The Fundamentals Of Taking A Piss.

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Lord Anthony

Well, as most of you know. Peeing is one of life's pleasures. Such as at the end of a tough day releasing that anger into the toilet with solemn peace for the rest of the evening. I have come up with a few troubles with peeing. Such as when you are at work and forgot that morning to "start off the day" and Seriously.. You gotta Freaking Piss!! It hurts So BAD trying to hold it any longer to "set a goal" for when you go to the potty. Such as when i am filing, ill say "hey! Ill go when i finish this!" or "After this folders finished!". No. This time its BAD wincing with pain, you have to do a sort of duck squat to the bathroom so a drip doesn't slither down your leg or into your underwear. So as your squatting looking like a dumb ass your happy enough to get to the bathroom. Well, too late! your underwear has stains.

Here's another problem.. When your swimming in the pool, with your mate. This is probably not a problem for most of you for you don't care if you pee in the pool. But maybe this time, no. you want to use the restroom. So you get out of the pool and rush to the restroom. Of course you had to pick the smallest bathing suit you would squeeze into this time. Struggling to get the trunks off, but NO! they won't loosen enough to get your pipe out. So for at least 2 minutes you struggle to get them loose enough to slip your wiener out just a teeny bit. With this brings another problem. Aiming. Trying to do a weird bend over move you end up peeing rather on yourself, or all over the place!

Here are some tips.

-When walking to the bathroom, untie your trunks.
-Whilst struggling to pull them down, jump and wiggle. That'l work finely.

Add on to your problems whilst  pissing
Lord Anthony said:
ChurchOfFonz said:
Thank you for giving me solutions to problems I don't have.

l2 piss.
Oh sorry i forgot most people can't get a girlfreind or wife. Sorry.  :neutral:

I'm thinking with the problems you have, it may be harder for you to find a mate than for those who don't piss on themselves.
Lord Anthony said:
ChurchOfFonz said:
Thank you for giving me solutions to problems I don't have.

l2 piss.
Oh sorry i forgot most people can't get a girlfreind or wife. Sorry.  :neutral:

My head is about to pop, how is that reply anything but completely random.  :shock:
I can't piss in public bathrooms/schools. I just can't.

Well, I can, but it takes about 25 minutes. I was overjoyed when I finally did at school. It's like a vicious circle - I tell myself 'OK, piss this time'... which then means the exact opposite to my body.
I too struggle with pissing in the vicinity of others, but usually only for one minute or so. Not for 25.
The only time I gave up and left without doing my business was at a festival recently. I was trying to piss in a urinal while being squeezed between about a dozen drunken fat men and their women. Every time I was close to finally relieving myself, some idiot would try to engage me in conversation or push me. I was lucky there was a river nearby.
Yeh. Its annoying.

Well, 25 might be an exaggeration. It feels that long. Even if the bathroom is empty. I'll just be there. Listening to fans. Urging myself to piss before more people arrive.

But I... I just can't.
... Anarion's joke aside, I too just can't piss when there's other people around, and I also hate pissing in urinals, I always go to the actual toilets.
Selothi said:
... Anarion's joke aside, I too just can't piss when there's other people around, and I also hate pissing in urinals, I always go to the actual toilets.

Me too, really. Coincidentally, I'm back in a minute.
Worst thing is when you've just been playing hockey in freezing rain, come inside and need to piss... hands are too cold for the dexterity needed to get things sorted, and you know, things get a little more fiddly when it's cold :neutral:
I hate peeing in the mountains, I always forget to think about the direction of the wind and get my pants wet.
Seff said:
Try brushing your teeth and taking a piss at the same time - without sprinkling the entire bathroom.

You know, I think I'll try that right now. Be back in a few.
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