OSP Medieval 3D Art The Colored Lances Project [Warband]

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Good idea for a project, and great choices on the colours.  My only suggestion would be to add in some wear-and-tear to the texture- a little mud, the paint not quite even, or worn off with some wood showing through... Would only take a few minutes, and would go a long way to adding to the believability.

Just my two cents.  Which, being Canadian, is probably worth less than other people's two cents.
Thanks for the tip. Was thinking about touching it up anyways. Perhaps when I make some tourney versions I'll do the touch up.....

Narf of Picklestink said:
Just my two cents.  Which, being Canadian, is probably worth less than other people's two cents.

:lol: Nice.....
:roll: There is tonnes of documentation on how you can add items. But alright. Add the textures to your texture folder (either the main one or you mod's one (or the Native - mod texture folder) then add the .brf to either commonres if you put it in the main texture folder or in your native-mod/mod folder's resource if you put it there. Then go into your native/mod module.ini file and add
load_mod_resource = colored_lance
beneath 'load_resource = town_houses_e'.

After that you enter your native/mod item_kinds1.txt and find
 itm_great_lance Great_Lance Great_Lance 1  heavy_lance 0  2286223364 201326848 410 8202 5.000000 100 0 0 0 11 0 55 0 240 0 277 0
(use ctrl+f to find it.)  Copy and paste and add a number behind 'itm_great_lance' if you want to add but not replace the native great lance model. Replace the 'heavy_lance' bit with a name of one of the meshes. These meshes can be found in the colored_lance.brf you just placed in your commonres/resource folder, but you can't open that unless you download the OpenBRF tool (or BRFedit ), so I'll list those names. These names are
and change the number at the very top (603) by adding one for every new item you add. (Thus, 604 if you add one, keep it 603 if you replace one and 610 if you add all seven.)

You could also go to the great lance entry and add
 itm_colored_lance_a Great_Lance Great_Lance 1  colored_lance_a 0  2286223364 201326848 410 8202 5.000000 100 0 0 0 11 0 55 0 240 0 277 0
 itm_colored_lance_b Great_Lance Great_Lance 1  colored_lance_b 0  2286223364 201326848 410 8202 5.000000 100 0 0 0 11 0 55 0 240 0 277 0
itm_colored_lance_c Great_Lance Great_Lance 1  colored_lance_c 0  2286223364 201326848 410 8202 5.000000 100 0 0 0 11 0 55 0 240 0 277 0
 itm_colored_lance_d Great_Lance Great_Lance 1  colored_lance_d 0  2286223364 201326848 410 8202 5.000000 100 0 0 0 11 0 55 0 240 0 277 0
 itm_colored_lance_e Great_Lance Great_Lance 1  colored_lance_e 0  2286223364 201326848 410 8202 5.000000 100 0 0 0 11 0 55 0 240 0 277 0
itm_colored_lance_f Great_Lance Great_Lance 1  colored_lance_f 0  2286223364 201326848 410 8202 5.000000 100 0 0 0 11 0 55 0 240 0 277 0
 itm_colored_lance_g Great_Lance Great_Lance 1  colored_lance_g 0  2286223364 201326848 410 8202 5.000000 100 0 0 0 11 0 55 0 240 0 277 0
and then change the number 603 to 610 and it should work. Either start a new game to give them a chance to appear right away in your game or wait a few weeks if you don't want to start a new character and they should start appearing. I hope you understand that the **** I'm on about; good luck.
Very nice.  I have done practically the same thing with my Swadian Faction.  I really like the pagentry of the late Medieval/Gothic era. 

EDIT:  I just noticed that those shields your guys are using are really HUGE
Keep up the good work i love those colored lances holycow those will look AWSOME with the Erly transitional armour now all i need is soem good  horses with caparazons like the horse in my display pic and ill be in my dream world :grin:

Awsome work also i like the Idea of adding used up textures but also would be cool if you could keep the brand new lance look so the player can choose if he just got his lance freshly painted or if he wants it to be battle worn a bit.
Awsome lances :smile: finally :grin:

Have you ever though of colorign the lowerpart of the lance too like the part he puts under his arm is still wooden just though if that was colored too it might look nice :smile:
Also 1 question i used your final example it works great and all ingame its easy to know which is which u see the textures......but when adding the items to a unit woudl u have any quick sugestion to find out which lance is what coulor?
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