.
If what you said is true J then I have more espect for you (I"m dead lazy).

I am wondering, what about not actualy naming that individual horse? Maybe you could have it like your own name? So when your horse dies and you replace it if you want you can change the name or not. To me that sounds simpler. But not as good.
Well rawlings, for one thing horses heal much better than humans, for another thing permanent injuries are obvioulsy possible in any species but they are relatively rare. I can actively argue that just because your horse is injured, that doesn't mean the injury should be permanent ::razz: Maybe the running thing can be blamed on age rather than the accident? I wouldn't know though since I'm not you lol but I used to be slightly fitter right after the initial training phase during my army days, towards the end I didn't run as fast etc. but didn't have any accident or anything.. Like I said I wouldn't know what happened with your knee though so won't comment too much ::razz: Gratz on getting your wings (although it was some time ago) btw

Personally I haven't really heard of a horse who has permanent injury is is thus slower than before after healing, but most people would put the horse down unfortunately.. The 'lame' horses which I did encounter, were relatively minor injuries, the worsed being a horse falling into a drain and having his legs deeply cut. (needless to say he was lame for quite a while after that) Legs are primary survival tool for horses, whereas humans can live without them. Its something like natures defence mechanism, eg. in the wild a horse who has a screwed up leg even after healing would not live...

Any case, point B is that realistically speaking, after healing the horse would not immedeately regain its previous status, since he did not excersise, lost muscle, gained a bit of weight and is somewhat 'stiff', so the horse would need a bit of training / schooling before becoming just as maneurable etc. This, in my oppinion would be a welcome addition, but it once again brings us to training horses. I put up my suggestions here for new members who haven't seen it yet.
I don't claim to know anything about horses, but I've seen my mount&blade steeds take rather impressive hits ranging from crossbow bolts to greatsword strikes, so I'm rather sceptical about the horses each and every time recovering fully (save for an occasional broken leg) after the battle, no matter what has been done to them. If anything, the horses should be less survivable than now, not more.
Well, I've seen me with a thrown axe sticking through me and out the back... your point is? :wink:

Horses healing to previous state.. make it a little random, dependant on surgery, or something like that, perhaps? I do know that if I ever manage to get the cash together for a spirited charger, I'll be royally annoyed if it goes lame. :evil:
Come on... Then make a rule that you can only name horses that are Coursers or better.

I love the idea that I can name the horse, I prolly wouldn't name any horse until I got a good one (and was good myself). Wouldn't want my best name to fall within the first days. But I might be tempted to call that initial horse 'Humper' or 'Yellowbelly' or similar just for fun.

But parties should indeed be nameable... could be great fun and good for immersion.

Weapons... ahhh, don't know really. Perhaps only weapons that are balanced or watered steel. That should keep all the riff-raff out.
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