The companions I'm making

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That may well explain it.  :wink:

Thanks for the reply anyway.

By the way, do you know,  is there a finite limit on the number of companions available?

Balla.  :cool:
Ballacraine said:
That may well explain it.  :wink:

Thanks for the reply anyway.

By the way, do you know,  is there a finite limit on the number of companions available?

Balla.  :cool:
Someone on this thread said 1257 had 48 companions, there are the 16 vanilla plus the 30 something on this thread. You can have as much as you can code for all I know, maybe I'm wrong.
#npc17 = The antarian inspired (Perhaps something different)
Name: Drew Logan
Age: 19
Gender: Male

Fighting Style: 1h sword+shield, heavy armor (Plate or Mail) and is not trained in using horses properly.

Proficencies: He exels with blades, but has not been trained in ranged weaponry. His strong skills would be Ironflesh (he has had more wounds than you've taken s*its), Power Strike (years with weapons have made his strikes have more force), Tracking (He was trained to hunt and kill enemies), and Athletics (all good warriors must be quick on their feet).

Personality: Despite his terrible childhood, he is one of the nicest men at a camp, but that's only when you can get him to talk, with him being anti-social. He doesn't clearly elaborate his thoughts, but instead makes quick optimistic remarks, such as if a man in battle says for example "their arrows will block out the sun" Drew will say "then we will fight in the shade". Drew will never go lightly in battle, although he practically worships honor ("Death before Dishonor"), so he won't like a leader with low honor or one that does any kind of skulduggery actions. He perseveres through thick and thin, and tries his best to look at the bright side of things. He is blond and has short-medium hair with a small beard and blue eyes. Oh, and unintelligent compared to most companions. He is reckless due to inexperience in organized battles, and is still just a hardy recruit. The only thing he remembers about his parents is his name, which leads him to be a member of the Logan Clan, and in battle, and on his own says "Hoc Majorum Virtus", meaning "This is The Valor of my Ancestors". He does not believe in religion, as he feels that if there was a higher power, he would have been saved from his childhood years ago.

Sanity Level: uoƃǝɹO

Drew and Aureolus Serpent host inspired got along almost immediately, they both just rant on and on and on about anything that can be classified as a topic.  Kublai Monterivvi the elephant guard inspired does not like how reckless he thinks Drew is during combat, and Drew tries his best to listen to his lectures, and takes it in as constructive critisism. With Glordan the aden inspired , Drew thinks tensions are always high with him, because Glordan noticed his age and how skilled he was, Drew thinks he feels compelled to build his body so he can keep up with Drew, and this leads to uncomfortable conversations and, when drunk, hostilities. Drew keeps asking Gehrin, the Villianese inspired to tell him more about the Scion, unable to grasp what he means. All-in-all they get along fine, but Drew thinks Gehrin tries to avoid him so he won't have to keep repeating himself. With Zhdan the Zerikian inspired one, they have quite a lot in common, with slavery anyhow. He finds Aetius the imperial inspired one, Drew shows respect for Aetius wishing for his name to be remembered and have a long lineage, Drew's just worried about him being an imperial with these thoughts. Whitney the one inspired seems to be the only one besides Aureolus to show complete kindness to Drew, and although he is not a fan of her cooking skills, Drew still chokes it down with a faint "i-it's alright :cry:".

