The funny thread. Previously, Top 10 things.

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SiR K1lLaLoT

Top 10 Things You Should Not Say To A Woman During An Argument.

10. "Don't you have some laundry to do or something?"

9. "Oooh, you are so cute when you get all pissed off."

8. "You're just upset because your ass is beginning to spread."

7. "Waaait a minute... I get it -- what time of the month is it?"

6. "Are you sure you don't want to consult the 'Great Oprah' on this one?"

5. "Sorry. I was just picturing you naked."

4. "Whoa, time out honey. Football is on."

3. "Looks like someone had an extra bowl of ***** Flakes this morning."

2. "Is there any way we can do this via e-mail?"


1. "Who are you kidding? We both know that thing ain't loaded."
if you replace that thing ain't loaded and make it: your bluffing with that screwdriver i've done them all
Next joke/funny

The difference (in definition) between "guts" and "balls"!

Guts - is arriving home late after a night out with the guys, being
assaulted by your wife with a broom, and having the guts to ask: "Are
you still cleaning, or are you flying somewhere?"

Balls - is coming home late after a night out with the guys, smelling of
perfume and beer, lipstick on your collar, slapping your wife on the ass
and having the balls to say, "You're next fatty."
This might be kinda funny, I can't think straight.. early morning. T.T

You come home, almsot drunk dead, and introduce a slut to your wife-- AS your wife.
That's suicidal.

Calling them "fat" anything is a bad idea. Especialy if they hate you, and they are dating some dumbo who thinks he's really tough when high on drugs. Worst science class mates ever. I got pelted with stuff for 4 months!
This thread reminds me of a joke I sometimes tell to my cousin (who works high-up in a feminist organization): How many chauvinists does it take to change a lightbulb? None, the ***** can wash the dishes in the dark!
Heres a bad joke: This guy breaks into this couple's house and points a gun at the wife's head.
Robber (to the husband): "I will shoot here if you doesn't dance!"
Husband: "Nice knowing you hunny."

Don't think she apreaciated that.
q: what's wrong when your woman comes out of the kitchen and yells at you?

A you made the chain too long
hahahaha all quite funny, but lets not turn this one into a woman hating thread, and further scare them away, keep it diverse.


Just in case. :wink:
q: why can't most men park their car verry well?

A: they believe this: [IIIIIIIIIIIII] is 20 centimeters
Guy meets girl at Bar
They leave for his apartment, and just before things get steamy...

Girl: "Just hang on a bit"

*She goes and washes her hands*
They have sex

After sex is finished:

Guy: "Excuse me for asking, but are you by anychance a doctor?"

Girl: "Why yes, how did you know?"

Guy: "It's because you washed your hands"

Girl: "Oh, I see. And excuse me for asking as well, but are you by
anychance a anaetheist?"

Guy: "Why yes, how did you know?"

Girl: " 'Coz, when we were having sex, I didn't feel a thing!"
Whoa there......

I'd prefer the term "Women, can't live with them, can't live without them"

We might say we hate them, but secretly we all wish we had one

So lonely.....
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