The companions I'm making

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Although I enjoy the spectacle thinking surrounding the companions, I'd like to see game defining changes before I have a different ways to pimp my ho's.  :lol:
Oh You Will...Oh yes....You Will!

I am having trouble distinguishing between who needs lines and who doesn't from your list on the first page, a lot of them seem to have dialogue already, which ones still need it? Or is it a fact that their dialogues are incomplete?
Computica said:
Also I can make it so that the gold cost for companions is dynamic by calculating there skills.

  Repression , allways repression , you will bring new generation to ctrl-X spasming  .  :shock:

  You'll better work on some "i'm do not want to be paid , i'm here just for pleasure" features ,
  even if that kind of things become rare todays.

[quote author=manekemaan ] the companions from the first post [/quote]

  Are not enough , to follow my calculation , is needed at least 30-40 companions to be fine.  :smile:
( since will  be removed  those silly querels between them ... if not 60-80 are needed ).
  I've played this mod very often and it never arrived to me that a lord become my companion
  as it was let me to hope.
Looks like my companion didn't make it as it's not on the front page, meh okay i'm still going to play this mod until it'll light my PC on fire.

Edit: @Frere Ane

80 Companions holy moly mini ravioli macaroni robin, I can't imagine the time it would take to code 80 Companions yet alone have someone write individual text, personality, and response to other companions.  :shock:

Double edit: I forgot to put in the first edit.
manekemaan said:
you can always check some of the characters posted in the first post, look at their backstory etc and then write some stuf for them.

What every companion needs:

("npc32_intro", "              "),
("npc32_intro_response_1", "        "),
("npc32_intro_response_2", "        "),
("npc32_backstory_a", "          "),
("npc32_backstory_b", "          "),
("npc32_backstory_c", "        "),
("npc32_backstory_later", "      "),
("npc32_backstory_response_1", "        "),
("npc32_backstory_response_2", "          "),
("npc32_signup", "          "),
("npc32_signup_2", "            "),
("npc32_signup_response_1", "          "),
("npc32_signup_response_2", "          "),
("npc32_payment", "        "),
("npc32_payment_response", "            "),
("npc32_morality_speech", "          "),
("npc32_2ary_morality_speech", "          "),
("npc32_personalityclash_speech", "        "),                X
("npc32_personalityclash_speech_b", "        "),            X
("npc32_personalityclash2_speech", "        "),              X
("npc32_personalityclash2_speech_b", "        "),          X
("npc32_personalitymatch_speech", "        "),                X
("npc32_personalitymatch_speech_b", "        "),            X
("npc32_retirement_speech", "          "),
("npc32_rehire_speech", "          "),
("npc32_home_intro", "          "),
("npc32_home_description", "          "),
("npc32_home_description_2", "          "),
("npc32_home_recap", "        "),
("npc32_kingsupport_1","                "),
("npc32_kingsupport_2", "          "),
("npc32_kingsupport_2a", "          "),
("npc32_kingsupport_2b", "        "),
("npc32_kingsupport_3", "          "),
("npc32_kingsupport_objection", "      "),  X
("npc32_intel_mission", "          "),
("npc32_fief_acceptance", "          "),
("npc32_turn_against", "          "),

Should anyone make any dialogues, just state the name of the companion you are writing the dialogues for. Don't write the dialogues of personality clash and match. I still have to make their likes and dislikes. Als the kingsupport objection is something I will do.

For all ease, I will put an X behind dialogues that you guys shouldn't make. And I shall start a list on the first post with companions who have complete dialogues.

I will come up with better dialogue for #npc28 = Black army inspired and #npc32 = Conquistador inspired in this format then. Meh, stuff i wrote for them earlier is a lot rougher than i remembered.
@Saint rouge ( holy red)

"80 Companions holy moly mini ravioli macaroni robin"  ->  ???...??? , may you devellop it ...?

Is say 80 only if querels remains , removing querels  may save time by  having not to write dialog for them , and
so having only arround  40 companion needed.
having some companions being not talkative may also help to write dialog , most of their reply being "..."
some dumb one also ...
#npc25 = The void inspired
Name: Silus The Darkheart
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Fighting style: Cunning and tactful, prefers using a single one-handed blade and nothing else.

Personality: Quiet but ambitious, he doesn't care if people share his faith or not, although he will butcher anybody who stands in his way and won't hesitate to do so. He will not fight for coin, honour or vengence, only because that's what The Void demands.

Backstory: Silus' parents were middle class industrial workers who sought to live in the countryside to relieve themselves of being hassled by the lords of the land, after several years of living happily a rogue noble whom Silus' father owed debt to burned the family house to the ground one night while Silus was tending to the animals in the barn. Before he could smell the smoke, it was already too late to save his parents. Everything his family worked for was incinerated and there wasn't a thing Silus could do. At first he felt confused at his parents death and then devoid of any emotion at all. While he was scavenging for items that weren't fully charred, he came across a strange trap door that was hidden under the now ash wooden floor and explored what was inside. It was a shrine to The Void; The stench it carried was that of dried blood and rotten flesh except Silus couldn't help but enjoy the horrible incense, whether or not his parents worshiped The Void in secret was irrelevant at this point, having read the tomes soaked in pigs blood and relinquished the emotions The Void hungered for, Silus was now that of a dark heart. His reason to live is so other's may not.

I hope you liked that :smile:

I didn't quite like the idea of Bardok since The Void shouldn't be about embracing anger; it should be about the absence of emotion and just killing people because you can. The Void takes your emotion (pain) away and in return you either serve The Void by sacrificing other people and spreading the faith or you become The Void by sacrificing your soul (In this context, Silus sacrifices his soul). That's just my point of view anyway. Thanks for reading.
Hey guys

Like Computica said, i was a student back then :p now i'm a grown man with a job etc etc :p

But when the mod starts up again, I'll try to to my best to help out, especially with these companions.
manekemaan said:
Hey guys

Like Computica said, i was a student back then :p now i'm a grown man with a job etc etc :p

But when the mod starts up again, I'll try to to my best to help out, especially with these companions.
Thanks MM it is good to see you, I will definitely call you on Steam as soon as I get the ball rolling again.
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