With Gelu the old gods inspired one Drew finds compassion in his words, for Gelu is not a man of boasting, and Drew is too young to boast. Bardok the void inspired sends chills down Drew's spine, as if they were complete opposites. In battle, Drew gets worried he will lose it, and will stop swinging at the enemy."the white chameleon" the natural philosophy inspired, Drew thinks of him as just a sell-sword, unwiling to trust him, or get on his bad side. Drew has heard about him, and makes sure he stays away from Whitney. With Krewlod the spiritual enlghted inspired , Drew finds they get along rather well, and at times spar with each other to see who the better swordsman is.
Jonathan Fisher the Black army inpsired one, always questions Drew why he has never tasted alchohol, and finds it humorous to jokingly greet woman at taverns as the "virgin to gods gift", and Drew always jokingly replies that he is the one who isn't a virgin (sadly Drew is a virgin, no women were in the training encampment when he was younger, have fun with that fact  :grin:). Brynhild the Gallant the jotnar clan inspired one has almost nothing in common with Drew, so they're neutral, but Drew feels an awkward presence when Gelu passes by when shes around (Master Ronin, you dog :wink:). Victor Hames the conquisador inspired one Drew likes his humorous training sessions, but wishes that the drills and yelling wasn't necessary, it gives Drew flashbacks of his old training camp. Drew tries to find stuff in common with Gab Norston with them both being Antarian inspired, (Just saw that there was already one, sorry MorrisB  :sad:) Drew thinks they could get along and show each other different Antarian fighting styles. Guillaume Garnisot knight of ashkelon inspired felt symphony for Drew as they both joined up for redemption from their shatterd lives. William Serinovich the shining eagle inspired, Drew wants to stay away from. Drew has heard rumors of that man, and with his charismatic nature, Drew refuses to talk to him so he won't be brain-washed into thinking something else. Drew thinks Alfredo Eberardo the spanish conquisatdor inspired did the right thing leaving the Conquistador's if they were doing the things he says they do. Yazerath the void inspired finds Drew's chivalrous action's displeasing and finds him weak for his lack of intelligence.

If the character owners who do not like this random relation I think my companion will have towards other peoples companion idea I made at 3:00 AM, by all means tell me and I will change/remove it.  :mrgreen:

Starting armour: Sturdy Leather Armor, Leather Gloves, Hardened Wrapping Boots, Short Sword.

Recent picture(s):
face_key_1 = 1185
face_key_2 = 471b4d26928db921

Vassal Banner 1:

Vassal Banner 2:

These pictures are the banner he would have if you make him a vassal. The story behind these banners is that there were 2 members of the Logan clan who had the duty to transport a kings heart, but were killed in the process. (Leading to the heart with a nail/arrow through it.) A quick search on Google for the Logan Clan or Hoc Majorum Virtus and you can find a picture you like if you don't want either of these.  :wink:

#Childhood Instantly Ruined and Father/Birth
Drew was the son to a Vassal's personal retainer, who he had barely heard anything about, not even his first name, but did find out that he was a member of the Logan clan. Even with this bare information of his father, he strived to make him proud beyond the grave. What Drew did not know about his father was that many years ago he owned a ship with his young friends, and that his ship was raided by Sea Raiders when he and his friends were searching for signs of life in the waters, and in the end took a crash course for the Antarian shores. Luckily an Antarian Lord was in sight of the ship wreck minutes after it first hit land, and Drew's father was the only scavengable thing from the ship. Even the hardened Sea Raiders didn't survive. When Drew's father awoken the Antarian Lord helped the man by offering him a job in his army, with good pay and 3 daily meals, Drew's father would have been stupid not to take it as he is now stranded and lost. He quickly rose through the ranks from his spectacular performances in battle, and even earned the place as one of his right-hand men as a personal retainer after a few years, and enjoyed the perks of the job, ranging from visiting every feast to some of the finest pay in the land. He one night had too much to drink and fell harder than a rock in bed, only to wake up with an Adenian woman in his bed. He was frightened at first, but then found out they had plenty in common, and got along better than peanut butter and jam. Months later they were married and were going to have a child, and the soon-to-be father was given permission by the Lord to receive leave with no consequences, but instead with a sack of gold and an escort to Chocola, the retainer's home village. Even though the father wanted the best for Drew, he could not stop the fact that Drew's life began on a battlefield with both of his parents' blood spilled on his body, crying helplessly until the battle was over.

The battle begun mid-day, the farmers were tending the fields, the cattle were being herded, the guards were patrolling, it seemed like a normal day. What the peasants were not aware of, was that a power-hungry Lord from the Vaegirs had his eyes on the prosperity of the village, and attacked it with no remorse.

