The come up with a title for lamby thread

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As pavlov (once again note the tiny p) promised I'm to get a tag, I'm just not funny enough to make one up so I need your help.
Use your imagination people (I'm especially counting on Worbah and all you others with sharp tongues). Feel free to be both mean and rude as long as its funny.
And pavlov, when you see something you like feel free to put it in.

Knock yourself out people

Add: When its decided I'd be happy to have it deleted or locked to stop it from clogging the forum
Death-Stare (Just look at his avatar)
The Judas Goat (Read Terry Pratchets Feet Of Clay)
The Goatse Man (Well what evidence do we have that it wasn't you?)

Nah. I'll think of some proper ones after I've woken up.
I shall list:

I came from Uranus.

Bullet-proof Lamb.

*I was probed for geographical reasons!* (That's rather a signature)

The lamb-iest one of them all.

That's all I can think of.
How about:

"Jacket in a few months!"
"Love Jacket"
'Jacket Guru"

Well you see where this is going

And when armagan deems your title inappropriate, try something along the lines of:

"Not lamP"
"Mod Boss"
"Where's Mary?"
"Mad Lamb Disease"

I are to tired to think to be witty or funny right now though.
I thought of another signature for lamb, too.

"I am living proof to the PETA that everything is going to HELL."

Ah, I am the master of bad signatures.

You can do what I do and call yourself (Animal) Commander.

a shig is a cross between a sheep and a pig. I cant find a pic, but we had a photo in our old science room at school.
Using the combination of many suggestions I decided that your tag shall be 'property of Mary' this is in part due to the fact that I liked 'Mary's *****' but knew better then to actually use it.

everyone celebrate Lamby's new tag. :razz:
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