The Constable Recruiter Option?

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Not sure if this is a bug or not, but when I go to my constable and ask him to send out the recruiter, he does. Now the problem starts after I leave the city. The recruiter shows up outside, but I instantly get the message that tells me the recruiter I sent out was defeated, and he disappears.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Edit 1 - Also... It seems like the militia longbowmen do not have any bows and are listed as cavalry.
Edit 2 - The Constable is missing his shirt...
if your teritory is small and enemy is close they will automaticly attack your recruiter. you must provide pass for your men on map. follow recruiter and you'll see.
No, I believe this is actually a bug (I mean come on, who would want to sleep with your wife?  :mrgreen:). I have the same problem in my game, and when researching it I believe I read something about how it is specific only to the OSP minimod. Basically if you are running the latest version of OSP and Diplomacy (the one you can download right now), this problem pops up (or so I am led to believe). This wasn't an issue in the older versions, and I'm not sure what it is about this version, but it is really annoying (once you get someone to do your recruiting for you, you never want to go back...). I am hoping and praying that it is resolved when the new version comes out. Are you using the OSP minimod, or is this happening with vanilla diplomacy? I am also not sure about the militia long-bowmen, I have never used them and can't recall seeing them, so I am not sure if that issue is correlated to this one.
Iblan said:
No, I believe this is actually a bug (I mean come on, who would want to sleep with your wife?  :mrgreen:). I have the same problem in my game, and when researching it I believe I read something about how it is specific only to the OSP minimod. Basically if you are running the latest version of OSP and Diplomacy (the one you can download right now), this problem pops up (or so I am led to believe). This wasn't an issue in the older versions, and I'm not sure what it is about this version, but it is really annoying (once you get someone to do your recruiting for you, you never want to go back...). I am hoping and praying that it is resolved when the new version comes out. Are you using the OSP minimod, or is this happening with vanilla diplomacy? I am also not sure about the militia long-bowmen, I have never used them and can't recall seeing them, so I am not sure if that issue is correlated to this one.

Posted this in the OSP thread, but it's defiantly a bug as you stated. I can only assume the original poster is using Diplomacy & OSP, because Militia Long-bowmen is a Diplomacy & OSP unit. Also, as mentioned in the main thread, I think it may have to do with the fact that recruiter names the base units differently then what the OSP merged mod has them named. (Example Rhodok Peasants (which the recruiter names them as) are actually Rhodok Clansmen in the mod.)
This is also happening to me as well! The main reason I want a castle for a fief is for this reason! I like sending out recruiters to get troops for me so I can go about other business and not travel halfway across the continent to get he type I want while a war wages in my homeland. This is my favorite mod to play single player right now and now I don't feel like playing it until the recruiting has been fixed. It's driving me crazy! PLEASE! FIX THIS!
Gravemaker said:
This is also happening to me as well! The main reason I want a castle for a fief is for this reason! I like sending out recruiters to get troops for me so I can go about other business and not travel halfway across the continent to get he type I want while a war wages in my homeland. This is my favorite mod to play single player right now and now I don't feel like playing it until the recruiting has been fixed. It's driving me crazy! PLEASE! FIX THIS!

Honestly, this bug has helped me kick my Diplomacy addiction somewhat! =P I play a lot less because I am constantly at war and it is nearly impossible to recruit ad train enough good troops to hold my cities while also conducting a war, so I am waiting until a fix comes out to seriously play again.
Sadly the save games aren't compatible, and I am not about to throw away my 800+ day campaign to start a new one. What's wrong with Rhodok and Nord Cavalry? I know it is a bit odd, but they are pretty weak compared to knights and royal knights, and an army needs to be diverse, otherwise it is unlikely to survive. Even the Nords, before they had decent archers or any cavalry, were not nearly as invincible, and were much more susceptible to being run over by bad-ass cavalry. =P
Iblan said:
Sadly the save games aren't compatible, and I am not about to throw away my 800+ day campaign to start a new one. What's wrong with Rhodok and Nord Cavalry? I know it is a bit odd, but they are pretty weak compared to knights and royal knights, and an army needs to be diverse, otherwise it is unlikely to survive. Even the Nords, before they had decent archers or any cavalry, were not nearly as invincible, and were much more susceptible to being run over by bad-ass cavalry. =P

You could try some different mods out there cause honestly I'm not really sure when that mod is going to be updated as great as it is and all, as it seems Thick is really occupied at the moment.

Personally, I'm tying 1257 AD for a little Europe historical approach, and now also gonna try the Floris Mod Pack (,137590.0.html). which has OSP, diplomacy (updated to latest version Grr, scratch that, it looks like it's 3.1.1, lol), and a few other awesome mod compilations included within it.

I did look into that, and it seemed like a really great idea, and if I were going to download another mod, it would probably be Floris, I am just having trouble letting go of my save file (pathetic, I know). Diplomacy is good enough of a mod that I am willing to wait awhile (it is probably healthier that way anyway =P). The other big thing is I like how diplomacy is keep up to date and has periodic updates. I am not saying Floris doesn't, but I don't want to take the chance that basically I am left hung out to dry (yes this update is taking awhile, but I have complete confidence in the team that it will get done, and it will be done well). Combining a variety of mods together is great, but it also means that you have to make a lot of changes if you want to keep all the files up to date, and there is great potential for bugs and ctd's etc. I may give it a shot though, because I like the mods included.
I recommend exporting your character + companions and starting over with vanilla Diplomacy and some minimods of your choice, importing your characters and companions. If you currently have a good amount of money, that will also be exported, so you can have a quick start again in your new game.

I don't use these compilation mods because of the problem you now have. What I did, was just installing Diplomacy, adding Polished Landscapes to it, and then some minimods like More Metal Sounds etc, and some customization of myself, like adding my own banner and replacing some meshes/textures of a few items. This way I always know how to update them to the next version, and the vanilla troop trees are just fine in my opinion!
Hmmm, the export feature sounds like a good idea. I wasn't sure what exactly it did (in terms of compatibility), but I think the developers did a good job in including a feature like that for people that want to play with a bunch of different mods. Thanks for the tip!
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