Farmers were screaming, the fields were burning, the water stream was running red, and in the crossfire of the battle, the father's wife was shot by a stray arrow. With seeing what had happened to his wife, the father had no other choice to save his only child. The father charged through the heat of battle to the dying mother laying on the grass surrounded by her own blood, and with the mother nearing death, she told the father to save the baby. When the mother died, he knew what he needed to do. He was forced to cut her stomach open and pull the baby out. (Conan ftw!) With seeing his new baby was a boy, he was distracted from the ongoing battle, and the Lord of the Vaegirs that was attacking Chocola came up from behind and put his sword through his spine, leading to the father dropping the baby. When the Lord realized what he had done, he looked shocked and his face turned paler than a ghost, but had to show no mercy so his men don't think he's getting soft, but seemed to hesitate cutting the father's head off. Both the father and the baby were laying on the grass, and with the fathers last breath, he screamed out at the top of his lungs, hoping that the remaining villagers could hear him, "Drew Logan". When the battle was over, the only thing you could hear was the echo of Drew's scream, and after a search for any remaining survivors, the remaining peasants found Drew lying next to his parents, and quickly brought him to shelter and nursed him, and then villagers thought as to what named the baby, luckily enough there was a wounded villager that had enough strength to say "Drew Logan... His father wants his name to be Drew Logan", before passing out in pain. To respect the dead father and the now bastard son, he was named Drew Logan, and the same night, he was declared Battle-born.

Peaceful Early Life
At the age of 1, some farmers heard what happened to the village of Chocola, and plenty of villagers flocked there to show their support. After the elder told the incoming peasants the story of the battle and Drew, a couple volunteered to raise him, and took Drew in as their own after they moved into one of the newly built houses. At the age of 3 he could walk and talk, and showed a particular interest in anything pointy and sharp. His first words were his own name, which is the words his guardians described to him, saying that his father wanted that to be his name, and that he should be proud he's a member of the Logan clan, who's only member is now a mix between Antarian and Adenian. they also told him about with "Hoc Majorum Virtus" and how he should take care of those words just as he does bread, as it is his family's motto. The speech sadly ended with the description of what a bastard was, as he had started hearing it said to him. With hearing that he was part of his family's clan, he carved a sword from some of the recently hacked wood his male guardian brought in and practiced his fighting skills constantly so he could live up to his family name. He was fit as a fiddle and fought with heart and courage, but was surprisingly shy and polite to his elders. He was gentle and kind and showed love to his guardians and treated everyone with respect. Drew was used as an example by his elders to describe how other children should be acting, and if half of them had the heart and courage of Drew the world would already be a safer place, even if they were all bastards. But some of the new kids were rotten, and insulted everyone in Chocola. The bad kids particularly enjoyed picking on Drew as he was much younger, but one night they went too far. When Drew was about 6 he was ambushed by the rotten kids when he was on his way to his house because he had a piece of bread a wandering merchant gave him that night, but what they weren't counting on was him carrying his wooden sword he constantly practiced with, and were shocked when they realized this child was kicking their ass. When the brutal fight was finished with Drew still standing, Drew just sat down with his battered body and started slowly eating the bread. It turns out a guard was spectating over the entire event, and carefully approached Drew and greeted himself, and offered to escort him home. The guard was actually a bandit in disguise who was part of a band of thieves, bandits, marauders, and even rogue knights. When Drew got comfortable with him, the guard blind-sided Drew and dragged him away, then giving off a signal to other bandits to come and raid and pillage Drew's home. When Drew awoke he was in a cage made out of rusted metal with men screaming and mocking him, gloating about how they came and slaughtered the inhabitants of Chocola with such ease. He thought he was just going to die there, perhaps be sold into slavery, but it turns out they had plans for him, and other kidnapped children.

Slavery and Hell
These men were not going to create the modern-day Boy Scouts, but instead were creating a living hell for anyone who was captured and brought to this God forsaken blight on Ponavosa. It was a training camp run by the bandits to create soldiers that could best the kingdom's top men, able to take down small groups of men alone. This dream that the group of bandits had was to be accomplished by the men their warband has accumulated over time, with many skilled trainers willing to do what was necessary to overthrow their past masters, and had the muscle to keep their slaves in line. These were not ordinary trainers, they were out of their minds. They used an art that they had heard of in distant land called the Agoge, something Hellenic Drew heard, which required the trainees to be from a minimum age of 7, but the trainers felt that was only a hindrance so they took any child of any age they could find. The moment you are brought in and get accustomed, the bandits make you run drill after drill, training you to become machines, training you to kill anyone in your path, or at least anyone the bandits want you to. The bandits made sure the children had no emotional connections between each other by refusing the kids to have any kind of social interaction with one another, with the exception for fights to see who the Alpha is, and this was an encouraged activity as it earned favors. Drew tried to stay out of the fights, but challenger after challenger appeared to fight him to earn the bandit's favor, but all failed. After a few years of no talking and attempted solitude, Drew forgot how to speak.
The moment you reached the age of 8, they started increasing the intensity of the drills, and they gladly provided whips to the tired and weary who couldn't do any more. At the age of 9, they put a sword in your hands and constantly forced you to spar with one another, and the victor would be let off free to continue his drills, while the loser, along with the cuts from the sparring, was whipped repeatedly. Fatal injuries and deaths were common in the camp, and Drew is the only one to date who has survived since the age of 6. The bandits destroyed your will, made you forget your past, taught you to hate everyone and to only obey them. They would destroy your humanity, and your will to live. Here, you only served one purpose.

