Go for it!
Haha, just kidding. So, the real topic: some random questions! Because everybody loves random questions. Please note that your answers will be kept confidential between me and whoever else reads them, and that in no way, shape or form will they be recorded for psychological profiling. I give you my word as an honest man.
1) If you could learn any language, from any time period, what would it be and why?
2) Would you rather die poor but famous, or rich but unknown?
3) Do you agree with the statement that "the needs of the many outweight the needs of the few"? To what degree do you agree with it? If you were the leader of a people fighting for survival, would you sacrifice a minority to save the majority? Would you do it if it was somebody you cared for?
4) If you owned a ship (space or sea), what would you name it? What kind of ship would it be? (cargo, merchant, war, defensive, escort, etc).
5) What's the best book you've recently read?
Bonus Question:
-Where do all my socks keep disappearing to?
Haha, just kidding. So, the real topic: some random questions! Because everybody loves random questions. Please note that your answers will be kept confidential between me and whoever else reads them, and that in no way, shape or form will they be recorded for psychological profiling. I give you my word as an honest man.
1) If you could learn any language, from any time period, what would it be and why?
2) Would you rather die poor but famous, or rich but unknown?
3) Do you agree with the statement that "the needs of the many outweight the needs of the few"? To what degree do you agree with it? If you were the leader of a people fighting for survival, would you sacrifice a minority to save the majority? Would you do it if it was somebody you cared for?
4) If you owned a ship (space or sea), what would you name it? What kind of ship would it be? (cargo, merchant, war, defensive, escort, etc).
5) What's the best book you've recently read?
Bonus Question:
-Where do all my socks keep disappearing to?