Sergeant at Arms
Hi Everyone!
I'm a Newbie on this site, so please don't treat my threads too serious .
Ok, no seriously. After playing M&B, and being unable to purchase it , i've had visions during my sleep. Some of them included a imaginary history of Caldria .
P.S This is not a Suggestion thread, but a thread in which how you imagine the story in M&B.
Ok I'll give an example.
It's 84 N.E(of New Era). The Kingdom of Caldria is founded by Caldrus the Wise, a native leader, who by wisdom and courage succeded in uniting the wandering tribes living in Caldria. The newly founded Kingdom of Caldria, flourished under the reign of the great king. The Kingdom was soon to be renowned for salt and silver mines which where found on the northern part of the Kingdom.
This Utopical State didnt last too long. In 222 N.E Scibor the Fat, Caldrian King, dies, leaving the Kingdom to his two sons, Vaegar and Khergal. These two brothers hated each other more than any man could have hated his enemy. Scibor, who expected this by the sacred prophecy of the Udun priests, decided to divide the Kingdom into two, Eastern Caldria and Western Caldria, in order to avoid future conflicts between the two brothers. Before having did Scibor, had his two sons make an oath at his deathbed, never to cross their swords in battle. Promises where however soon to be broken. In the summer of 223 Khergal, raising an army of 5000 strong, invaded Vaegars kingdom(Western Caldria). Vaegar with a small escort of his elite knights and family, managed to escape to the northern borders of Caldria, where he succeded in uniting a tribe called Scandians. Scandians along with thier new Chieftain Vaegir the Cruel, managed to push the backstabbing Caldrians to the Holy Border(Lies exactly where Rivacheg is).
Meanwhile, the chaos caused by Khergal's invasion on Western Caldria, unabled Khergal to succesfully bring order to his new conquered lands. Constant rebellions and the angry mob, finally made Khergal abandon his plans to keep Western Caldria. Cities of Western Caldria, lead by the counicil of Zendar, declared themselves independent, but kept together in the Old-Alliance. So it came, Western Caldria became even more fragmented, divided by squabbling petty city-states.
Along with the rebellions in Western Caldria, the people of Eastern Caldria began to plot against their King. The King of all Caldria, Khergal, soon became a subject to attacks of his own people. In 228, forced to abdicate, he was exiled to the steppes of Caldron, now called the Steppes of Khergal. He and his followers we're soon to start an entirely new life, life of nomads.
Saga of Vaegirs.
Meanwhile, Vaegar the Cruel who ruled Scandia with his iron fist, expanded his lands both southwards and eastwards. The weak city states of Western Caldria were no match for the Scandian Barbarians. City after city, one by one, the all fell to the might of the Scandians. Vaegar, drunk with his success, named the Scandians his only, people, calling them now the Vaegirs. Vaegar, soon was to understand that he wasn't the last one to laugh. A mighty coalition of the Old-Alliance gathered near the plains of Mohil, where they've decided to stand against the filthy Barbarians. 2000 Caldrian horsemen, 3000 townsmen, and 4000 simple peasants, were to stand firm for the Caldrian Alliance. Against them stood 8000 Vaegirs, most equipped with crude battle-axes, but none of them on horse....
Tell me please, if you like the story so far, if yes then ill continue writing(or rather try), if not, then... ill stop , and the thread should be closed.
I'm a Newbie on this site, so please don't treat my threads too serious .
Ok, no seriously. After playing M&B, and being unable to purchase it , i've had visions during my sleep. Some of them included a imaginary history of Caldria .
P.S This is not a Suggestion thread, but a thread in which how you imagine the story in M&B.
Ok I'll give an example.
It's 84 N.E(of New Era). The Kingdom of Caldria is founded by Caldrus the Wise, a native leader, who by wisdom and courage succeded in uniting the wandering tribes living in Caldria. The newly founded Kingdom of Caldria, flourished under the reign of the great king. The Kingdom was soon to be renowned for salt and silver mines which where found on the northern part of the Kingdom.
This Utopical State didnt last too long. In 222 N.E Scibor the Fat, Caldrian King, dies, leaving the Kingdom to his two sons, Vaegar and Khergal. These two brothers hated each other more than any man could have hated his enemy. Scibor, who expected this by the sacred prophecy of the Udun priests, decided to divide the Kingdom into two, Eastern Caldria and Western Caldria, in order to avoid future conflicts between the two brothers. Before having did Scibor, had his two sons make an oath at his deathbed, never to cross their swords in battle. Promises where however soon to be broken. In the summer of 223 Khergal, raising an army of 5000 strong, invaded Vaegars kingdom(Western Caldria). Vaegar with a small escort of his elite knights and family, managed to escape to the northern borders of Caldria, where he succeded in uniting a tribe called Scandians. Scandians along with thier new Chieftain Vaegir the Cruel, managed to push the backstabbing Caldrians to the Holy Border(Lies exactly where Rivacheg is).
Meanwhile, the chaos caused by Khergal's invasion on Western Caldria, unabled Khergal to succesfully bring order to his new conquered lands. Constant rebellions and the angry mob, finally made Khergal abandon his plans to keep Western Caldria. Cities of Western Caldria, lead by the counicil of Zendar, declared themselves independent, but kept together in the Old-Alliance. So it came, Western Caldria became even more fragmented, divided by squabbling petty city-states.
Along with the rebellions in Western Caldria, the people of Eastern Caldria began to plot against their King. The King of all Caldria, Khergal, soon became a subject to attacks of his own people. In 228, forced to abdicate, he was exiled to the steppes of Caldron, now called the Steppes of Khergal. He and his followers we're soon to start an entirely new life, life of nomads.
Saga of Vaegirs.
Meanwhile, Vaegar the Cruel who ruled Scandia with his iron fist, expanded his lands both southwards and eastwards. The weak city states of Western Caldria were no match for the Scandian Barbarians. City after city, one by one, the all fell to the might of the Scandians. Vaegar, drunk with his success, named the Scandians his only, people, calling them now the Vaegirs. Vaegar, soon was to understand that he wasn't the last one to laugh. A mighty coalition of the Old-Alliance gathered near the plains of Mohil, where they've decided to stand against the filthy Barbarians. 2000 Caldrian horsemen, 3000 townsmen, and 4000 simple peasants, were to stand firm for the Caldrian Alliance. Against them stood 8000 Vaegirs, most equipped with crude battle-axes, but none of them on horse....
Tell me please, if you like the story so far, if yes then ill continue writing(or rather try), if not, then... ill stop , and the thread should be closed.