The bandits who were running this were starting to feel like this plan was failing as the rest of the bandits were becoming anxious as to when will all these excellent soldiers that the trainers had promised were come, and were starting to wonder why spend so much of their earnings on these children that have done nothing but die, so the trainers were getting very nervous. The trainers started increasing the intensity of the drills so they could send the children out sooner, but when the trainers started this habit, they noticed a particular person at the age of 14 that constantly won his sparring sessions and was doing the drills with skill and precision the trainers had not witnessed from anyone else in the camp, and this poor soul was named Drew. As a last resort, the trainers agreed that they had to take the chance of pushing Drew even harder to see the outcome, and make the perfect soldier. The trainers put Drew into their new tier of the training. It's the most ruthless and will-destroying one yet, it was so inhuman that when bandits came back from pillaging they came and watched Drew train, giving the trainers some leverage and working space, and above all, the time they need. Besides teaching him how to just murder people efficiently, they started teaching him other things. Drew's offensive and defensive skills were already superb, so they thought they should make him and his body numb to pain. With large time-gaps in between his normal training, every week or two to be accurate, the trainers invited some of the other bandits to tie him down and beat on him. Break a few bones here, bruise and bleed him there, and then leave and let him heal, and 100% condition or not he had to train the next day. They were hoping this would teach him to be able to fight with a completely battered body. The bandits also ended up capturing a steppe peasant that knew how to track, and forced him to teach Drew all he knew. The two slaves grew a close bond, spending time in the woods learning the landscape and searching for signs of life and finding tracks together, with their bandit escort of course. After a few years the steppe man not only lost his value, but some bandits overheard him discussing an escape plan with Drew, and even though Drew put up an amazing fight knocking out 4 guys and killing 2, he was tied down, strapped to a chair, and was forced to watch as they slit the steppe man's throat, with a large beating coming soon after.

The Escape
At the age of 17, Drew overheard bandits bantering over how they went back to his home village Chocola to see if there were any other children that had a chance of becoming another soldier, but just ended up killing the inhabitants, and proceeded to start laughing about the slaughter as they felt a false sense of security. With this news, Drew unexpectedly snapped during a drill and went mad with uncontrolled anger, immediately fighting anyone in his path and cutting his way through the camp guards. He took a map and compass off a body, some new armor and a sword from a bandit's tent, and made way for his village. It took two days, but he found Chocola crumbling with only a few villagers remaining, as the rest were slaughtered. He found and buried his fellow villagers, used an inspirational speech to gather the survivors for revenge, and then used his new tracking skills from the steppe man to back-track his way to the camp and finish what the bandits started. He found the camp in a matter of hours, and just thought staring at the camp everything they have done to him. Kidnapped him, kill his family and fellow villagers, beat him, starve him, force him to train, force him to spar and kill, push him harder and harder, torture him, kill his only friend, and kill his fellow villagers again. That was enough thinking, he now had a purpose, he now had a reason to live, it was why he was the lucky one, why he was left alive over all the other children. Drew entered a crazed state, and without thinking charged into the encampment screaming "Hoc Majorum Virtus!", and he and his angry militia started killing everyone in sight, just as they did to his people. The battle lasted 36 minutes, only Drew was left standing with blood and wounds all over him, feeling satisfied with his revenge, Drew slowly started recovering from his crazed state. With knowing nearly everyone in Chocola was dead, he decided to leave to help and repair his savage village.

A New Start *WIP*
Drew took the remaining survivors of Chocola and helped rebuild and repair the scorched buildings and tarnished landscape. He was happily accepted into Chocola once more as one of their own after all these years, and volunteered to make the runs to the other villages for supplies and manpower, along with taking nearly all the night shifts to guard the village, perched in a tree awaiting the time to pounce an oncoming brigand. 2 months went by following this routine, each day becoming increasingly challenging and exhausting, each argument and dispute becoming harder to mend as time pasts, with one event in particular that provoked Drew's goodhearted nature.

