The Fourth Kind - what do you believe?

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Sergeant at Arms
was watching it before, was an okay movie

anybody here believe what it's talking about? like the archive footage?

or just a load of gash?
According to Cracked, its not true...

Its a movie anyway....
All of the archive footage was fake and the story was made up.

****ing google man, use it.
Since it's as much true as Paranormal Activity.
I have no idea what's the point of making a movie that is a half scripted documentary and half a regular movie that has remade scenes from the scripted documentary. I tried to watch it but stopped when it got uninteresting. I would have liked it more if it would have been just a fake documentary.

The part in the beginning with Milla Jovovich stating that "This movie is not fake and other bull**** and bobobobobo" made me cringe. Mainly because you don't put stuff like that in to the beginning if the movie is obviously fake.
I found it entertaining as I didn't think it was true to start with.
but it is a film made to entertain and make a profit, not a documentary made to inform.

it's like a Dan Brown book. everything between the covers is part of the story. accept it as that and have fun with the story and you come away happy, but if you expect some previously undiscovered truth to be revealed you will be disappointed and if you base your beliefs on it you will be ridiculed.

if there was any evidence of aliens abducting people from an area for as long as the movie says (1960's to present day) then it would have been reported on the news and not in a film.

the best example of home video style horror/alien films, and probably the inspiration for Blair Witch and Cloverfield,  is The McPherson Tapes/Alien Abduction: Incident at Lake County but it still has the obvious points and give-aways that it is fake.

edit to add: that link is to the complete film, worth a watch if you like this sort of film
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