The Cozy Thread.. Yeah..

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*sitting in my cozy chair*
Yes, i been wondering, how ya guys became admins on this site, there must be a little story behind that..

And what have you forum posting other kind of guys been doing today, i have been to school boring my A** off, but atleast we skipped a class and played some football.
Yeah, you guys now already im the all-star school football star..
Even played CS, wow..
So anyone playing WoW ?
If you do and you play on Arathor im specailly interrested in knowing :razz:
*leans back and takes a zap*
School's not so bad once you pass the first three years of secondary school (high school in America) and you atually get too choose your subjects. We just sit there and debate about religion most of the time in R.S, and then in business we Then we go out and shoot people with this 8ft elastic catapult we brought. It's awesome, takes htree people to operate, and you can shoot water balloons about 150ft with it!
Yeah, i kinda want to be in this state of my live forever is so relaxing you no one shooing you, just doing what the C*** you want
And i still look pretty :lol: ( no joke i swear O.O )
today at school.... tryed getting a forum to work... and spent 3hours out of the six im at school doing science :sad: at lunch went to china town and checked out the supermarkets... i dont know what other china towns are like but the one in Manchester has really cheap stuff... even if you cant read what the wrapper says :wink: thats it basically... oh and plotting to beat up a guy for throwing blue tac in my friends hair, apart from that an average day...
lol i know :twisted: and if that dont persuade him to leave... ma friend how had the blue tac in her hair is gonna tell the head or year hes doing coke (lol the bad kind :wink: ) in school! Which he is... but we're not snitchs btw just meglomaniacs
Juno said:
lol i know :twisted: and if that dont persuade him to leave... ma friend how had the blue tac in her hair is gonna tell the head or year hes doing coke (lol the bad kind :wink: ) in school! Which he is... but we're not snitchs btw just meglomaniacs

English please? :lol:
which bit do you need translating?

meglomaniac - someone who craves power
snitch - someone who tells on you

only words i used that you mite not know...
There is no story behind us being admins, I became a mod, then when it became tough Nair was selected to be a mod, then I asked Armagan to make me and Nair admins, which he did. Since then we've been running this **** like a marathon.
Demiminigod said:
It's nice and clean

yeah, i had the same thought. It seems brand spanken new. Just ripped off the cellophane. How long has this game been out? I only found it about two weeks ago or so. Followed a link from
Well, if you took a look at how many pages of threads there where and calculated it you'll get a exact number that says.. damn that key im trying to type is stuck
Demiminigod said:
Ahh, good to know, thanks for replying
I like this forum not all those ''kids'' around
It's nice and clean :smile:

What defines a "Kid"? By age or by act. Because you'll find both here.

And what do you define "Clean"? By appearance or by the includation of drug dealers/doers. Because you'll find both here.

I know i'm the only one laughing at that.
I hate american football, now, football (or soccer) is the one and only kind of football that I'll accept asusing that name.

I actualy don't play any sports.

I love computer.

I love acting.

Improv rules.
PrinceScamp said:
I hate american football

hehe, same here.

Well I spend most of morning and daytime at work, then go to school for few hours.

And than do some messing with comp.

On weekends mostly chil out.

I like computers, espatialy 3d graphis and web design, plus study some programming now.
Play Mount&Blade ( :shock: :grin: ), and GW.. have few other games like CS, HL2 but they ,for now, covered in dust.

I play tennies and swim from time to time.
Fluffy The Hamster said:
And what do you define "Clean"? By appearance or by the includation of drug dealers/doers. Because you'll find both here.

I took it as uncluttered.

Whats the problem with American football?
I'll admit I dont know much about cricket for example, but I dont hate it.
For a few days now my primary source of sustenance has been beer and painkillers. And I'm starting to feel it. Just had a wisdom tooth removed and my mouth hurts. A lot.
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