One day a young woman, a harmless human being who originated from Vaegir lands came into Chocola and stayed for a few days before preparing to depart to Applegrove. She only told a few people including Drew that she was a Vaegir, and explained that she had abandoned her home due to the poor quality of life, and will live with a friend willing to share her home with her. Before she was able to leave at nightfall, word got out that she came from Vaegir land, and some of the men became rabid and violent. Things around Chocola had been quiet for a few days so Drew let someone else take the night shift so he can get some proper sleep, which is a regret that haunts Drew to this day. The day after he let someone sub in his night shift, Drew left his hut and went outside to hunt some food, but before Drew was able to go into the forest he found the girl hanging from a tree in the outskirts of town with sword wounds and blood covering her body. After cutting her down from the tree Drew carried the girl to the town center and happily called out whoever did this, saying that they were to be praised as patriots protecting Antarian land. The murderers came towards the town center looking jolly and go-lucky, preparing to be praised by the populous of Chocola, but when they all clustered and gathered close enough Drew took out his sword and crippled all their legs. Drew then gave a scolding to everyone and said this is what happens when you step out of line and perform needless murder, but the crowd demanded more. The crowd demanded both blood and their heads, refusing to disperse until justice was done. Drew knew that he alone could not calm the crowd, and he knew that he did not have the willpower to kill his neighbours and fellow Antarians, so he just left and aloud the angry pedestrians to have their way with the defenseless crippled men. Drew just keeps thinking how he could of done something to stop all the senseless killing he fought so hard to get away from.

A year past and Chocola had grown fairly large and had become a very prosperous village, and grew quite a lot of notoriety from rivaling faction's such as the Vaegir's. Chocola had some of the finest protection and a unrivaled low crime rate in Antaria, as Drew was working behind the scenes to protect his home village. Drew had turned 18 early in December, and most of the village rejoiced on Drew's birthday, including the pompous nobles of Chocola, regardless of Drew being a low-birth bastard battle-born barbarian-raised child. The last of the Logan's was praised that day. Drew found much joy from the festivity's and enjoyed the company of his friends, but the real selling point of his night was when he first laid eyes on his lover. They introduced themselves to each other and then spent the whole next year spending time together and trying to convince her father let Drew Wed and Bed her. Sadly a war broke out between the Antarian's and Vagir's once more.
It was night when the Vaegirs came. It wasn't until multiple moments after first contact that Drew awoke from his hut and realized what was happening, so Drew quickly donned his armor and made headway for the town center. He met up with the militia there and started to prepare for the imminent Vaegir attack. Drew then saw that his wife was alright, and was in hiding in the cellar. When the Vaegir's came Drew and the militia bit and clawed through the first 2 waves or Vaegir's, but wasn't strong to hold them forever. Drew was the last man left when they slit his throat, and he saw his lover run out of hiding screaming for him, she was stabbed. Drew's heart had stopped beating at the sight of it. Drew died. Despite his death, 26 minutes later Drew awoke with his neck stitched and his heart beating, and he was told from the survivors in hiding that his lover crawled to him with needle and linen in hand and stitched Drew's neck, and she then attempted CPR, but when a Vaegir saw what she was doing he threw her away and killed her, and Drew's miracle will later be known as the Lazarus Syndrome. The villagers knew that Drew should be dead, and praises their God in rejoice, but when Drew found his lover lying dead nearby, he knew that he has simply been cursed to walk Ponavosa with the weight of a dead lover. Drew then sees no reason to stay in Chocola after burying his future, and decides that he should just walk the lands of Ponavosa ridding the world of Brigands. (Player then finds Drew in a tavern)

