The Coalition Wars - End of the Snowballing Problem

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If i remember correctly warband had a system like this no (or was it in diplomacy)? When a kingdom started to get too strong 2 or 3 others would declare war on it basically at the same time to "curb that threatening realm's power" in a sense that it had became a threat to the geopolitics of Calradia so everyone banded together to stop it and restore balance.
I have been playing Warband native and its mods since Bannerlord's release and yes this does happened all the time. Its a wonder why its not already in Bannerlord. If the Nords got too much territory then about 3 faction would start to declare war on them this would crush the snowballing faction.
If i remember correctly warband had a system like this no (or was it in diplomacy)? When a kingdom started to get too strong 2 or 3 others would declare war on it basically at the same time to "curb that threatening realm's power" in a sense that it had became a threat to the geopolitics of Calradia so everyone banded together to stop it and restore balance.
Yes, that is basically it. Bannerlord has that system aswell but it's only used against player (Arzagos' or Istiana's Conspiracy)
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