The great Spice scam

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I wanted to share this way to make an easy 2000 denars, because I liked it so much. Probably it's been posted before, but eh.

First, you get the deliver 6 units of spice quest, unless it's to Praven. If it's to Praven, forget it. If it's to anywhere else, score. Go to Praven and sell as much as you can. Now, usually you can't sell it all. You have 6-8 days to turn all of that spice into cash. The first time, I was only able to sell 1-2 spice pieces at Praven each trip through, and that only by taking on LOTS of ale. Run the Ale to Khudan, grab Furs, hit Sonu, and then zip through Praven and Rivacheg again. Keep upgrading- furs to oil, ale to furs, oil to cash, spice to ale, spice to cash. It might take you until the time limit, or you might be done in two days, dpeending on the Praven cash amount. Of course, the more running you do, the better you'll make out.

Then, just pay the 2000 odd denars you owe, and enjoy your huge profit. :grin:

Edit: If you want to be *really* thorough, buy another six units of spice in Tulgar (assuming you didn't get the quest there) and deliver it. You pay even less of a fine and you get the measly 40 denars and 300 XP- might make maybe a 200-300 denar difference in the end.
Doing this twice on 45% difficulty (hey, my first game.. I'm still learning it) has netted me a heavy charger, black helmet, black greaves, black armor, and a bastard sword @ level 16. Add a non-defective double lance and we're talking serious slaying.
THe difficulty measure only goes up to 53% anyways unless you choose realistic saving wich isn't very good in my opinion b/c it's nice if you don't want to save and I like being able to manualy save.
Tostitos said:
The first time, I was only able to sell 1-2 spice pieces at Praven each trip through, and that only by taking on LOTS of ale.

Smithies will buy stuff at the same rates as the merchants, so you could haul off one or two extra units of spice there, I imagine.
Kissaki said:
Tostitos said:
The first time, I was only able to sell 1-2 spice pieces at Praven each trip through, and that only by taking on LOTS of ale.

Smithies will buy stuff at the same rates as the merchants, so you could haul off one or two extra units of spice there, I imagine.

Smithies always pay me about half of what merchants will... how do you get them to pay the right amount??
Nibble said:
Kissaki said:
Tostitos said:
The first time, I was only able to sell 1-2 spice pieces at Praven each trip through, and that only by taking on LOTS of ale.

Smithies will buy stuff at the same rates as the merchants, so you could haul off one or two extra units of spice there, I imagine.

Smithies always pay me about half of what merchants will... how do you get them to pay the right amount??

Are you playing a mod that will make this adjustment, perhaps? I haven't actually checked lately, but in vanilla they pay the same. Definitely in .704 and I'm pretty sure in the current .711 as well.
hmmm sounds too complicated to take advantage off a glitch.. why don't you use the money cheat? it's like 10000000 times easier and faster
In my twisted mind, it feels more honest to, at worst, abuse loopholes or simply min/max like in the case described, than to utilize a cheat. But that's an ancient and dead horse by now.
Kissaki said:
Nibble said:
Smithies always pay me about half of what merchants will... how do you get them to pay the right amount??

Are you playing a mod that will make this adjustment, perhaps? I haven't actually checked lately, but in vanilla they pay the same. Definitely in .704 and I'm pretty sure in the current .711 as well.
Turns out they disapproved of my military actions against Swadia. I payed my debt to the king, and all is well.
A mod should fix this by replacing the real spice with a special "stolen spice" item that has 0 value, showing that honest merchants won't buy fenced goods :wink:
I just got a mission to carry 10 units of spice, and after spice-scamming I had to pay a compensation of over 3000. Still made a profit, though.

But how will it affect my credit rating? :razz:
Kissaki said:
fisheye said:
A mod should fix this by replacing the real spice with a special "stolen spice" item that has 0 value, showing that honest merchants won't buy fenced goods :wink:

But how would they know?

Don't forget merchants in Calradia are in a union (I can't remember where this exactly comes from, someone in the game mentioned this) and they are under supervision by both Swadian and Veagir (I discover the name Veagir is too difficult for me to memorize it). That means, every transaction, caravan and stuff are being watched. If thing goes wrong (caravan missing/arrived late, products in the market with unidentified source, etc) they will start investigation and hunt down the scoundrels behind this. So if you wanna cash in with fenced goods, you have to either sell them to black markets or bear the risk of selling them yourself.

There is some specials signs hidden in the products, which are hard to be discovered and duplicated by outsiders.

Kissaki said:
I just got a mission to carry 10 units of spice, and after spice-scamming I had to pay a compensation of over 3000. Still made a profit, though.

But how will it affect my credit rating? :razz:

I guess nothing bad would really happen, as the game is still in beta. But I guess Armagan won't let this happen in the following version, as this is against realism. (Don't thing people who break the contract and being caught can still take advantage from it)
fak said:
Kissaki said:
fisheye said:
A mod should fix this by replacing the real spice with a special "stolen spice" item that has 0 value, showing that honest merchants won't buy fenced goods :wink:

But how would they know?

Don't forget merchants in Calradia are in a union (I can't remember where this exactly comes from, someone in the game mentioned this) and they are under supervision by both Swadian and Veagir (I discover the name Veagir is too difficult for me to memorize it). That means, every transaction, caravan and stuff are being watched. If thing goes wrong (caravan missing/arrived late, products in the market with unidentified source, etc) they will start investigation and hunt down the scoundrels behind this. So if you wanna cash in with fenced goods, you have to either sell them to black markets or bear the risk of selling them yourself.

There is some specials signs hidden in the products, which are hard to be discovered and duplicated by outsiders.

The second explanation is more plausible. The first one still doesn't address the fact that they would know it to be contrabande. If I got a mission to carry goods from the merchant in Suno, would the merchant then be sending runners to every other merchant in the game, telling them not to buy the goods from me? That sounds awfully impractical, not to mention expensive.
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