Recruitment Text:
Player: "Hail young man, you're covered in blood and your armor is worn, how does this happen to a man your age?"
Drew: "I appreciate your interest sir, but it's something another man who has not experienced it would not understand. I've had a very troubled past, and just wish to rest and sulk."
Player: option 1: "Everyone has had their share of bad moments, enlighten me."
option 2: "So you take me for a commoner that has no problems? I should hang you in this very room, but i'm here to relax and not kill children."
Drew: "It kills me to have to say it, but I can see I can not make you see my reason, so you might want to take a seat, my story's a long one. I was knocked out and kidnapped by bandits at the age of 6, and have been ruthlessly beaten into shape and molded into a soldier since I was brought to that blight on the world that the bandits called home. It was not easy, but I was the only one to survive the amount of time I did. Most children that were brought in at the age of 9 died by the age of 13. Sadly I was the one forced to kill most of them. It was a little program and experiment started by some deserted trainers and tacticians that sought some odd revenge, and trained captured children to be soldiers and fight in their personal army that could overthrow the reigning kingdoms. A noble cause, if it were not bandits and children accomplishing it. Should I continue?"
Player: option 1: "Go right ahead."
option 2: "How much ale has the tavern wench given you! If I knew you had a problem I would've started working here part time and steal the money from the tab."
Drew: "Too bad it was a failing program, as I said children were dying left and right, and the bandits who were funding this program were getting anxious for these troops that they were promised, so you can imagine these weak trainers were pissing themselves. When I reached the age of 14, they started increasing the intensity of the drills in fear, with fewer breaks so the trainers could send us out early. The trainers noticed how long I survived and how I was completing the drills with ease, and as the trainers last hope, they put me up to the last tier. I was the first and only to enter, and some of the guards called it the "inhuman" tier, since the drills and training were almost tripled to what they had me do before. Often times when the common bandits came back from raids they would come and spectate me training for entertainment, which gave the trainers a little breathing room, and time to train me. Unluckily for me they were starting to run out of things for me to learn and couldn't really train me much further from an offensive and defensive standpoint, but what they could do was toughen me up. Every so often they would come, tie me down and beat on me, breaking bones, bruising and making me bleed mostly, but I survived unti-, er... until I escaped I mean."
Player: option 1: "Did you have any friends in this camp of yours?"
option 2: "Please... End this now..."
Drew: "Why yes I did, a year or two ago they captured a steppe man, he didn't talk much or give me his name, but was an amazing tracker and taught me everything he knew. We often went out into the wilderness, and he taught me the basics and more about how to track and how to tell where the thing, or man you are looking for is. While we did all this we were escorted around and were kept in a specific radius, but we made it work. It didn't last past a year though, as we finally knew enough about the camp to plan our escape, and started plotting, but sadly we chose the wrong night. Bandits overheard us and came out of each others' ass, but I was able to take down 6 of them before I was tied to a chair and was forced to watch them slit the throat of my friend, with a beating for me soon after."
Player: option 1: "You weren't joking when you said you had a rough past."
option 2: "Death seems to be coming out of your ass, stay far away from me."
Drew: "Well enough of the bad part of my past, how about my decent childhood? Well, decent in terms of the median. I was Battle-born, meaning I was born on the battlefield, the same one my parents died on. I was nursed until the age of 1, until some new farmers adopted and raised me. I was a role-model and an example the elders used at one point in my life, believe it or not. I treated them with respect and gladly did some work around the village when they needed help doing small jobs. The elders used to say that if half the children in the village had my heart, the world would already be safer. Of course as I told you at the age of 6 I was kidnapped into the program, and at the age of 17 I heard the bandits went back to my old village in hope of a new me, but just ended up killing everyone. So with hearing this news I snapped. I grabbed my sword and leather armor, and I bit  clawed my way out of the training encampment with map and compass in hand, and after two days of travelling I found my burned village. I found the bodies of my village elders and buried them, everyone of them, and created a nice graveyard, I even picked a few flowers and planted them there. I found all the survivors of the village, gave a speech, then proceeded to back-track my way to the camp with all of the surviving villagers. The moment I found the bandit's camp, without thinking I charged into the camp where the 73-strong bandit camp was hiding with my fellow villagers, and killed all of them. When the fighting was over I went back to the village and helped repair things around town with the help of the peasants that stayed back, and once more I was viewed as a member of Chocola. I took pretty much all the night shifts and continued living there in peace. When I turned 18 a large party was thrown for me, and it was there that I found my lover. It took too long for her father to let me Wed and Bed her, so unluckily the Antarian's and Vaegir's waged war again, and we were one of the villages that was pillaged. You may believe me when I saw I survived getting my neck slit, as you can see my scar, but you may not believe me when I say I died. I died and then awoke again with my necked stitched, yet I don't entirely know why. I buried my future and then left Chocola to travel my homeland and rid it of barbarians, and i'm now i'm just sulking here for the time being."
Player: option 1: "You may be young, but if what you say is true, I think you will be an invaluable member to my party."
option 2: "A soldier that snaps when people die? That's one I don't want to deal with."
Drew: "Are... Are you saying you want to hire me? I guess I have never had a plan of what to do with my life after I left the camp, and this is probably the only work I could ever get with my skill set."
Player: "Yes, yes, now how much for your service?"
Drew: "I'm speechless sir, I never thought there was anyone this kind in this world. But I must ask for about 1000000 gold to be able to go get something to eat, i'm starving."
Player: option 1: "Do you know the value of gold?"
Drew: "Err... Now that you mention it, no, I don't. I still want enough gold to be able to feed me, though."
Player: option 1: "Here's 3000 gold, it's more than enough. I'll send someone to guide you to the market and bring you back to our camp. May I have your name?"
option 2: " Dear god, you were just a waste of my time, a man that doesn't know the value of money, ha!"
Drew: "Oh my, I can't remember the last time I said my name... My name is... My name is... Drew! Drew Logan of the Logan Clan, Hoc Majorum Virtus."
Player: "Welcome to my party Drew Logan, we have plenty to do, so don't take too long."

