The Hunt For Gollum(LOTR Fan movie)

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"A Film Made By Fans For Fans",yani "Hayranlar tarafından, hayranlar için yapılmış bir film"


"A light from the shadows shall spring..."

The script is adapted from elements of the appendices of The Lord of the Rings. The story follows the Heir of Isildur; the "greatest huntsman and traveller in Middle Earth" as he sets out to find the creature Gollum. The creature must be found to discover the truth about the Ring, and to protect the future Ringbearer.

The Hunt For Gollum is an unofficial non-profit film being made for private use, and is not intended for sales of any sort. No money is being made from this film, and no one was paid to make it. It is in no way sponsored or approved by Tolkien Enterprises, the Tolkien Estate, Peter Jackson, New Line Cinema or any affiliates. The content is for the private use of the downloader and should not be sold, rented, or used for any commercial enterprise in any way, shape, or form. We make no claim to any characters, storylines, prop designs, names, logos, situations that are trademarked, copyrighted or otherwise protected by federal, state or other intellectual property law. New Line, Peter Jackson, Weta, Tolkien Enterprises, the Tolkien Estate or any of their respective affiliates or licensees hold rights to some intellectual property herein used by this work. This work is produced solely for the personal, uncompensated enjoyment of ourselves and other Tolkien fans. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.


Trailer 1
Trailer 2

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Not bad, for a fan-made film. Could have had a bit more plot, but not bad.
Very, very impressive. It might be made by amateurs but they must have had some semi-professional cameramen and lighting technicians.
The story was a bit thin - unless a sequel is planned. All that work for just 30 min.
Well, nothing much happens, some of the actors are quite funny and the music oscilates between good and awful. But overall it's very impressive, I quite liked the fight scene.
Merlkir said:
Well, nothing much happens...
Exactly. Now, I've only seen the films, and the story is far from complicated, but this was just a man searching for Gollum for 25 min. - killing a few orcs on the way.

The sound was a bit annoying. Sometimes I could hardly hear what they said - whispering more than talking - and suddenly my ears were bleeding from the bombastic music  :neutral:
From the trailers it looks really quite impressive for a fanfilm and looks like it fits nicely into the same universe as the movies. Bet they had a lot of fun making it. I'll have to watch it somewhen. Anyone know where it was filmed aside from Epping forest?

Mind you if I ever did a LOTR fanfilm I'd get Merlkir on board :razz:
I'm struggling to continue watching beyond 18:23. Cheap mountain shots don't save poor dialogue and plot. Not worth watching. Maybe fun for the crew itself but otherwise awful. The part where Aragorn drags Gollum in the sack so bad I don't know if I should laugh or cry.

Ok the orc fighting scene was so cheesy it was too much for me.
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