Random Texts 1 :
Drew: "Ummm... Mr. ummmm..."
*Player reminds Drew of his name.*
Drew: "Oh, right, I knew that. Anyways I wanted to tell you that Aureolous was fantastic in that last battle! I've seen alot of good fighters in my life, but Aureolous has the best personality to back up his fighting style. I know he seems childish, but he still is a beast of a man. Well at least I think he's a man." .
Player ends the rambling.
Random Texts 2 :
Drew:"Sir, you know I only come to you if it's important."
Player: "Go ahead Drew."
Drew: "It's about one of the other people you have in your company, that Kublai person. I try my best to respect my elders, but after each battle he gives me a lecture of how I fight, and I listen hoping to someday live as long as him, but I don't think he knows how an Antarian fights. Or the way a "trained" Antarian fights anyways. Don't get me wrong, he's an amazing warrior and he knows his stuff, but could you get him to lay off?".
Player then decides to get Kublai Monterivvi to lay off, or tell Drew Kublai's a valuable member of the company.
Random Text 3:
Drew: "Sir, I must say, i'm not a fan of some of the Nobles in your party, as they keep saying how some day I might just become their retainer."
Player: "I'm not quite sure what you mean, it seems like a noble jesture as you are being offered a job if I die and they take the reign."
Drew: "No, sir, it's an insult. I told them a story of how my father was a retainer, and I guess they thought it would be funny to say that."
Player: "I think you just need to grow a thicker skin, Drew, insults and taunts are just a part of being in the army, I know you may be young, but you need to grow a better spine."
Drew: "Shall I show you the scars on my back, sir, I think my skin is thick enough, and my spine is practically steel. This has been going on since when I first joined this party sir, and I don't appreciate your reaction as if this is normal to have the same degrading insult said to your face day after day. What if I started calling you a wanna-be king and said how you are abandoned and had only a few men when you first arrived and were treated as a commoner?
Player: "I'd hang you."
Drew: "So you see my point, that's exactly how I feel. I just needed to  get this off my chest, sorry sir."
Player: option 1: "I'll talk to the Nobles and tell them to stop this, else it's hanging time for them."
option 2: "Go get back in line, your spine is made of plastic and your scars are stretch marks, leave my sight."
Random Text 4:
*This happens after leaving a Town that you have entered and waited in*
Drew: "♪Oh infamy, infamy, they've all got it in for me!♪"
Player: "Wait, who? Oh Drew, are you... Are you drunk?"
Drew: "Naaah man, ya'no me! But, now that I think of it though, I-I-I think John Fisher did get me to chug a couple, *hic*, a couple gallons of ale."
Player: "A couple gallons!? Dear *insert religion [dear god, etc]*, well I guess if you drank that much, it won't be long until your guts spill out."
Drew: "Did I say couple? Hehe, I meant to say multiple, at least 10 or so but whatever, counting is for women and people who make use of brain cells."
Player: "You just sit down and I'll get help, ok?"
Drew: "Yeah, whatever. You're tha best, y'know that?
Player: "Yeah, I know."
*Ends Drew's drunk ramble*

What happens when you send him out for Right to Rule:
Player: "I suppose you know I aspire to be king of this land?"
Drew: "Well, you'd fit better as a king than any of the other claimants."
Player: "Would you then support my cause?"
Drew: "Sir, you took me in when you barely knew me, you believe my childhood, you have taught me so much, you gave me a purpose, and as I said when when you recruited me I will be forever loyal to your cause. Until my dying breath, I will carry your banner the end."
Player: "Well-spoken, my good man."
Drew:"Tell you what, you give me a week, and i'll leave and praise your name as if it were a religion. One thing the peasants want in a King, is an honest, good man, and you're the person they've been waiting for. I'll tell them you won't beat them, you won't extort them, you'll make sure that bandits don't take their children and train them into their own personal militia! You treat your men right and protect the weak and helpless, and that, is the King this land needs."
Player: "Very good. You do that."
Drew: "You won't regret this sir!"
What happens when you send him out for advantages:
Player: "Do you have any connections we could use to our advantage?"
Drew: "Well i'm no scholar or well-known, but I can track a man down for vast amounts of distances, so i'm sure I could kill a courier or two and bring back information about the kingdom of *insert faction here*."
Player: "Splendid idea -- You do that."
Drew: "I'll be back before you know it!"
What happens when you ask him to tell his story again:
Copy and paste the backstory, pretty much.  :grin:

Major basic points: Most Lords will mind if you make him a Vassal while you're king. He doesn't like dishonorable leaders. He won't leave the party until you tell him to. He is too nice and honorable for his own good, meaning that he may do things that are severely harming him but will not complain if it is for the greater good. He is unintelligent, but strong. His mental state is very unstable, leading to him potentially becoming crazy, but this would require everything possibly horrible en masse.

Just as a side-note, the whole "Logan Clan" thing is real. Hoc Majorum Virtus is real. The Coat of Arms is real. The character himself is fictional, but he is fictionally a member of the Logan Clan. Drew means 'Man, Warrior', so his father obviously put 2 and 2 together.  :lol:
manekemaan said:
looks very nice!!

if you want there are two factions which still need a companion. U could try either of them?
I thought I posted two earlier, sorry if that sounds intrusive.  :???:
manekemaan said:
hmm weird, could u link me them?,173283.msg5226270.html#msg5226270,173283.msg5231213.html#msg5231213
So will you have enough room for all these companions? I read that there will be 32 companions but will those all be fan/modder made coz' I think I also read you saying you had the first 16 done. Because after looking through the topic there are some really good ideas that I would hate to be left out. Like Cutthroat Borris, and I particualy like Twigwistle for some reason (get on making her hardly wearing clothing  :mrgreen:) and with Ronin troops I think Darthdj31's and LibSpit's idea of a samurai companion is awesome, same with Lib's Slave Merchant Companion. But I guess it all takes time, and it kills me when all I can do is wait.
yeah companions will be a much later addition really, right now the focs is purely game mechanics, companions will come with the story in later versions. you might get some at a basic level before then, not sure though
Intelligence is the blossom of discrimination, but how many flowers bear fruit?
Armors are the blossom of balancing, but how many armors are balanced?

EDIT: Typo
I know I already wrote out a companion and all the companion slots are probably full, but I have alot of spare time and I have a companion idea brewing in my head and I think it's awesome, so could I post it?
I updated my companion application! I thought I shouldn't waste the ideas I had for my new companion that I never made, and put an secondary choice for the Backstory and Recruitment dialog! If my companion does get through, now there's 2 possible options to choose from! I personally prefer the secondary options, but then again, it's not my mod.  :grin:

(Page 14)

Edit: Okay, so I got rid of the original companion idea, and replaced it with the new and better one, as it saves time when I proof-read and edit it.
Computica said:
@SaintRouge I'm glad your still updating your companion. It'll make things easier to implement when I get back to modding.


I was searching through the topic again the other day, and realized I never added the facial code thing, so I guess it's time to re-create the face!

This is the least I can do to support the mod, and it's my pastime along with actually playing the game.  :grin:

Edit: After realizing I needed to export my character, I finally got my face key. It's not pretty, but I was able to do it in 5 minutes.
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